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5th ICoASL UIN Sunan Kalijaga-Yogyakarta Mei 2017

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1 5th ICoASL UIN Sunan Kalijaga-Yogyakarta 10-12 Mei 2017
The Documentation of Surabaya Cultural Heritages through Social Networking Site (SNS) Nove E. Variant Anna Prodi Teknisi Perpustakaan, DepartmenTeknik, Fakultas Vokasi UniversitasAirlangga Jl. Srikana 65 Surabaya

2 Paper Background Indonesia is rich in terms of cultural heritage
Cultural heritages also enrich social capital for society Not many information institution (libraries) aware of this local culture Jawa Timur State Library only has 10% of local content collections

3 Paper Background some communities have initiative to preserve and diseminate local content through social media The purpose of these activities is to introduce the local culture of Surabaya to the larger society

4 Why Surabaya Cultural Heritages?
Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia that has a long history since 1358 Surabaya has quite a lot of history and culture The city of Surabaya is also known as the City of Hero

5 Previous Paper on Cultural Heritages
National library also has important role in presreving cutural heritages (Saputra, 2006) Local content digitalization (Rasiman, 2011) The national libraries initiatives in preserving national heritage collection (Anna, 2012) The role of library in promoting and preserving their cultural heritage collection (Anna, 2015) The role of public library in manging local content through Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (Anna, 2016) The role and urgency of librarian in traditional knowledge (Adelia, 2016) Preservation of ancent manuscript (Sukaesih,, 2016)

6 Previous Paper on Cultural Heritages
The cultural heritages are importantly to be preserved by the information institution such as library, museum, and record center (Manaf, 2007). It needs high commitment from the library and librarian in order to preserve cultural heritages ( Ekwelem, Okafor, Ukwoma, 2011). Many information institution uses digitalization to preserve cultural heritages (Josevold, 2016).

7 Metodology Facebook pages and groups observation
Why Facebook?? Indonesia is in the top four Facebook users in the world. Then, the searching the community by using keywords: (1) Surabaya, (2) Surabaya Heritage, (3) budayaSurabaya, (4) sejarah Surabaya. There are 3 pages and 1 closed group studied, (1) Surabaya, (2) Surabaya Tempo Dulu, (3) Surabaya Punya Cerita and (4) Surabaya Heritage Society. Criteria for selecting: (1) the content is about cultural heritage of Surabaya; (2) the number of likes/members is at least 3,000 likes/member

8 Old pictures posted by member

9 The members comment

10 Video Post

11 Surabaya Terms

12 The Food

13 Surabaya Events

14 Conclusion Many benefits appear by utilizing social media as a platform for documenting local cultural wealth of Surabaya: It only requires an Internet connection and a free Facebook app which is also effective for reaching large masses that are not limited to space and time. Documenting through social media also has the advantage of embracing young people. They can recognize their local culture easily. Another advantage of web 2.0 is the ease to create/upload a document.Therefore,the community members are easy to communicate and discuss the local culture of Surabaya. Libraries can adding space to support commuties, so they can share their knowledge about local culture. Through that sharing activity, the library can enrich their local content collections. Librarian also can learn many new things about local cuture and how to manage it. Libraries cannot do this alone, but by utilize the power of community, library will be able to manage local content for future generation.

15 Recommendation The result of study focused more on the culture of heritage or more into the old building, art, music, food, and stories of the history of the city of Surabaya.However, the social media has not yet touched local wisdom of Surabaya in the field of health, agriculture, and social. Local wisdom of Surabaya needs to be explored and documented, so it can be used by the next generation. From the results of a study of social media that documents the cultural richness of Surabaya, it should be appreciated by the city of Surabaya, for example by cooperating with the community to contribute through social media. Seeing much enthusiasm that the people of Surabaya give in documenting the wealth of their local culture, government could create a media that is more formal and valid as well as inviting experts of culture, history, and community leaders who are knowledgeable about the local culture Surabaya, so that the whole image, information, video documented are accountable.

16 Thank You

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