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Relation of Law with psychology

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1 Relation of Law with psychology
Definitions: Law: enforceable body of rules to govern any society Psychology: mental feelings of someone as patients or analysis of mind and their behaviour. Profounder: Sigmund freud. Also mentioned by plato, Aristotle.

2 Legal psychology is the scientific study of the effects of law on people and effects of people on law Tit for tat an eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Scientific status to the psychology was from the beginning of 20th century Reformation of punishment through psychological perspectives: it was thought that they are criminal but they are human beings. Nowadays, it is thought that they are criminal but they are human beings.

3 Psychological interpretation of a crime
In , sociologists, criminologists and psychologists said that crime is a product of low grade mentality in different mood of mind and different circumstances the activities of human beings may show differently In modern age, prison is not considered as painful house, but looked as a reformative house, regressive place, chance to correct own behavior providing moral education, professional training. If the behavior is improved, given punishment shall be reduced. Improvement of prisoners’ rights- right to fresh air, lightening in the room, right o information through media, newspapers, Government should allowed intercourse if husband and wife are prisoners to get a baby as it has no right ot make family genocide Thus, psychology is used in legal and judicial field

4 Importance of Psychology knowledge in Lawyers, judges and witness
Help to reduce crimes, fake witness, make easy of complex phenomena. If somebody try to make drama as a mad after the criminal act, it tries to find out reality whether he/she is mad or not. Psychology tries to find criminal mind behind the crime. Psychiatrists play great role in criminal law. Courts not only provides formal justice but also tries to reduce no. of criminal cases by providing psychological treatment to the criminals and committers.

5 To sum up Why people obeys or disobeys of certain law and morality?
What are the public perception towards the criminal law, theory of punishment and so on? Hence, the study of psychology is must for the right interpretation of laws. Thank you…

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