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2 Social structure in Israel; marriage
In this research, social structure, subjects of marriage, family and women of a nation that has been frequently mentioned around the world are discussed and a different perspective into Israeli and Jewish society has been tried to get. The research titled “Social structure in Israel; marriage, family and women” is composed of five chapters. In the first chapter, a theoretical introduction is made by giving basic information about social structure, population, social relations, social stratification and social institutions in sociological means.

3 Social structure in Israel; marriage
In second chapter, concepts of marriage, family, and women are discussed from a comprehensive theoretical perspective in sociological means, and concepts that need to be known and are related to marriage, family, and women are tried to be defined. chapter, the aim is to present information on Israel social structure. Within this scope, Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews in Israeli society which is formed by immigrations and situations of those in Israeli society and population data are discussed. It is highlighted that social relations in Israel are the main dynamics of social stratification and social mobility. Main social institutions in Israeli society are addressed, and subjects of marriage, family, and women are briefly led in following chapters.

4 Social structure in Israel; marriage
In second chapter, concepts of marriage, family, and women are discussed from a comprehensive theoretical perspective in sociological means, and concepts that need to be known and are related to marriage, family, and women are tried to be defined. chapter, the aim is to present information on Israel social structure. Within this scope, Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews in Israeli society which is formed by immigrations and situations of those in Israeli society and population data are discussed. It is highlighted that social relations in Israel are the main dynamics of social stratification and social mobility. Main social institutions in Israeli society are addressed, and subjects of marriage, family, and women are briefly led in following chapters.

5 Social structure in Israel; marriage
In fourth chapter, conjugal union in Israel and Judaism is analyzed and Israeli and Jewish families are tried to be rumbled with reference to truth of marriage. In fifth chapter, topic of marriage in Israel and Judaism is discussed in detail, and the following question is tried to be answered: what is family for a social scientist who conduct research into Israeli and Jewish society



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