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PNT Privacy and Security Course
An annual mandatory training course provided to PNT employees Storyboard designed by Mike Donoghue November 23, 2014 PNT Privacy and Security Course
Welcome to the Privacy and Security Training Course
As part of PNT’s annual training process, an online course has been added that will help promote more interactive learning and information sharing between its employees. While the course is designed to be taken on an annual basis, PNT encourages everyone to review the course material periodically or as business needs arise. The course will be maintained on a training site on the PNT SharePoint service - the site will act as a repository for comments and materials that can be utilized throughout the year. This site can also be used by employees to: Refresh their knowledge Post new information Ask questions of experts Train new staff PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Contents Expectations of the Course Results of the Course Creation of the Course Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction Keller’s ARCS Model – Motivation Who is Taking the Course Prior to the Start of the Course Course Overview Learning Materials Navigating the Screens Outline of the Course PNT Privacy and Security Course
Expectations of the Course
Partnering between employees of differing backgrounds and expertise will help increase interaction, improve the training experience, and create strong motivation. Scenario materials will help students learn the information in each module by providing them the opportunity to respond to situations and apply course knowledge. The course will progress at one module per week and be accessible at any time of the day or night. However, it is suggested that employees periodically arrange meetings between themselves during the work week to review materials and assignments. Employees will work with their managers regarding the time they may need to perform course activities. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Results of the Course When the course is completed, PNT staff members will be able to: Define privacy and security issues as pertains to client documents and transactions and collaborate with PNT security experts Determine when security incidents occur and the method in which to report them Identify breaches of security protocols Upon completing the online security course, members will also: Have a more expansive knowledge of security issues facing PNT, its staff, and the industry as a whole Have an easy reference source they can use on the job to refresh their knowledge or research security issues Be able to demonstrate to PNT management and business accreditation agencies the information they gained from the course and the procedures they need to follow in the appropriate circumstances PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Creation of the Course The following individuals will be required in creating the course: Instructional Designer with SharePoint experience Senior PNT Developer who can help define exercises for technical staff Subject Matter Experts who are knowledgeable in privacy and security principles Flash Developer who can help design and implement special testing and scenario components Web Developer who publishes content to the course site Project Manager (optional) who oversees the course development process PNT Privacy and Security Course
Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction
The design of this course utilizes Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction. Notes will appear throughout this document denoting when an event is incorporated into the course. Those events are: Gaining attention Informing the learner of the objective Simulating recall of prerequisite learned capabilities Presenting the stimulus material Providing learning guidance Eliciting performance Providing feedback about performance correctness Assessing the performance Enhancing retention and transfer Gagné, R. M., Wager, W. W., Golas, K. C., & Keller, J. M. (2005). (p. 195) PNT Privacy and Security Course
Keller’s ARCS Model - Motivation
In addition, this course references Keller’s ARCS Model on motivation. Notes will appear throughout this document denoting when a model item is part of the course. Gagné, R. M., Wager, W. W., Golas, K. C., & Keller, J. M. (2005). (p. 115) ATTENTION A.1. Perceptual arousal A.2. Inquiry arousal A.3. Variability RELEVANCE R.1. Goal orientation R.2. Motive matching R.3. Familiarity CONFIDENCE C.1. Learning requirements C.2. Success opportunities C.3. Personal control SATISFACTION S.1. Natural consequences S.2. Positive consequences S.3. Equity PNT Privacy and Security Course
Who is Taking the Course
The entire staff of PNT is required to take the course. For those individuals who have been unable/unwilling to attend previous face-to-face lectures on the subject, this course will provide the opportunity for all employees to engage and encourage each other to participate in an online manner. Staff members include the following: Executive Officers Managers Development and Database Personnel Customer Support and Account Personnel Infrastructure and Other Staff Members PNT Privacy and Security Course
Prior to the Start of the Course
Employees will be contacted through regarding when the course begins and be provided with a general overview of the course. A follow-up will be sent within a week of the course start date and will contain a link to the course start page so they can get familiar with its structure. Additional hands-on experience with the site and material may be provided for those personnel who require assistance. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Course Overview Prologue – Welcome and introduction to the course and faculty Act 1 – Startup Activities Act 2 – Module 1 – HIPAA Privacy and Security Act 3 – Module 2 – ICD-10 Overview Act 4 – Module 3 – CORE Phase III Operating Rules Certification Act 5 – Module 4 – 5010 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Overview Act 6 – Module 5 – Claim Attachments PNT Privacy and Security Course
