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SHORT LHC-TS Coordination meeting #1

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1 SHORT LHC-TS2-2017 Coordination meeting #1
5th September, 2017 AGENDA LHC-TS2 preparation – Maria Barberan AOB

2 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
General reminders All LOCK OUT requests via Impact LHC-TS2-2017 Access possible from Monday 18th 8am, to Wednesday 20th 5pm (see access contraints) Beam off cryo start back on Thursday morning ATLAS ready for beam on Thursday afternoon (worst case) The LHC machine will be in Automatic Restricted Mode Access with Key Inter-site doors will remain closed Piquet’s phone number: from Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th INDICO: (LHC-TS2-2017) OSS website (planning, constraints…): LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

3 Access conditions related to Cryo
Access to P2, P8 & P5 IT areas with Work Authorisation approved LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

4 Inner Triplets interventions
P2 SURVEY Measurement IT area LHC TS2 MONDAY 18h September 6h00 7h00 14h00 18h00 BEAM OFF P2 CRYO Reconfig. (4h) TUESDAY 19th September WEDNESDAY 20th September BEAM ON THURSDAY 21st September P2 Reduction consumption + ALICE (8MW) P2 CRYO recovery (24h) P2 CRYO Fill IT & Final recovery (Cryo Start) 15h00 12h00 13h00 P5 CRYO Empty IT P5 CRYO Fill IT (Cryo start) P5 X-Ray DFBX to IT area P2 EN-EL Protection “Anti-fouine” P2 CRYO Empty IT P8 CRYO P8 CRYO Fill IT (Cryo Start) P8 SURVEY Measurement IT area P18/P2 CRYO Safety temp. sensors Point 2 Point 5 Point 8 19h00 8h00 DFBX Lock-out DFBX Electrical Unlock out Cryo Lock-out Cryo Lock out 16h30 Cryo Unlock-out Cryo Unock-out Cryo Unlock out Full power According to survey completion in ITs (12h00-15h00)  Cryo start readyness on Thursday between 7h00 and 12h00 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

5 Interventions on Point 4
No empty of RF cryogenics No access in RUX 45 during the TS2 (RF cavities filled) Access in RB44 and RB46 from Monday to Wednesday 14h00 (BI activities) Presently a VIC is foreseen in UX45 on Tuesday, to anticipate the PR refurbishment foreseen during the YETS Last Tuesday (29th Aug.), during the LHC coordination meeting  request from Gino Cipolla to access in RUX 45 to replace some dampers. This request is presently not compatible with the decision to not empty the RF, due to the Helium Spill risk. TE-EPC would like to test and power on the power converter RA47U3, but this is under discussion, because this should prevent any access in RB44 and RB46 (tbc) LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

6 Interventions on Point 4
LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

7 TOTEM – S. 4-5 & 5-6 Detector exchange packages and Vertical lifting
LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

8 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
TDE U62 Investigation Activities declared: Opening of the shielding Visual inspection Robotic intervention for leak detection Possible leak rate reduction (if any) Closing of the shielding Due to RP restrictions the shielding cannot be opened before Tuesday morning (TBC by RP) Material can nevertheless be transported in the area already on Monday after RP patrol Open points: Cryo conditions for the passage of the equipment above the QRL ? Installation of N2 lines ? VIC to be planned? Are they some investigations planned in UD68? LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

9 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
BE-BI activities LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

10 Work authorizations (Helium spill risk) updated on 4th Sept. 2017
No new Work authorisations for TS2?? TE-MSC  Magnet inspection in IT P2, P5 & P8 EN-ACE-SU  Measures of the DFBX and Triplets in P2 and P8 EN-MME  X-Ray DFBX in P5 EN-ACE-OSS  Visit for list equipment under the IT P2, P5 & P8  on going LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

11 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
RP survey priority Point 2  access as soon as possible to 16L2 Point 5  TOTEM activities Point 4  BE-BI interventions LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

12 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
Constraints LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

13 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
Constraints LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

14 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
Constraints LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

15 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
Constraints LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

16 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
IMPACTS : BE @ Monday 4th LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

17 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
IMPACTS: EN EN-CV Lock out needed P6 – P7 – P8? @ Monday 4th LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

18 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
IMPACTS: TE circuit RCBXH2.R1 (spurious trips) circuit RSS.A56B1 in RR57 (spurious trip) TE-ABT Lock out needed P6? TE-MPE Lock out needed P1 – P5 ?? @ Monday 4th LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

19 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
IMPACTS: EP, IT & SMB @ Monday 4th LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

20 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
Lock-out requests Electrical Lockout Cryogenic Lockout EN-ACE-SU  Measures of the DFBX and Triplets EN-MME  X-Ray DFBX @ Monday 4th LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

21 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
VIC requests UX45 pour activité du pont roulant PR-711 RUX65 pour intervention sur dump (?) @ Monday 4th LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

22 Roadmap towards YETS and LS2
Week th September: BE-RF – K. Turaj LHC-TS2 preparation: EN-ACE-OSS Week th September: Week 38- LHC technical stop 2 Week 39 – 26th September TE-MSC cryogenics magnets – Sandrine le Naour / JPh Tock TE-MSC – Philippe Denis TE-MPE - Giorgio D’Angelo/ Reiner Denz / Richard Mompo SMB-SE – Frederic Magnin / Christophe Biot Week 40- 3rd October EN-EL-FC: Cabling – Jean Claude Guillaume / Antonio Gonzales TE - EPC: Power converters activities – Valerie Montabonnet / Hugues Thiesen TE-VSC –G. Bregliozzi / Eric Page / Jaime Perez Week th October EN-HE-HH – Serge Pelletier TE-ABT – Francesco Castronuovo/Laurent Ducimetiere ECR Overview for YETS & LS2 – Anne Laure Perrot EN-EA activities – ? Week th October TE-CRG Updates - K. Brodzinski / G. Ferlin / A. Perin BE-OP – Mirko Pojer RP Recommendations – Cristina Adorisio / Christophe Tromel LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

23 LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS2 2017 EDMS 1831734; INDICO 640531
Back up slides LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

All - LSS1L – Point 1 - LSS1R Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

Arc1-2 – Point 1.8 – Ti2 Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

LSS2L - Point 2 – LSS2R Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

P3.2 – Arc2.3 – P3 – Arc3.4 Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

LSS4L – Point 4 – LSS4R Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

Arc4.5 – LSS5L – Point 5 Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

LSS5R – Arc 56 Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

LSS6L – P6 – LSS6R Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

Arc 76 - LSS7L – P7 – LSS7R – Arc 7.8 Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

LSS8L – P8 – LSS8R Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

Arc8.1 – Ti8 Personal ODH MANDATORY in the arc LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS EDMS ; INDICO

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