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Workshop context, objectives and outcomes

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1 Workshop context, objectives and outcomes
Technology Needs Assessment Project Second Capacity Building Workshop UNEP DTU Partnership

2 Context and major deadlines
Activity deadline First regional capacity building workshops June 2015 First draft TNA reports September 2015 Second draft TNA reports November 2015 Final TNA reports January 2016 Second regional capacity building workshops February 2016 First draft Barrier Analysis and Enabling Framework (BA&EF) May 2016 Second draft BA&EF reports September 2016 Global experience sharing workshop Final BA&EF reports November 2016 First draft TAP reports January 2017 Second draft TAP reports March 2017 Final TAP reports May 2017 Final activity report with feedback from the countries November 2017

3 Status overview TNA Phase II countries Africa & ME
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Madagascar, Mauritania, Togo, Tunisia Gambia, Jordan, Egypt, Mozambique, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania Final approved versions of TNA reports Togo, Tunisia and Jordan First draft reports submitted Madagascar, Mauritania, Swaziland (adaptation), Gambia

4 Status overview Africa and Middle East Mitigation sectors
Adaptation sectors

5 To identify policies and strategies to overcome identified barriers;
Workshop objectives To provide National TNA Coordinators and consultants with training on how: To Identify barriers to technology diffusion by using market mapping and other tools; To identify policies and strategies to overcome identified barriers; To Identify elements of an ‘enabling framework’ to accelerate technology deployment; To develop TAPs that describe specific actions to strengthen the enabling frameworks as a means to overcome the identified barriers and facilitate the transfer, adoption, and diffusion of selected technologies

6 Expected workshop outcomes
Participants should have: Knowledge of the progress made, challenges faced and corrective measures used by the other countries of the same region; Familiarity with the various technology categories and corresponding market characteristics (market/non-market); Familiarity with the guiding principles for the identification of barriers and measures to overcome barriers that lead to an improved enabling environment for technology transfer;  An understanding of, by using market mapping as a technique, how to identify measures, analyse market systems and enabling frameworks;

7 Expected workshop outcomes - cont'
Participants should be: Able to prepare well-structured/elaborated TAPs, including a selection of specific project ideas with a realistic chance of being funded.; Very clear about the content of a TAP and its main objective; And; ready to prepare a work plan for the rest of project's activities.

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