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Climate Change and Community Interactions

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1 Climate Change and Community Interactions

2 Do Now “Its quite gloomy today! This is not a norm for California as it is usually sunny during this time of the year”. Read the above sentence and identify the part that talks about weather and the part that talks about climate. How would you define weather and climate?

3 Climate Vs. Weather Climate: is the year after year conditions of temperature and precipitation in a particular region. Weather: is the day-to-day condition of the Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place.

4 Inquiry Activity #1 Read article 1 and discuss and answer the following questions in pairs: Underline the main idea of the article. What kind of text is this? (argumentative, compare and contrast, expository, cause and effect) What are some of the biology vocab words used that are new to you? Underline them and in your pairs come up with a meaning for those words. What conclusion can you make after reading the article? Provide 3 evidences to support your conclusion.

5 Factors that shape the Climate
Greenhouse Effect: The phenomenon through which certain gases like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor maintain Earth’s temperature and conditions to sustain life is called greenhouse effect.

6 Global Warming Global Warming: is the gradual rise in temperature due to build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. - Global warming can cause change in temperature.

7 Factors that cause Global Warming
Deforestation Burning of fossil fuels Pollution of land and oceans Increased agriculture

8 Effect of Latitudes Due to Earth being a sphere, tilted on an axis, the sun strikes the surface of the Earth at different places with different angles giving us latitudes. This difference has given rise to: Polar Zone: Temperate Zone: Tropical Zone:


10 Community Interactions
Communities of different species interact with each other in ways that effect climate: Predation Competition Parasitism Symbiosis Mutualism Commensalism

11 Human Contributions Humans also effect climate and can cause drastic changes through: Deforestation Burning more fossil fuels Increased agriculture Pollution of land and oceans

12 What is a Niche? A niche includes all biotic and abiotic factors that the organism interacts with. For example: A niche could talk about the food the organism eats, what physical conditions are required for the organism to survive and it could also be used to describe the reproductive nature of the organism. No two species can occupy the same niche in the same habitat.


14 Inquiry Activity #2 Read article 1 and discuss and answer the following questions in pairs: Underline the main idea of the article. What kind of text is this? (argumentative, compare and contrast, expository, cause and effect) What are some of the biology vocab words used that are new to you? Underline them and in your pairs come up with a meaning for those words. What conclusion can you make after reading the article? Provide 3 evidences to support your conclusion.

15 Community Interactions (revisited)
Predation: Competition: Parasitism: Symbiosis: Mutualism: Commensalism:

16 King snake Coral snake



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