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Processing Time in Medical Settings

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1 Processing Time in Medical Settings
Danielle Morris, INT 492 Introduction Why do interpreters use different lag times for different situations? How does content influence processing time in a medical setting? This is important to our field because it’s important to understand how we, as interpreters, process information. What kind of modifications interpreters make in order to ensure clear communication. Knowledge interpreters must possess (Barnard, 2005). Contimium of CI and SI (Bowen-Bailey) Methodology For this research project I looked at various videos but I decided to use a public online source This is a website dedicated to research and videos with ASL/English interpretation in various medical settings. I focused on four different videos with different ecncounter between a Deaf patient, an ASL/English interpreter, and the healthcare team. Discussion To find the answers to my questions I had to analyze all the the video and make time codes for the interpretations that helped answer my question. It depends on the situation, it depends on the patient, it can even depend on the health care staff. As interpreters we need to know ourselves and know our own interpreting styles and limitations.All of these factors impact how we use process the information and in return how we interpret that information. Conclusion Discharge Interpretation Gathering Background Information Interpretation Visit from the Lab Interpretation Recommendations Interpreation Findings Through my analysis I found a correlation between all of the videos I analyzed. My question was, how content influences processing time in a medical setting? After watching the videos I realized there are a lot of commonalities. Lag time changes depending on how long the message is. Typically if the speaker or signer has a longer message, the interpreter seems to have less lag time. If the message is a short question and response, the interpreter tends to take more of a consecutive approach and wait for the full message before interpreting. All interpreters do process information differently, however there were patterns of when interpreters had more processing time Interactive settings ASL to English This isn’t a standard in the field, however there seems to be a pattern. Recommendations Be specific Establish videos Researching methods for interpreters verifying understanding in medical settings. Interpreters prompting in a medical setting References Data Collection Time codes Four videos My goal is to find how medical content can influence the processing time of an interpreter. I was also curious about the interpreters lag time and timing of the interpretations. Do they wait longer to interpret from English to ASL, than she does with ASL to English? Do they take more of a consecutive approach to one and no the other? RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2015 Barnard, D. (2005). The Challenge of Medical Interpreting. Views, Bowen-Bailey, D. Relationship of Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting. Interpreting in Healthcare Settings. Medical Interpreting Since (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2016, from Modes of Interpreting. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2016, from interpretin g-services/interpreting-services-types.html Pöchhacker, F., & Shlesinger, M. (2007). Healthcare interpreting: Discourse and interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Video Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2016, from

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