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Structural RTL for the br and brl instructions

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1 Structural RTL for the br and brl instructions
Syntax: brzr rb, rc Step RTN T0-T2 Instruction Fetch T3 CON cond(R[rc]); T4 CON: PC R[rb]; Syntax: brlzr ra, rb, rc Step RTN T0-T2 Instruction Fetch T3 CON cond(R[rc]); T4 CON: R[ra] PC; T5 CON: PC R[rb];

2 Review

3 CS501 Advanced Computer Architecture
Lecture13 Dr.Noor Muhammad Sheikh

4 Structural RTL for the br and brl instructions
Syntax: brzr rb, rc CON: PC R[rb]; T4 CON cond(R[rc]); T3 Instruction Fetch T0-T2 RTN Step Question: What will be the difference for the br rb, brlnv ra and brl ra, rb instructions ? Syntax: brlzr ra, rb, rc CON: R[ra] PC; T4 CON: PC R[rb]; T5 CON cond(R[rc]); T3 Instruction Fetch T0-T2 RTN Step

5 Structural RTL for the shr instruction
Syntax: shr ra, rb, c3 OR shr ra, rb, rc Step RTN T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 n<4..0> IR<4..0>; T4 (N = 0) : (n<4..0> R[rc]<4..0>); T5 C (Nα0) © R[rb]<31..N>; T6 R[ra] C; Remember: C3 is the count field, i.e. C3<4..0>:= IR<4..0> n represents a 5-bit register; IR bits 0 to 4 are copied into it N is the decimal value of the number in this register other instructions that will have similar tables are: shl, shc, shra e.g., for shra, T5 will have C← (NαR[rb]<31>) © R[rb]<31..N>;

6 A Unibus Data Path Implementation for FALCON-A
<15..0> holds MSB of dividend Other ALSU functions R0 R1 16 lines General purpose registers (16-bits each) AH A R7 ADD SUB ALSU PC SHIFTL IR MAR MBR CH C Holds mul and div results To external CPU bus Internal processor bus

7 Structural RTL for the sub instruction
Format: sub ra, rb, rc Step RTL T0 MAR PC, C PC + 2; T1 MBR M[MAR], PC C; T2 IR MBR; T3 A R[rb]; T4 C A - R[rc]; T5 R[ra] C; Instruction Fetch Instruction Execute At the end of each sequence, the timing step generator is initialized to T0

8 Needed for the following instructions/operations
ALSU Functions Needed ALSU Function Needed for the following instructions/operations ADD add, addi SUB sub, subi MUL mul DIV div AND and, andi OR or, ori NOT not; applies to the B input of the ALSU SHIFTL shiftl SHIFTR shiftr ASR asr C=B to load from the bus directly into C INC2 to increment the PC by 2; applies to the B input; assuming a barrel shifter with five n<4..0> signals available as well

9 Structural RTL for the add instruction
Format: add ra, rb, rc Step RTL T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 A R[rb]; T4 C A + R[rc]; T5 R[ra] C; other instructions that will have similar tables are: and, or, sub

10 Structural RTL for the mul instruction
Format: mul ra, rb, rc Step RTL T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 A R[rb]; T4 CH©C A * R[rc], T5 R[0] CH; T6 R[ra] C; The FALCON-A mul and div instructions assume unsigned integer operands only

11 Structural RTL for the div instruction
Format: div ra, rb, rc Step RTL T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 A ← R[rb]; T4 AH ← R[0]; T5 CH ← (AH©A )% R[rc], C ← (AH©A) / R[rc]; T6 R[ra] ← C; T7 R[0] ← CH;

12 Structural RTL for the not instruction
Format: not ra, rb Step RTL T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 C ← !(R[rb]); T4 R[ra] ← C;

13 Structural RTL for the addi instruction
Format: addi ra, rb, c1 Step RTL T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 A R[rb]; T4 C A + c1(sign extend); T5 R[ra] C; Sign extension for 5-bit c1 is the same as : (11αIR<4> ©IR<4..0>) Sign extension for 8-bit c2 is the same as : (8αIR<7> ©IR<7..0>) other instructions that will have similar tables are: andi, ori, subi

14 RTL for the load and store instructions Format: store ra, [rb+c1]
Format: load ra, [rb+c1] Format: store ra, [rb+c1] Step RTL for Id RTL for st T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 A R[rb]; A R[rb]; T4 C A + (11αIR<4> ©IR<4..0>); C A + (11αIR<4> ©IR<4..0>); T5 MAR C; MAR C; T6 MBR M[MAR]; MBR R [ra]; T7 R[ra] MBR; M[MAR] MBR; sign extension of c1 load and store are the same up to step T5

15 Structural RTL for the jump instructions
Format: jz ra, [c2] Step RTN T0-T2 Instruction Fetch T3 CON ← cond(R[ra]); T4 A ← PC; T5 C ← A + c2(sign extend); T6 PC ← C;

16 Recall from pervious lecture
Type II Op-code ra 8 10 11 15 c2 7 Recall from pervious lecture …plus four here), plus.. jz (op-code= 19) jump if zero jz r3, [4] (R[3]=0): PC← PC+ 2; jnz (op-code= 18) jump if not zero jnz r4, [variable] (R[4]≠0): PC← PC+ variable; jpl (op-code= 16) jump if positive jpl r3, [label] (R[3]≥0): PC ← PC+ (label-PC); jmi (op-code= 17) jump if negative jmi r7, [address] (R[7]<0): PC← PC+ address;

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