Learning Materials Notes from in-house experts
Privacy and security presentations Government publications Artifacts and internal documentation PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens
Welcome Page Gagné: Gaining Attention (welcome message, quick links) Informing Learner of Objective (lesson outline) Simulating recall of prerequisite learned capabilities (content that has been reviewed previously) Left Side Navigation Pane Use this to access the various course components Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Welcome back to the Privacy and Security Training Course! In this week’s material, we discuss Module 2: ICD-10 Overview Here are the links for this module: Go to Chat Area Go to Readings Go to Collaboration Area Go to Assignments Keller: Inquiry Arousal (quick links) Familiarity (content) Personal Control (link and structure) Variability (new ways to perceive material) Course Start Date Welcome Screen The screen appears when accessing the course and gets updated to accommodate the module currently being discussed. PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens
High Level Navigation Left Side Navigation Pane Click the Course Outline link to see how the course is structured and get an overview of the materials being covered. Click the Modules link to access the different course modules and begin working through the materials. Click the Chat Areas link to access module discussions, pose questions, and find other information. Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 The Left Side Navigation pane will appear on all course pages. Gagné: Presenting the Material (link structure) Guiding the Learning (navigation hierarchy) Cleanup tools for content Keller: Goal Orientation (navigation hierarchy) Personal Control (ease of use) Familiarity (navigation and site) PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens
High Level Navigation Left Side Navigation Pane (continued) Click the Readings link to access the materials that will be discussed during the course. Click the Collaboration Areas link to access team discussion and assignment information. Click the Assignments link to access module course assignments. Click the Other References link to access information not covered in the course. Click the Contacts link to access , phone, and IM info for the course. Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Gagné: Presenting the Material (link structure) Providing learning guidance (navigation hierarchy, collaboration) Eliciting Performance (collaboration component) Keller: Goal Orientation (navigation hierarchy) Personal Control (ease of use) Familiarity (navigation and site) PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens
Modules Link …takes you here… Course Outline Startup Activities Calendar of Events and Assignments Course Overview Document Grading Information List of Class Members and Instructors Goals of the Course Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Then click the link for material associated with the course Clicking this… Gagné: Presenting the Material (link structure) Providing Learning Guidance (navigation hierarchy, contact info) Eliciting Performance (grading component) Your course instructor is Mike Donoghue – please contact him if you need assistance during the course. Keller: Goal Orientation (navigation hierarchy) Personal Control (ease of use, contact info) Familiarity (instructor is known by learners) Learning Requirements (links to what is expected from learners) Motive Matching (more interactive materials and delivery method) Course contact information with link PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens Then click the appropriate module link
Modules Link …takes you here… Modules Prologue of the Course Startup Activities Overview of Material How to Participate in the Course Ice-breaker Exercise! Q&A Module 1: HIPAA Privacy and Security HIPAA Overview Protected Health Information (PHI) Guidelines The Privacy Rule The Security Rule HITECH Act Exercise – Security Breach !! Module 2: ICD-10 Overview ….. Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Then click the appropriate module link Clicking this… Keller: Perceptual arousal (exercises) Inquiry arousal (material breakouts) Natural consequences (exercises) Positive consequences (material, exercises) Personal control (structure of material) Success opportunities (exercises) Gagné: Simulating recall of prerequisite learned capabilities (familiar content) Presenting the stimulus material (exercises) Eliciting performance (exercises) Enhancing retention and transfer (exercises) PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens
Chat Area Link …takes you here… Chat Areas Prologue of the Course Startup Activities Module 1: HIPAA Privacy and Security Module 2: ICD-10 Overview Module 3: – CORE Phase III Operating Rules Certification Module 4 – 5010 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Overview Module 5 – Claim Attachments Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Then click the module name to go to the appropriate chat area Clicking this… Posting Area (sample) Click Create a post to add to an existing topic (user will be prompted to select a module and then to create a new topic or to add a post to a new topic) Gagné: Gaining attention (communication/collaboration forums) Eliciting performance (communication/collaboration forums) Providing feedback about performance correctness (communication/collaboration forums) Enhancing retention and transfer (communication/collaboration forums) Keller: Inquiry arousal (communication/collaboration forums) Personal control (communication/collaboration forums) PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens
