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Lesson-9 – Our Neighbours.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson-9 – Our Neighbours."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson-9 – Our Neighbours.
K.V. I.A.T. PUNE Slides prepared by Mrs. Nalini Patil, PRT Class - III Subject – E.V.S. Lesson-9 – Our Neighbours. [Our Helpers]

2 A newspaper man delivers newspaper.

3 A milk man brings us milk.

4 A doctor treats patients.

5 A doctor treats patients.

6 A postman delivers our post.

7 A barber trims our hair .

8 A farmer owns or manages a farm.

9 A baker bakes biscuits, bread , cakes etc.

10 A teacher teaches in the school.

11 A vegetable vendor sells vegetables.

12 A carpenter makes wooden furniture.

13 A sweeper sweeps & helps in keeping our surroundings clean.

14 A porter carries our luggage.

15 A gardener looks after our garden.

16 A cobbler mends our shoes.

17 A tailor stitches our clothes.

18 A dhobi ( Washerman ) washes our clothes.

19 A goldsmith makes gold ornaments.

20 A blacksmith makes iron things.

21 A potter makes earthen pots.

22 An electrician does electrical work.

23 A fireman extinguishes fire.

24 A painter paints.

25 A plumber fits & repairs apparatus of water supply.

26 A soldier guards & serves the nation.

27 A Traffic police controls the traffic.

28 A watchman guards our property.

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