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Clairvia Health Check: Actionable Tools for Managers

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Presentation on theme: "Clairvia Health Check: Actionable Tools for Managers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clairvia Health Check: Actionable Tools for Managers
Document #: Staff Manager Post-Conversion PPT Eff. Date: 11/14/2014 ©Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

2 How to Run and Export Reports

3 Running Reports in Clairvia Client
Identify the path to the report, such as In Clairvia Client  Reports  Schedule  Schedule Totals On the Selection Criteria, you may have the options to choose: Profile Employee Assignment / Task Date Range Be sure you work through each tab before hitting OK Secondary selection criteria will be listed with each report

4 Export Reports in Clairvia Client
After running the report, look at the toolbar at the top Click the Export icon – the envelope with the red arrow On the Export dialog, choose the desired format and destination “Microsoft Excel” and “Application” recommended

5 Running Reports in Clairvia Web
Identify the path to the report, such as Clairvia Web Reports  Management Staff Utilization On the Selection Criteria, you may have the options to choose: Profile Cost Center Assignment / Task Date Range Summary or Detail Include or Exclude specific data Be sure you work through each setting before you click Run Report

6 Export Reports in Clairvia Web
Many reports in Clairvia Web have a .pdf vs. Excel option on the Selection Criteria tab If no option, the report will display as an Adobe .pdf Save this document to your share drive Open the document on your computer Go to File  Save As and choose Text Save the Text file to your share drive Open in your desired application, usually Microsoft Excel

7 Measuring Supply

8 Schedule Data Audit Clairvia Staff Manager  Reports  Administrative  Schedule Data Audit Employee Tab – choose one or many Assignment Tab – choose one or many Date Tab – choose one day or multiple days Include Assignment Notes – choose yes or no How do you want the data sorted – choose Audit Event Date (date that the edit took place) or Assignment Date (date of the shift/schedule in question) What data should be included in report – internal or float in/out Include deleted tasks – choose to include or exclude task data that have been deleted from system

9 Schedule Data Audit

10 Absence Clairvia Staff Manager  Reports  Employee  Absence
Profile selection - Choose one or many Date selection - Select the desired start and end dates

11 Float Out Clairvia Staff Manager Reports  Float Float Out
Profile selection - Choose one or many Date selection - Select the desired start date Choose the length of time desired – days, weeks, months. At the bottom of the Float Out report, note the number of hours floated out to other departments, as well as the specific departments listed.

12 Float Out

13 Float In Clairvia Staff Manager Reports  Float Float In
Profile selection - Choose one or many Date selection - Select the desired start date Choose the length of time desired – days, weeks, months. At the bottom of the Float In report, note the number of hours floated in from other departments, as well as which specific departments are listed.

14 Float In

15 Holiday History Clairvia Staff Manager Reports  Employee Holiday History Employee selection - Choose one or many Assignment selection – Choose on or many Date selection - Select the desired start date and end date. The holidays that occur between that date range will appear on report.

16 Holiday History

17 Opportunity Statistics
Clairvia Staff Manager Reports  Statistical Opportunity Statistics Profile selection – Select one or many Date selection - Select the desired start date and end date

18 Opportunity Statistics

19 Staff Utilization Reports

20 Employees Scheduled Under and Over FTE
Clairvia Web  Reports  Management  Staff Utilization Profile selection - Choose one or many Select desired reports to include – Hours Under or Over Select the desired start date of pay period Include employee ID and details if desired Include Travelers / Contractors if utilized Choose Export type of PDF or Microsoft Excel

21 Employees Scheduled Under and Over FTE

22 Employees Scheduled Under and Over FTE

23 Employees Scheduled into Overtime
Clairvia Web  Reports  Management  Staff Utilization Profile selection - Choose one or many Select Overtime report with number of hours above overtime threshold. Example: enter 4 for employees working more than 4 hours above their overtime threshold Select the desired start date of pay period Include employee ID and details if desired Include Travelers / Contractors if utilized Choose Export type of PDF or Microsoft Excel

24 Employees Scheduled into Overtime

25 Employees Working Longer Than Scheduled
Clairvia Web  Reports  Management  Staff Utilization Profile selection - Choose one or many Select Incidental report with number of worked hours relative to original schedule. Example: enter 3 for employees working between 0.25 and 3 hours longer than their schedule Select the desired start date of pay period Include employee ID and details if desired Include Travelers / Contractors if utilized Choose Export type of PDF or Microsoft Excel

26 Employees Working Longer Than Scheduled

27 Agency / Traveler Utilization
Clairvia Web  Reports  Management  Staff Utilization Profile selection - Choose one or many Select Agency and Traveler Summary Select the desired start date of pay period Include employee ID and details if desired Include Travelers / Contractors if utilized Choose Export type of PDF or Microsoft Excel

28 Agency / Traveler Utilization

29 Productivity Reports

30 Utilization Percentage by Shift and Skill
Clairvia Web  Reports  Management  Productivity Profile selection - Choose one or many Select the desired start date Choose the length of time desired: days, weeks, months Select Hours, FTEs or Hours per Unit of Service Choose Detail by Partition / Skill

31 Productivity

32 Productivity Paid Hours Report

33 Paid Hours by Category Float In, Agency and Traveler Hours
Clairvia Web  Reports  Management Productivity Paid Hours Profile selection - Choose one or many Select the desired start date Choose the desired length of time – days, weeks, months Select your Midnight Census capture point Select output of Summary vs. Detail or Both To hide unused rows, click True Select Target Selection Matrix / Grids = Planner Demand / Acuity = Demand

