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Presentation on theme: "THE NATIONAL CASA PRE-SERVICE VOLUNTEER TRAINING"— Presentation transcript:

Lift up a child's voice A child's life.™ THE NATIONAL CASA PRE-SERVICE VOLUNTEER TRAINING

2 Chapter 7: Educational Advocacy, Older & LGBTQ Youth
Pre-Work Recap, Chapter Overview & Competencies Permanence Educational Advocacy Advocating for Older Youth & LGBTQ Youth Working a Case Chapter Wrap-Up: Review & Evaluation Chapter 8: Pre-Work 2

3 Chapter 7: Pre-Work Recap
Watch the video “How Resilience Is Built” and think about relationships you had as a youth that helped you build resilience Listen to the audio clip “Childhood Reflections” Read the “Statistics on Youth Aging Out of Foster Care”, which appears in the Chapter 7 Online Resources. Read the Initial Case Notes for the “Brown Case” Go through the Ecological Model of Factors Affecting Resilience 3

4 Chapter 7: Pre-Work Recap (cont.)
Review “Adverse Childhood Experiences” Read the article on “Concurrent Planning” and prepare to answer the lists of questions that follow Re-read the “Greene Case” and Amarillo Case” Read the article on “Educational Challenges for Children in the Child Welfare System” Prepare answers to questions that follow based on your K-12 experiences Review LGBTQ Glossary 4

5 Chapter 7: Overview This chapter addresses issues related to resilience and permanence, children’s educational needs, advocating for older youth, and the challenges faced by LGBTQ youth in the system. You’ll also continue to explore cultural competence and child welfare law. 5

6 Chapter 7: Chapter Overview and Competencies
Competency Category Knowledge, Skills, Attributes, Behavior Development in Chapter 7 Foundation of Knowledge Understands the factors that contribute to a child’s resilience Understands the importance of resilience in overcoming trauma in children Understands concurrent planning Understand options for permanence for the child Understands how CASA/GAL advocacy differs for young children and older youth Knows strategies to address educational challenges Understands the issues faced by LGBTQ youth in the child welfare system 6

7 Chapter 7: Educational Advocacy, Older & LGBTQ Youth
Pre-Work Recap, Chapter Overview & Competencies Permanence Educational Advocacy Advocating for Older Youth & LGBTQ Youth Working a Case Chapter Wrap-Up: Review & Evaluation Chapter 8: Pre-Work 7

8 Chapter 7: Factors Affecting Resilience
Influences 8

9 Revisiting Resilience
Chapter 7: Factors Affecting Resilience 7A Revisiting Resilience What impact did these factors have on the case? How could a CASA/GAL volunteer help nurture resilience in Marky or Maria? 9

10 Chapter 7: Factors Affecting Resilience
7B Baily’s Story Video 10

11 Chapter 7: Permanence 7B Children require a primary attachment figure; an adult who consistently meets their emotional & physical needs Typically filled by a biological parent Other caring adults who commit unconditionally to the child can also meet the child’s need for permanence 11

12 Chapter 7: Permanence As a CASA/GAL volunteer:
7B As a CASA/GAL volunteer: Advocate for a safe, permanent home as soon as possible, honoring the child’s culture & sense of time Possible “permanent” options: Return to parent Adoption (by a relative or nonrelative) Kinship Guardianship 12

13 Chapter 7: Permanence What is Kinship Guardianship?
7B What is Kinship Guardianship? Subsidized alternative to adoption for children or youth who have been placed with relatives Relatives are certified foster parents Placement lasts six months or more 13

14 Chapter 7: Permanence Fictive Kin
7B Fictive Kin Guardianship by individuals who, while not related to a child, play an important role in a child’s life Long-Term Foster Care Becomes the plan for older children or children labeled as difficult for whom there is no identified family This is an impermanent solution. A new dialogue around how to make permanence a reality is needed 14

15 Chapter 7: Factors Affecting Resilience
7B Permanence – Baily’s Story In what ways did Baily find permanence? In what ways didn’t she? How could a CASA/GAL volunteer have made a difference in Baily’s case? 15

16 Chapter 7: Concurrent Planning
Involves working on two solutions simultaneously: Solution One: To return the child home Solution Two: To find an alternative permanent placement Moves a case more quickly through the system with better results Is family-centered, with parents involved in decision making from the start CASA/GAL volunteer explores all available options while providing culturally sensitive feedback to parents 16

17 Chapter 7: Educational Advocacy, Older & LGBTQ Youth
Pre-Work Recap, Chapter Overview & Competencies Permanence Educational Advocacy Advocating for Older Youth & LGBTQ Youth Working a Case Chapter Wrap-Up: Review & Evaluation Chapter 8: Pre-Work 17

18 Chapter 7: Educational Advocacy
Questions to consider: How might a tool like this be helpful in a case with an older youth? How might it be helpful in a case with a younger or even preschool-aged child? How might it be helpful in preventing problems and intervening early so that students can be successful? 18

