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CUE Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition

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1 CUE Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition 2017-18
Pleasure to be here to today to tell you more about Horizon and our suite of technologies based around a core expertise in human genome editing and how we are applying this to better understand the human genome, find new validated targets and support targeted drug discovery with predictive, genetically-defined, in vitro models that accurately represent target patient groups. Dr Darrin M Disley Entrepreneur, Angel Investor & Enterprise Champion

2 “Cambridge is a low-risk place to do high-risk things”
A good place to start your entrepreneurial journey “Cambridge is a low-risk place to do high-risk things” Dr Andy Richards CBE

3 I believe in Cambridge entrepreneurship (it works)
$150,000 corporate commitment (6th year of 10) Training, mentoring and internship Geraldine Rodgers Enterprise Scholarship CUE business plan creation sponsorship CEO apprenticeship program $1,300,000 personal commitment (7th year of 10) MBE student bursaries Geraldine Rodgers Enterprise Scholarship CUE life science start-up of the year CUE young entrepreneur of the year CUTEC enterprise conference sponsorship Footprint Cafes

4 CUE alumni have raised >£250 million and created c1,000 jobs
UI enabling electronics Raised £35million Chemosensors / Dx screening Raised £100million Linked In / aggregator Raised £1 million Pharma software Raised £10million Micro-inverters/monitoring Raised £27million Genomic data sharing Raised £3 million Micoencapsulation Raised £9million CRISPR guide design Raised £2.3million Diagnostic Signatures Raised £5.5 million Patient record ID Raised £4 million Geospatial big data (YEOTY) Raised £10.4million Rare diseases Raised £1.75million Principled AI (YEOTY) Raised £10 million

5 Young entrepreneur of the year - purpose
The Young Entrepreneurs of the Year will be individuals who demonstrate the ambition, determination and vision to pursue a life long journey of becoming an entrepreneur. Two awards to be conferred in Life Science and IT/Tech/Software sectors Will not necessarily be individuals with an immediate business idea Will require significant commitment throughout the 2017/18 year Has reliably identified individuals who have gone on to create businesses Geospatial big data (YEOTY) Raised £10.4million Principled AI (YEOTY) Raised £10 million Diagnostic Signatures Raised £5.5 million

6 Young entrepreneur of the year - program
Workshop 1: Hitting a home run in business Profile building Dos and don'ts of writing a business plan Perfect elevator pitch Discussions on entrepreneurial topics Workshop 2: Marketing and selling your ideas Selling your products/services Construction of marketing plan (in multi-functional teams) Workshop 3: Presentation of marketing plan Pitches for cash Interviews: short-listed candidates will be invited to attend a final interview and will be asked to create a personal career development plan built around the values of resilience, resourcefulness, reflection and reciprocity

7 Young entrepreneur of the year - opportunities
Prize money: £2,500 to each winner plus certificate Mentoring: 8 hours per year Networks: Angel investment (direct) Angel funds VC investor networks Public market investor network Global customer networks Apprentice: Optional interview for 12 month Corp. Devt. Apprentice

8 young entrepreneur of the year – in looking for an apprentice
Benefits Salaried position plus stock incentives 3 months working overseas Full-integrated apprenticeship 12 month job/opportunity interview

9 Dr Darrin m Disley CEO & President

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