34 Paid Hours by Category

35 Summary – Patient Data Cumulative Volume = sum of volume value for date range If Matrix = census at start of shift category partition If Demand/Acuity = census at Staffing Decision Point of partition Patient Days (Midnight Census) = sum of midnight volume for date range selected ADT Index = Number of ADT events in the date range divided by the Patient Days (Midnight Census)) value for that date range

36 Summary – Actual Data Actual Worked Hours
Schedule data, including time and attendance updates, for all caregivers in all workshifts and operational time Paid Not Worked Hours Schedule data, including time and attendance updates, for all caregivers in all benefitted time categories Total Paid = Actual + Paid Not Worked Calculated Overtime = subset of Worked Hours where employee worked time exceeded Overtime threshold (40 hours weekly)

37 Summary – Budget Data Budgeted Worked Hours Unit of Service x Midnight Census Based on matrix values multiplied by the midnight census value for each day included in date range % Utilization Budgeted Hours Unit of Service (HPPD where appropriate) at Midnight Census divided by Total Worked Hours

38 Summary – Target Data If you run the report with the Target selection criteria of Planner, this will be based off your Matrix targets Planner Target Hours % Utilization = Planner Target Hours divided by Hours Worked

39 Detail for Worked Hours
Subcategories by Skill and Premium Pay (RN, Sitter, etc.) Actual Hours = Total hours for that subcategory Agency and Traveler / Contractor hrs are a subset of Actual Hrs Can include Budget targets by skill or Direct / Indirect % Actual Hours divided by Budget Hours Actual Hours divided by Cumulative Volume Planner Target Hours by Skill % Utilization = Planner Target Hours divided by Actual Hours

40 Detail for Worked Hours – Indirect Caregivers and Operational Hours
Subcategories by Skill (Mgr, Secretaries) and Operational time (Orientation, Education, Meeting) Actual Hours = Total hours for that subcategory Agency and Traveler / Contractor hrs are a subset of Actual Hrs Can include Budget targets by skill or Direct / Indirect % Actual Hours divided by Budget Hours Actual Hours divided by Cumulative Volume

41 Detail for Paid Not Worked Hours
Subcategories for Bereavement, PTO, Sick, etc. Actual Hours = Total hours for that subcategory Agency and Traveler / Contractor hrs are a subset of Actual Hrs, although it is unusual for this Paid Not Worked Category Can include Budget targets by category % Actual Hours divided by Budget Hours Actual Hours divided by Cumulative Volume Grand Total Paid Hours in dark gray row

42 Detail for Unpaid Scheduled – Other Hours
Subcategories for unpaid time such as LOA or FMLA

43 Schedule and Daily Staffing Reports

44 Daily Staffing Board Clairvia Web  Reports  Schedule  Daily Staffing Board Profile selection - Choose one or many Shift Category selection – Choose or 12-12 Skills – Choose desired skills Select the desired start date and end date Choose Employee Display – Name or Abbr. Select Hours or FTEs Print Coverage – Choose yes or no Write-In Lines – Add additional lines if need be Output Format – Choose Letter or Letter Larger Font Print Assignment Notes – Choose yes or no

45 Daily Staffing Board

46 Schedule Clairvia Web  Reports  Schedule  Schedule
Profiles – Choose one profile Shift Categories – Choose Shift Categories with Spillover – select all Skills – Choose desired skills Tasks – Choose all tasks Date – Select the desired start date Number of Weeks – Choose desired number of weeks Display Format by – All Employees Group Employees By Partition – deselected Include Profile Based Unscheduled Employees – Yes Display Name Format – Full Name Employee Sort By – Choose desired sort Include Phone Number – yes or no Exclude Scheduled Tasks – No Show Task – Abbreviation w/Scheduled Start/End Times When Different Mark Filled Opportunities and Open Shifts – Show Opportunities/Open Shifts and Schedule Include Paid Hours By Employee - Yes Total By – Staff Calculate Totals By – Task Skill Float In Display – Show with (In) Float Out Display – Show with (Out) Show Notes – Selected Write-in Lines – choose number of lines needed

47 Schedule

48 Who’s Here? Clairvia Web  Staffing Views  Who’s Here
Profile selection - Choose one profile to view at a time

49 Schedule Generation Process and Scheduling Aids

50 Schedule Generation Process
Ensure the budgeted information is accurate Update the employee info settings – limits and patterns Generate patterns Employees submit requests Generate / remake patterns and all requests Balance the schedule for unit coverage Verify that employees are assigned to their FTE Post Shift Opportunities Approve / Deny requests Publish schedule

51 Coverage Totals Staffing Goal Staff Scheduled Goal (hover)
Clairvia Client  Schedule Editor  View  Totals By Shift Partition, Skill, Date Staffing Goal Staff Scheduled Goal (hover) Variance to Goal

52 Coverage Totals Clairvia Client  Reports  Schedule Schedule Totals

53 Staffing Analyzer Based on the parameters established in Clairvia Client  Maintain  Employee Info  Limits Can be maintained via the HRIS interface or manually

54 Staffing Analyzer Clairvia Client  Schedule Editor  View  Staffing Analyzer Minimums or Maximums tab

55 Shift Opportunities Schedule Me vs. Consider Me How Many?
Clairvia Client  Schedule Editor  Rt Click  Add Opportunity Schedule Me vs. Consider Me How Many? Overtime Approved Posting to Home Unit and Others

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