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-Hi, I’m Cheryl Dobbertin from Expeditionary Learning.

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1 Grade Level Teams: Experiencing a Lesson November 2012 Common Core Ambassadors
-Hi, I’m Cheryl Dobbertin from Expeditionary Learning. -EL is proud to provide this model to support experienced teachers in New York State. -We have a 20 year history of supporting teachers at all levels of school administration, many of whom have been teaching for many, many years. -In this segment, we’ll talk about how a veteran teacher might use EL’s model curricula to supplement and strengthen his or her existing practice.

2 Complex Text and the Growth Mindset
“Many adolescents mobilize their resources, not for learning, but to protect their egos. And one of the main ways they do this is by not trying.” – Carol Dweck, The Growth Mindset

3 Important Ideas from Your Research
At your tables, meet each other and discuss: What are some key ideas from the text complexity research you completed in your Research Team that seemed most significant in relation to the current reality of reading in your setting? Note faciliator – maybe chart what they expect to see – especially if you know it’s in there. Then you can come back to that after they experience the lesson.

4 Experiencing a Lesson Note to facilitators: Add whatever you want/need re: student hat, the lesson, etc.

5 Small Group Debrief What happened? (Literally, make a list of the steps we just took together – reconstruct the experience). Why did it happen? (Connect to the reading and discussion in your Research Teams). What can you learn? (How did this experience support your critical thinking about text? How will that translate to your students?).

6 Complex Text and the Growth Mindset
“Many adolescents mobilize their resources, not for learning, but to protect their egos. And one of the main ways they do this is by not trying.” – Carol Dweck, The Growth Mindset During your break, discuss…how will you help students mobilize their resources for learning?

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