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Training for SUN NCOP Staff

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1 Training for SUN NCOP Staff
Sept 25th 2017

2 Purpose of session To provide initial information about Careerpilot and what it offers so that you can decide how you will use it with schools/colleges/students in your NCOP: Update: New site, Reporting Zone, data sharing, etc. Show the ways Careerpilot is used or could be used. Available resources and support. How will you use Careerpilot?

3 Now South of England site
All 12 unis in the South West have co-fund Careerpilot since 2013 New funding partners September 2017 Southern Universities Network (SUN) NCOP (MOU signed) University of Southampton University of Portsmouth The University of Winchester Southampton Solent University Study Higher NCOP Buckinghamshire New University Oxford University Oxford Brookes University University of Reading 6 NCOPs will be using CP

4 Reporting Zone Student Zone The Careerpilot Zones Parent Zone
NEW Student Zone Parent Zone Adviser Zone

5 The Student area has two parts
Reporting Zone

6 22 job sectors, 100s of job profiles




10 Career Tools linked to Reporting Zone



13 Start Here; 5 things to do


15 Populates the Reporting Zone


17 Questions: Experiences, skills and qualities and achievements








25 Reporting Zone: How it works
Can access data from any school with a signed DSA NCOP Complete DSA NCOP ‘Keeper of the password’ receives password Can set up NCOP users and give them access to specific schools Can set up a school group and add students from the school to it Schools have the same ‘rights’ for their school School completes DSA

26 Reporting Zone School Groups USERS Reports by user Reports by school


28 Reporting by school group


30 All Career Tools

31 Report by user


33 The Parent Zone

34 1 2 Hands On Task Register as a user
1. Choose an which is e.g. Make up a password 2. Choose year group (post 16 if want to see HE Skills Map) 3. Put yourself in Training School 1 2 Feedback one thing you have found useful

35 How NCOPs are using Careerpilot

36 1:1 and small group sessions
1:1 Careerpilot sessions of one hour (10) Year 10 Small group Careerpilot ‘Keep on Track’ sessions (12) Year 11 Small group Careerpilot ‘Keep on Track’ sessions (5) Year 13 1:1 Careerpilot sessions of one hour (6) Year 12 Parents, teachers, etc. Groups In schools: Delivered by qualified careers adviser In college: Careerpilot session facilitated by NCOP College rep (not IAG) Employing careers advisers to offer 1:1 with Y11 NCOP students


38 Deliver to ALL students in a year group
Deliver a centralised lesson plan and presentation to one year group: All Year 9 All Year 12 do HE Skills Map

39 Build capacity in the school
Train key school staff and then offer whole school or key stage training.

40 Materials (non NCOP from CP)
The Careerpilot FREE offer to schools across the South of England: Limited pot of 30 sessions: Careerpilot Teacher Training session for a school/college, by webinar: Minimum 45 mins in an IT room. Minimum staff = 5 Free promo Materials (non NCOP from CP) Free access to Reporting Tool

41 Central Careerpilot Team Webinar Programme:
September Tues 26th September –New features update for current users (already advertised) October Weds 4th October – New features update for current users (already advertised) Mon 9th October –New features update for current users (already advertised) Tues 17th October – Introduction to Careerpilot (staff) November Thurs 2nd November - Students Post 16 Webinar (students) Mon 6th November – Introduction to Careerpilot (staff) Tues 21st November – Students KS4 Webinar (students) December Mon 4th December – Students KS4 Webinar Weds 13th December – Students Post 16 Webinar Help videos: How to use RZ, Intro to CP, etc.

42 Super users Meet 4 criteria: Request materials
Link on school/college website Over 100 registrations Inform parents

43 How will you use Careerpilot in SUN?

44 What additional training or support do you need to achieve your plans?

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