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Interboro School District Keystones to Opportunity Grant

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1 Interboro School District Keystones to Opportunity Grant
Five Year Overview School Years

2 Keystones to Opportunity Funding
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $742,903 $639,937 $604,843 $635,085 $642,046 Grand Total of $3,264,814

3 Keystones to Opportunity
Pennsylvania’s Vision for Sustainable Growth in Reading Achievement

4 Grant Overview The goal of the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant is to advance literacy skills for students from birth through grade 12.

5 KtO – Literacy Focus Areas
Keystone 1. Improve literacy learning outcomes to increase achievement of students in danger of academic failure. Keystone 2. Create a culture of data- decision making by supporting implementation of Bernhardt’s Multiple Measures of Data. Keystone 3. Infuse digital technology and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to address student learning challenges.

6 Needs Assessment Priorities
High School Build literacy support through data analysis Enhance curriculum and improve strategies for instruction Transition students from the community schools to the high school Birth – Age 5 Promote awareness of the Head Start program Support transitions into the Kindergarten Academy Align curriculum with kindergarten early childhood benchmarks

7 Needs Assessment Priorities – Con’t
Middle School Support core literacy curriculum and instruction Implement additional assessments for data collection Promote cross-curricular reading and writing aligned with Common Core Elementary Promote the implementation of curriculum programs with fidelity Expand current resources in the primary level to the intermediate level

8 KtO Targeted Students & Teachers
All students in grades 3-9, 1 Head Start Class Head Start Teacher RtII Coordinators, Rdg Specialists, Reading Paraprofessionals Grades 3-5 Regular and Special Education Teachers Grades 6-8 Regular and Special Education Teachers Language Arts and Social Studies Grade 9 Regular and Special Education Teachers English and Social Studies

9 Grantee Requirements Establish a grant manager and data liaison
Develop a Comprehensive Literacy Plan for Birth through Grade 12 Implement action plan Attend Professional Development modules Administer assessments and implement data team meetings

10 Professional Development
KtO Content Area Trainings ( ) Using Data for Literacy Decision Making Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Building Blocks of Literacy (K-5) Literacy Design Collaborative (6-9) Supporting Learners with Special Needs Successful Transitions along the Literacy Navigating Content with ELL Family Engagement & Family Literacy Reading Apprenticeship H.E.A.T. Trainings ( ) Higher Order Thinking Engaging Learners Authentic Connections Technology Use

11 Assessment Requirements
GRADE assessments (3x year in grades Pre-K, 3-9) DIBELS Next (3x year in grade 3) Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale (2x year in Pre-K) Data Team Meetings every 4-6 weeks (grades 3-9)

12 H.E.A.T Walkthrough Observation Tool
H – Higher Order Thinking – students operating at the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. E – Engaged Learning - students show their “know how” on something important and challenging A – Authentic Connections – is able to reflect on what people might actually do in the real wor T – Technology Use - is being used in a seamless fashion to promote student learning 2 informal Walkthroughs completed by building administrators using the LoTi observational tool. Is NOT part of your formal observation or final district evaluation Measures the student output of a classroom learning experience

13 Interboro Goals for 10% increase in student achievement in comprehension as measured by the GRADE assessment from September to May 10% increase in student achievement in writing as measured by the PA Writing Rubric from September to May Expand and implement data team meetings at the high school level, primarily in 9th grade.

14 Interboro Goals for Align current literacy curriculums, Kdg-Grade 12, with the PA Common Core Standards. Create, disseminate, and implement a comprehensive district transition plan for all students, PreK through Grade 12. Support the implementation of literacy intervention programs with fidelity.

15 Develop common mission and vision to clarify “Initiative Indigestion”
Interboro Goals for Develop common mission and vision to clarify “Initiative Indigestion” Establish district consistency for school processes including student placement, program criteria, and implementation checklists Improve instructional processes to support PA Core with differentiated instruction in implementing research-based instructional strategies

16 Interboro Goals for Continue to improve instructional processes, including analyzing data, collaborative grade level team meetings, implementing programs, and supporting teachers through instructional coaching Revisit, revise, and invigorate the District Transition Plan for students PreK-College and Career Improve parent and community involvement through use of social media, website, workshops, and information sharing

17 Interboro Goals for Integrate technology into daily instruction to support student achievement Document, disseminate, and implement a cohesive District Transition Plan for students Birth – College and Career. Expand instructional routines and data analysis processes to support student achievement

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