19 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Permanence within a family Permanence through significant adult connection; interdependent living ? ? 19

20 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Permanence within a family Permanence through significant adult connection; interdependent living 20

21 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Partner with youth in assessment, facilitation, advocacy, & monitoring ? ? Volunteer takes lead in assessment, facilitation, advocacy, & monitoring 21

22 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Volunteer takes lead in assessment, facilitation, advocacy, & monitoring Partner with youth in assessment, facilitation, advocacy, & monitoring 22

23 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Review records, interview, determine appropriateness of permanency plan, make recommendations, maintain records ? ? Focus on preparation for successful independent living 23

24 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Review records, interview, determine appropriateness of permanency plan, make recommendations, maintain records Focus on preparation for successful independent living 24

25 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Maintaining appropriate relationship boundaries Maintaining a relationship with children and families ? ? 25

26 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Maintaining a relationship with children and families Maintaining appropriate relationship boundaries 26

27 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Preparation to age out Minimum sufficient level of care ? ? 27

28 Chapter 7: Comparing Advocacy
Infancy to Early Teen Years Adolescent Youth Minimum sufficient level of care Preparation to age out 28

29 Chapter 7: Educational Advocacy, Older & LGBTQ Youth
Pre-Work Recap, Chapter Overview & Competencies Permanence Educational Advocacy Advocating for Older Youth & LGBTQ Youth Working a Case Chapter Wrap-Up: Review & Evaluation Chapter 8: Pre-Work 29

30 Chapter 7: Advocating for Older Youth
What would the outcome be for Maria Amarillo if she remained in foster care until aging out and did not receive help navigating through the following systems? Education Housing or Living Situation Mental Health Employment Finances 30

31 Chapter 7: Advocating for LGBTQ Youth
There is a disproportionate number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth in foster care. As a CASA/GAL volunteer show professionalism, appropriateness and cultural competency skills in advocating for such youth. Randy’s Story 31

32 Chapter 7: Educational Advocacy, Older & LGBTQ Youth
Pre-Work Recap, Chapter Overview & Competencies Permanence Educational Advocacy Advocating for Older Youth & LGBTQ Youth Working a Case Chapter Wrap-Up: Review & Evaluation Chapter 8: Pre-Work 32

33 Chapter 7: The Brown Case
August 7 (last year): Urgent Care Center notified CPS of 14-year-old Jessica Brown, who had been treated for broken ribs. Jessica told CPS social worker (SW) that she had run away from home the night before after being beaten “for the last time” by her mother’s live-in boyfriend, Wayne Pender. August 8 (last year): Child released from hospital and placed by CPS into emergency foster care.  33

34 Chapter 7: The Brown Case
August 19 (last year): Jessica removed from foster home after she confided to her foster mother that she is lesbian and the mother uncomfortable with Jessica sharing a room with her 13-year-old daughter. Jessica has been placed in Abigail Barton Home for Girls. November 8 (last year): Abigail Barton Home for Girls notified SW that Jessica Brown did not return to the group home after school.  34

35 Chapter 7: The Brown Case
December 21 (last year): SW received call from Jessica asking for assistance as she was living on the street since running away from the group home. She stated she had been harassed and bullied, hit, and was teased with names such as “Jessie the Lessie” and “dyke” by other girls in the group home. SW located emergency foster care for Jessica. December 29 (last year): Jessica was placed with paternal cousin, Candice Clark (age 30). 35

36 Chapter 7: Resources Section of a Court Report
Describes strengths, skills or previous successful coping instances of the biological family Any resources within the extended family to provide connection, respite or additional help Community resources that might provide additional support or services Note: Use the State Court Report Template provided in Chapter 2. 36

37 Chapter 7: Educational Advocacy, Older & LGBTQ Youth
Pre-Work Recap, Chapter Overview & Competencies Permanence Educational Advocacy Advocating for Older Youth & LGBTQ Youth Working a Case Chapter Wrap-Up: Review & Evaluation Chapter 8: Pre-Work 37

38 Chapter 7: Domestic Violence & Cultural Competence
In this chapter, you learned about: The adverse childhood experiences and the factors that contribute to a child’s resilience Concurrent planning and the options for permanence for a child Establishing permanence is especially important for older youth CASA/GAL advocacy that differs for young children and older youth Educational challenges faced by children in the child welfare system Issues faced by LGBTQ youth in the child welfare system Family and community resources in a CASA/GAL volunteer court report 38

39 Chapter 7: Evaluation Please fill out the Chapter 7 volunteer training evaluation and give to the facilitator. 39

40 Chapter 8: Pre-Work Bring to the Chapter 8 session the Developing Competencies checklist that you filled out at the beginning of training Read the Initial Case Notes for the Redd Case Read the Redd Case packet with all the interviews Complete the Program’s Court Report Template provided based on Redd Case Notes and submit for evaluation to Facilitator 40


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