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Health & Safety Education

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1 Health & Safety Education
July Agbogbloshie

2 Why are we here? Talk about H&S
What is health, what is safety and what is Health & Safety? Health is the state of being free from illness or injury Safety is the condition of being protected from danger, risk, or injury. What then is Health & Safety? •Regulations and procedures intended to prevent accident or injury in workplaces or public environments

3 Large household appliances
Appliances in this category contain metal casings, copper, plastics etc. They also contain lead, mercury, arsenic and many other heavy metals that can be harmful to your health

4 Small household appliances
Appliances in this category contain metal casings, electronic parts and plastics. They also contain lead and mercury.

5 IT and Telecoms Equipment
They contain plastics, gold, copper , aluminium etc. They also contain lead and mercury.

6 Mercury Containing Products: fluorescent tubes or back lighting lamps
Consumer Equipment

7 Capacitors and Electric Tools
Appliances in the category typically contain: Metal casings/ frames Steel Motor drives Plastics

8 Batteries Nickel Metal hydride (NiMH) Lithium disc- buttons
Lithium ion Alkaline Lead Acid

9 Beryllium Oxide Single exposures to beryllium and its compounds can cause: • Inflammation of the lungs • Eye inflammation • Skin disease

10 Health Effects of E-Waste Recycling
Processing WEEE material has the potential to expose workers and their families to: Harmful and potentially cancer causing chemicals; Lung diseases from smoke inhalation; Burns from fire; Cuts and lacerations. The major source of pollution at Agbogbloshie is smoke from burning of cable, car tyres, refuse and other hazardous materials( e.g. Styrofoam)

11 Map of Air Sampling

12 How you can protect yourself
Use gloves and mask; Wear protective clothes and shoes; Use goggles when working; Don’t use hammers and chisels to break things but rather use screw drivers; Don’t burn cables or wire to retrieve copper/ aluminum but rather strip or shred the cables; & Wash your hands with soap after working

13 Thank you. Any questions?

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