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Blood count Lab 4 Naseem AL-Mthray.

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Presentation on theme: "Blood count Lab 4 Naseem AL-Mthray."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood count Lab 4 Naseem AL-Mthray

2 Blood count: The complete blood count or CBC test is used as a broad screening test to check for such diseases as anemia, infection. which examines different parts of the blood. we can use hemacytometer and microscope at counting blood. Naseem AL-Mthray

3 Hemocytometer The hemocytometer is a device designed for the counting of blood cells. It is now also used to count other types of cells Naseem AL-Mthray

4 hemocytometer consisting of:
2 pipettes one for the red cells and other one for the white cells . A thick glass slide is on average 25 theater box. Each square is divided, including 16 square smaller ,It was invented by Louis-Charles Malassez Naseem AL-Mthray

5 Red Cell Count This measurement is made with a microscope and hemacytometer. The RBC is recorded as millions of cells per cubic millimeter. Naseem AL-Mthray

6 Naseem AL-Mthray

7 The objective of the experiment:
Set the number of red blood cells in a blood sample taken from a human using Haemocytometer. Naseem AL-Mthray

8 The principle of the experiment
+ = Rely on the experience of blood-thinning solution reduce red blood cells (a solution of isotonic sodium chloride, 0.9) + = Nacl Naseem AL-Mthray

9 Tools used in the experiment:
1 - Haemocytometer 2 - solution isotonic to reduce red blood cells 3 - covers slides 4 - microscope Nacl Naseem AL-Mthray

10 + Experiment steps: Nacl =
1 - attending the solution isotonic to the blood-thinning, which is a sodium chloride dissolved in distilled water. Nacl + = Naseem AL-Mthray

11 2 - drag by sucking the blood is 0
2 - drag by sucking the blood is 0.5 then complete the solution of equal tension in order to mark 101. Shake and then pipette to mix the blood with solution of equal tension. Naseem AL-Mthray

12 3 - get rid of a few drops of diluted blood then put a drop of blood at the edge of the glass cover subject on the slide. Leave the slide for two minutes to precipitate the red blood cells and then placed under a microscope to examine. Naseem AL-Mthray

13 4 - make small screening force to determine the distribution of red blood cells 5 - The count of red blood cells use a big lens. Is the number in five large boxes. Note that all the big box contains 16 small square, which is the count in 80 small box. Naseem AL-Mthray

14 Naseem AL-Mthray

15 mm3/M 4.5 - 6.5 Man 3.8 – 5.8 Women 4.8 – 3.2 Children
Naseem AL-Mthray

16 Method of calculation:
The total number of red blood cells in 80 small square = n Mitigation = 1: 200 The number of red blood cells in 1 mm 3 of blood = n * red blood cell / mm 3 of blood Naseem AL-Mthray

17 Naseem AL-Mthray

18 White Blood Cell Count The white blood cell count (WBC) is the total number of leukocytes in a volume of blood, expressed as thousands/µl. As with the RBC, the WBC can be done by manual methods or by automated cell counters. Naseem AL-Mthray

19 The objective of the experiment:
Set the number of white blood cells in a sample of blood taken from human use Hemocytometer Naseem AL-Mthray

20 Tools used in the experiment:
1 - Hemocytometer 2 - solution relieve the white blood cells and consists of: A - 3 ml acetic acid snowy (to break down red blood cells) B - 1 ml Methyl violet (dye to white cells). C - 96 ml of distilled water 3 - covers slides 4 - Microscope Naseem AL-Mthray

21 The principle of the experiment:
Dependent on blood-thinning experiment the solution to ease your white blood cells, which analyzes the red blood cells, white blood cells, leaving intact. Naseem AL-Mthray

22 Experiment steps 1 - attended the lotion reduce white blood cells and Swab the tip of a little-used finger with 70% EtOH. Naseem AL-Mthray

23 2 - drag by sucking the blood is 0
2 - drag by sucking the blood is 0.5 and then completed a mitigation solution until the mark 11 and Mix a solution of blood dilution. Naseem AL-Mthray

24 3 - get rid of a few drops of diluted blood through the bottom hole of the pipette then put a drop of blood diluted at the edge of the glass cover subject on the slide. Naseem AL-Mthray

25 4 - make small screening force to determine the distribution of white blood cells as it should be a homogeneous distribution and no pool, which was found it means that blood is not withdrawn in the right way did not ease as it should. Naseem AL-Mthray

26 5 - count the white blood cells use a Microscope
5 - count the white blood cells use a Microscope . The count is in four large boxes located in the corners of the large box. Note that all the big box contains 16 small square, which is the count in 64 small square Naseem AL-Mthray

27 Method of calculation:
Mitigation = 1:20 The number of white blood cells in 64 small square (4 X 16) = n The number of white blood cells in mm 3 of blood = n* 50 white blood cell / mm 3 of blood Naseem AL-Mthray

28 Naseem AL-Mthray

29 mm3/ adult Children Naseem AL-Mthray

30 طريقة عد كريات الدم الحمراء والبيضاء:
Naseem AL-Mthray

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