Readings Link …takes you here… Readings Prologue of the Course Introduction, Navigation and Fresh Start WPC Overview of Topic Startup Activities Motivating Employees Participation Standards Module 1: HIPAA Privacy and Security WPC Topic Handout PNT Privacy and Security Documentation Package PNT Breach Notification Process Module 2: ICD-10 Overview PNT ICD-10 Testing Schedule PNT Quality Assurance Process Module 3: – CORE Phase III Operating Rules Certification … Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Clicking this… Gagné: Simulating recall of prerequisite learned capabilities (company documents) Presenting the stimulus material (readings and presentations) Enhancing retention and transfer (review of company documents) Keller: Familiarity (course materials and personnel) Personal control (accessing materials) Variability (differences between the readings/modules) Perception arousal (content) PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens Collaboration Areas Link
…takes you here… Collaboration Areas Prologue of the Course Team Building – Review Profile Documents Startup Activities Demonstration of Participation Ice-breaker Exercise! Module 1: HIPAA Privacy and Security Class Notes Exercise – Security Breach !! Module 2: ICD-10 Overview Exercise – Coding for ICD-10 Module 3: – CORE Phase III Operating Rules Certification Exercise - Helping a Customer through the CORE process Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Clicking this… Keller: Perception arousal (collaboration interaction) Inquiry arousal (collaboration interaction) Goal orientation (collaboration interaction) Motive matching (collaboration interaction) Familiarity (employee exchanges) Positive consequences (employee exchanges, collaboration) Success opportunities (employee exchanges, collaboration) Gagné: Gaining attention (collaboration areas) Eliciting performance (collaboration areas) Providing feedback about performance correctness (collaboration areas) Enhancing retention and transfer (collaboration areas) PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens
Assignments Link …takes you here… Assignments Prologue of the Course No assignments Startup Activities Module 1: HIPAA Privacy and Security Discussion of Module Exercise Notes – Scenario Discussion Module 2: ICD-10 Overview Module 3: – CORE Phase III Operating Rules Certification Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Clicking this… Keller: Inquiry arousal (notes and discussion) Variability (module differences and responses) Success opportunities (evaluation of performance) Gagné: Simulating recall of prerequisite learned capabilities (review of material) Providing learning guidance (instruction in assignments) Eliciting performance (measurable results) Assessing the performance (measurable results) PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens
Other References Link …takes you here… Other References HIPAA Regulations and Guidelines Portability issues for privacy – statute HITECH Privacy and Security Release (11/2013) HITECH Privacy and Security Release (07/2014) ICD-10 Regulations (2014) Version Version Version CORE Phase III Operating Rules Certification CORE Phase I Reference Guide CORE Phase II Reference Guide Transition Protocols Implementation Phases and Process (project folder) 5010 integration elements – exchange to third party vendors Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Clicking this… Keller: Inquiry arousal (new material) Variability (new material) Personal control (additional knowledge) Gagné: Gaining attention (interested parties) Presenting the stimulus material (new content) Enhancing retention and transfer (integration with other materials) PNT Privacy and Security Course
Navigating the Screens
Contacts Link …takes you here… Contacts Instructor – Mike Donoghue Specific Module Questions: HIPAA Privacy and Security: Allan Alonzo ICD-10 Overview: Don Stewarn CORE Phase III Operating Rules Certification: Sharon Vinesse 5010 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Overview: David Radisson Claim Attachments: Joe Slinty SharePoint Assistance – Tom Fraunsen WPC Content Questions – Arlene Glonson Course Outline Modules Chat Areas Readings Collaboration Areas Assignments Other References Contacts Class Begins January 5 Subject matter experts will be available to answer difficult questions Clicking this… Keller: Inquiry arousal (specific material) Personal control (seeking additional knowledge) Gagné: Providing Learning Guidance (assistance from individuals) Providing feedback about performance correctness (exchanges between peers) PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Prologue – Welcome and introduction to course and employees While employees may be aware to some degree of the skillsets and knowledge that other employees have, profile documents will be distributed to help all people who are attending the course. Employees will gain a better understanding of who the subject matter experts are within the company and what their strengths are as well. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 1 – Startup Activities Scene 1 – Describe process and provide overview of material Scene 2 – Demonstrate how online participation works (team-ups) Scene 3 – Ice-breaking activity Scene 4 – Question and answers Act 1 – Additional Information - Ice-breaking Activity An ice-breaking activity will help start the course, providing an opportunity for employees to become better aware of each others strengths and weaknesses with respect to privacy and security issues. The activity will involve using all of the employees as actors in a humorous role-playing situation at the office that exposes everyone to an impossible number of privacy and security violations all occurring simultaneously and the group’s response to the mayhem it creates as they switch roles periodically during the exercise. