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Geography of the Oceans

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1 Geography of the Oceans

2 Geography of the Oceans
Oceans cover ~ % of Earth’s surface Divided into 4 basins Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic Shallow Seas Mediterranean, Gulf of Mexico and S. China Sea connect main oceans Basins connect at Exchange of seawater, materials, & some migration paths 71 South Pole

3 Geology Basics

4 Structure of the Earth Thought to have formed 4.6 B years ago
Dust & particles left from the Big Bang As Earth cooled Particles settled by Divided into 4 layers density

5 Inner Core Mostly composed of iron alloys Solid Thickness 1221 km
Temp. ~ 6000 °C (10,832 °F)

6 Outer Core Composed of iron and nickel Liquid Thickness 2259 km Temp.
Produces Earth’s magnetic field Thickness 2259 km Temp. ~ °C ( °F)

7 Mantle “Plastic” Boundaries Thickness 2891 km
Hot temps make it flow like a liquid Crust “floats” on top Causes plate movement Boundaries Moho Discontinuity (Crust boundary) Gutenberg Discontinuity (Core boundary) Thickness 2891 km Upper Lower

8 Crust Outermost layer of Earth Extremely thin 46.6% oxygen! 2 types
ranges 7-70 km 46.6% oxygen!

9 Cont. vs. Oceanic Crusts Cont. Oceanic Granite Basalt
Density = 2.7 g/cm3 Thickness is 7-70 km Oldest rocks > 3.8 billion years old Oceanic Basalt Density = 3.0 g/cm3 Thickness 10 km or less Oldest rocks < 200 million years old

10 Plate Tectonics – “To Build”

11 Earth’s Lithospheric Crust
Divided into “plates” Major & Minor Makes up Crust and upper mantle Covers up Lower mantle, outer core and inner core Plates move in different directions Cracking of the crust

12 Plate Boundaries

13 Plate Boundaries & Seismic Activity
Plate boundaries can be identified Studying seismic activity

14 Major Lithospheric Plates
North American South American Pacific Eurasian African Nazca Indo-Australian Antarctic

15 Types of Plate Boundaries

16 Ocean vs. Ocean Boundary
Di = “two” Divergent Moving apart Composed of basalt, iron, and silicon High density rocks Mid-Ocean Ridge and seafloor spreading

17 Cont. vs. Cont. Boundary Con = “with” Convergent collision
Move together Granite, silicon, and aluminum Lower density rocks Mountain building Ex: Himalayas, Atlas Mountains Con = “with”

18 Ocean vs. Cont. Boundary Subduction zone
Plate edges override or slide past others Less dense cont. plate overrides the denser oceanic plate Oceanic plates subduct down into the mantle & are remelted Results in trenches and volcanoes Ex. Peru/Chile Trench

19 Peru/Chile Trench

20 Pangaea/Seafloor Spreading

21 Background Proposed by Alfred Wegener Why? Widely unaccepted 1912
Thought all continents were one huge land mass that later broke apart Why? Continent’s shapes roughly fit together like a puzzle The rocks and fossils on different continents matched Widely unaccepted Convection cells - magma He was a meteorologist, not a geologist

22 Break-up of Pangaea

23 Background (cont.) H. Hess and J. Wilson
1960’s Proposed mechanism for continental drift Named “Geo-poetry” to avoid criticism

24 Background (cont.) Glomar Challenger
Drilled series of holes in Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Deep Sea Drilling Project) Findings Continental rocks date the Earth to about 4.5 billion years old Law of Superposition Oldest rocks at bottom & younger rocks above Found no rock older than 3 billion years old with many being much younger

25 Background (cont.) Core samples from Mid-Ocean Ridges (MOR)
Matching magnetic striping in rocks on both sides Project FAMOUS 1977 Alvin photographed magma squeezing out of MOR Creation of new sea floor

26 New Theory – Sea Floor Spreading
Vine and Matthews Scientists/Geologists used all data for new theory on plate tectonics Theory of Sea Floor Spreading Explained continental drift Wegener was correct

27 Ocean Floor Bathymetry (Intro)
Depth Metry = Measure Ocean Floor Bathymetry (Intro) Oceanic bathymetry is similar to continental topography except continent features are smaller due to erosion M.O.R.

28 S.O.N.A.R. Structures on ocean floor mapped by SOund Navigation And Ranging Echo sounding Equation Depth = time * 1484 m/s 2 (round trip) [1484 m/s = speed of sound in water]

29 Division of the Ocean Floor
Basins – deep ocean Abyssal plain Abyssal hill Seamount Island Guyot Trenches Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) Rift valley Margins – shallow Continental shelf Continental slope Submarine Canyons Turbidity currents Continental rise

30 Transition from continent to deep ocean basins
Bathymetry Margins Transition from continent to deep ocean basins

31 Continental Shelf Underwater extension of the continent
Most biologically productive area Why? High light availability

32 Continental Slope Very steep cliff into basin
Usually 1-2 mile drop-off Materials tumble down slope Form turbidity currents Cut canyons into slope

33 Turbidity currents on slope

34 Continental Rise Sediment “speed bump”
Accumulation of sediment at base of continental slope Found b/w cont. slope & abyssal plain

35 Parts of the Basins

36 Abyssal Plain Flat, featureless region Common Rare Similar to a desert
Atlantic and Indian Oceans Rare Pacific Ocean

37 Abyssal Hill Domes of sediment deposition that shift
Similar to sand dunes on land 10 – 300m small

38 Seamount Underwater volcanoes Summits do not break the surface!
Must raise at least 1000m off of seafloor Forced up by magma

39 Island Seamounts extending up & out of the water
Yellow (hot spots) Seamounts extending up & out of the water Differ from continents because they have no margins Usually associated with “hot spots” Active volcanoes Ex: Hawaiian Islands

40 Guyot Islands shortened by weathering and erosion Start out as islands
Reclassified as W & E occur and re-submerge feature Similar to land plateaus

41 Trench Subduction zones Form boundary around Pacific plate
Basalt is re-melted into asthenosphere Top portion of mantle Form boundary around Pacific plate Ring of Fire Seismic & volcanic activity

42 Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR)

43 Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) Longest mtn. range in the world
40,000 miles long Covers % of Earth’s surface Divergent plate boundary New seafloor is being formed Iceland Large section of MOR extending above the water Due to sitting on a “hot spot” 23

44 Rift Valley Vent resulting from divergent plate boundaries
Allow magma to recreate new ocean floor

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