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PHER Process and documents

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1 PHER Process and documents

2 Who is around us? HL7 is organized into 4 Technical Steering Divisions
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantics Technical and Support Services PHER is part of the Domain Experts Steering Division (DESD) The DESD main page is at  The DESD wiki is at  Other workgroups in DESD are: Anesthesiology Attachments Child Health Clinical Genomics Clinical Interoperability Council Clinical Quality Information Community Based Collaborative Care Emergency Care Health Care Devices Learning Health Systems Patient Care Pharmacy Regulated Clinical Research Information Management We see (and vote on) the work of other WGs in DESD (PSS approval, WG rearrangements, M&C, etc)

3 Finding PHER co-chairs
PHER web page: Erin was re-elected as co-chair in San Antonio Next elections are in September

4 Finding PHER documents

5 Finding PHER projects

6 Finding PHER Products

7 PHER Wiki lic_Health_and_Emergency_Respons e_work_group_(PHER)

8 PHER Wiki You can schedule time on a future PHER call yourself
If you need more than 20 minutes, talk to us Be respectful of others on the agenda

9 Harmonization nts/harmonization/inde x.cfm?ref=nav Harmonization helps to ensure that all product families are consistent Largely related to tables of values Regular calls every few months Each work group should send a representative Deadlines for submitting content to discuss

10 Major Documents Decision Making Process (DMP) Mission and Charter
making%20practices%20DMP_v3_ doc Mission and Charter This has recently been updated We try to review these yearly at the September WGM (Thursday Q3)

11 Decision making process (DMP) Document
er/PHER_decision- making%20practices%20DMP_v3_ doc The PHER DMP is substantially similar to the default HL7 DMP that WGs may adopt One major addition to the PHER document is in section 8.2 dealing with proxies Quorum Requirements A co-chair and at least two other HL7 PHER members be present, where no single organization or party represents more than a simple majority of the voting Work Group membership for that meeting

12 Decision making process (DMP) Document
Decision Threshold Strive for consensus in decision-making; however, decisions of the Work Group are affirmed by simple majority Re-opening a previous decision requires a formal motion, second, and two-thirds (66%) majority affirmative vote Electronic Voting If the motion was NOT made, seconded and discussed during a quorum meeting then, the workgroup will circulate the motion and request a second via the list service. Once seconded electronic voting may commence immediately. Electronic votes will be held open for a minimum period of 1 week but may be longer Quorum for electronic voting will be set at 90% of the number of attendees at the last meeting or call at which quorum was achieved

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