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 2 – Module 1 – HIPAA Privacy and Security Scene 1 – HIPAA Overview Scene 2 – Protected Health Information (PHI) Guidelines Scene 3 – The Privacy Rule Scene 4 – The Security Rule Scene 5 – HITECH Act Exercise – A scenario to engage staff in determining the procedure they would follow upon detecting a breach/disclosure of private information PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 2 – Module 1 - Resources Needed WPC Privacy and Security presentation packet Access to Module 1 scenario site for teams Act 2 – Module 1 – Measuring Successful Module Completion Employees will need to provide an overview of the requirements of HIPAA as pertains to our operations. This objective will be measured by grading students’ participation in an online discussion forum on the topic. Extra points will be awarded to participants that provide links to sources and quote text to support their statements. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 3 – Module 2 – ICD-10 Overview Scene 1 – Implications of moving from ICD-9 to ICD-10 Scene 2 – The implications for new coding Scene 3 – The business impact to the change Scene 4 – Differences between ICD10-CM and ICD10-PCS Exercise – A scenario to have staff resolve a problem involving a customer moving from ICD-9 to ICD-10 coding PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 3 – Module 2 - Resources Needed WPC ICD-10 Overview presentation packet Access to Module 2 scenario site for teams Act 3 – Module 2 – Measuring Successful Module Completion Employees will need to provide an overview of the change from ICD-9 to ICD-10 coding and be able to recommend next steps for customers. This objective will be measured by grading students’ participation in an online discussion forum on the topic. Extra points will be awarded to participants that provide links to sources and quote text to support their statements. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 4 – Module 3 – CORE Phase III Operating Rules Certification Scene 1 – 835 Infrastructure Rule Scene 2 – CARC and RARC usage Scene 3 – EFT and ERA Reassociation Rule Scene 4 – EFT and ERA Enrollment Rule Scene 5 – Certification: the process and why we should seek it Exercise – A scenario to engage staff in how they would resolve a problem involving a customer looking for PNT to help them process their claims through the CORE Process. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 4 – Module 3 - Resources Needed CORE Phase III ERA & EFT Operating Rules Overview presentation packet Access to Module 3 scenario site for teams Act 4 – Module 3 – Measuring Successful Module Completion Employees will need to provide an overview of the CORE Phase III Operating Rules and the certification process. This objective will be measured by grading students’ participation in an online discussion forum on the topic. Extra points will be awarded to participants that provide links to sources and quote text to support their statements. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 5 – Module 4 – 5010 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Overview Scene 1 – Implications of transferring enrollment information Scene 2 – How batch vs. real-time transactions may be affected Scene 3 – How acknowledgements may not be needed and if they should be utilized regardless Scene 4 – Enrollment issues regarding “Covered Entities” vs employers (via the National Employer Identifier) Scene 5 – How 834 transaction and associated tables can be utilized. Exercise – A scenario to engage staff in manually sorting data elements to demonstrate how they are used by transactions and tables PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 5 – Module 4 - Resources Needed Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance (834) Overview Version 5010 presentation packet Access to Module 4 scenario site for teams Act 5 – Module 4 – Measuring Successful Module Completion Employees will need to provide an overview of the 5010 as implemented under current HIPAA rules then review the structure and key business issues of the 834 transaction. This objective will be measured by grading students’ participation in an online discussion forum on the topic. Extra points will be awarded to participants that provide links to sources and quote text to support their statements. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 6 – Module 5 – Claim Attachments Scene 1 – Types of claim attachments (Certificates of Medical Necessity, discharge summaries, operative reports, solicited/unsolicited, etc.) Scene 2 – What is an STC segment (what purpose it serves, what elements are in it) Scene 3 – Use of the ASC X and HL7 CDA standard Exercise – A scenario to engage staff in the procedure they would follow upon detecting a breach/disclosure of private information PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 6 – Module 5 - Resources Needed Claims Attachments presentation packet Access to Module 5 scenario site for teams Act 6 – Module 5 – Measuring Successful Module Completion Employees will need to demonstrate how certain types of information cannot be accommodated for within an electronic claim format. This objective will be measured by grading students’ participation in an online discussion forum on the topic. Extra points will be awarded to participants that provide links to sources and quote text to support their statements. PNT Privacy and Security Course
PNT Privacy and Security Course
Outline of the Course Act 7 – Finale/Conclusion Employees take an online quiz with the goal of trying to get 80% or more correct. The quiz can be taken multiple times to achieve the score. Act 7 – Finale/Conclusion - Resources Needed Online questionnaire Act 7 – Measuring Successful Completion of the Class Employees will need to demonstrate how they understood the course material and discussions by achieving a grade of at least 80% on an online test to demonstrate competency. Quiz will have variable questions so it can be taken multiple times to achieve the necessary score. PNT Privacy and Security Course
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