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Bell Work 1. What do you know about the American Revolution and Government?

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1 Bell Work 1. What do you know about the American Revolution and Government?

2 The American Revolution
Learning objectives: 1. Identify the causes of the American Revolution 2. Describe the short-term and long-term impact of the AR

3 Colonies learned Self-Government
A. British colonies in North America Established to supply raw materials to Britain to be a market for British goods B. Colonists had 13 governments Had little British interference local & county govt’s

4 British and French Rivalry
A. French colonies in North America (Canada & Louisiana) Small population No French settlers moved here B. British colonies had 13 colonies 1.5 million people colonies were wealthy, successful C. Seven Years’ War ( ) War between France & Britain


6 British and French Rivalry
D. British & French fought for control of North America French built forts to prevent British settlers from expanding into new territory Native Americans allied w/French

7 British and French Rivalry
E. William Pitt the Elder sent British navy to fight French colonial forces defeated smaller, weaker French navy

8 British and French Rivalry
F Treaty of Paris gave Canada and all lands of the Mississippi to Britain Spain (French ally) gave Florida to British France gave Louisiana to Spain


10 British and French Rivalry
F. By 1763 Britain was the world’s greatest colonial power G. After the Seven Years’ War- Britain needed more money to pay for the costs Britain looked to the colonies It began a series of taxes on the colonies

11 Bell Work *Use your no taxation w/out representation chart to help you answer the question: 1. Look over the acts the British king imposed on the colonies. Why do you think the colonists disliked these acts?

12 Bell Work *Don’t forget to copy the questions or incorporate into your response. Use complete sentences! 1. If you were living during the time of the American War would you remain loyal to the king or would you support the move towards independence from Britain? Explain your position!

13 The Story of Us film Directions: Take out a sheet of lined paper,
Title it: The Revolution film notes (DON’T FORGET YOUR NAME!) Take notes while viewing the film You need to write down at least 20 facts to receive credit Think of the Who, what, when, where, why These will be collected at the end of the film!

14 The Revolution film For today focus & take notes on the following:
Causes for colonists to rebel against the British King Difficulties/obstacles the rebels faced Ways in which rebels were able to defeat the British Reasons for both sides (loyalists & patriots)

15 No Bell Work today… Take out your video notes from yesterday
Be in your seats & quiet by the time the bell rings We will finish the last few minutes of the film Following the film we will review major ideas from what you’ve learned about so far

16 Gallery Walk Directions
In order to review and assess what you have learned over the last week on the American Revolution, we will review the information in groups and as a class. After assigning your groups, you must move your chairs quickly Each station has a question for you to discuss first & answer w/ your group You will each be assigned a role, so make sure to read your task card to know what your responsibilities in the group are You will have to rotate to the next question when I ring the bell- be quick and efficient Anybody wasting time, will lose participation points for today

17 Don’t forget to answer in complete sentences!
Bell Work Don’t forget to answer in complete sentences! *Take out your Enlightenment Philosophers chart from last week (graphic organizer from presentations) 1. Write two ideas the Enlightenment philosophers had on government or rights? 2. Which philosopher do you think had the best ideas and why?

18 The American Revolution
A. In July 1775, the 2nd Continental Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George III Attempt to negotiate for peace Rights as English citizens King George sent troops to suppress colonial rebellion

19 The American Revolution
B. Division amongst the colonist loyalists- patriots- C. Thomas Paine writes pamphlets Common Sense Accuses King George & Parliament of acting like tyrants Only full independence from Britain would secure rights of Americans

20 A New Nation A. July 4th 1776, the 2nd Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson Declared colonies to be free and independent from the king

21 We will be analyzing the Declaration of Independence (D.O.I)
Goal: Understand the main ideas of the D.O.I and recognize the influence of Enlightenment philosophers.

22 Bell Work *Don’t forget to copy the questions or incorporate into your response. Use complete sentences! 1. What was the purpose of the D.O.I? 2. What was its message? 3. What do you know about your rights under the U.S. Constitution?

23 Ruling a New Nation A. Articles of Confederation (first Constitution)
too weak didn’t have enough power to take care of all problems B. In 1787 the delegates met to revise the Articles

24 What do you think is going on in the painting?

25 Ruling a New Nation C. The new Constitution created a federal system
Power is shared between national & state govt’s National (federal) gov’t has specific powers Divided into 3 branches w/checks and balances Executive, Judicial and Legislative

26 Ruling a New Nation D. The New Constitution was passed only if a Bill of Rights was added It included 10 amendments each provided a freedom or protection to Americans many of these came from the natural rights proposed by 18th cent. Philosophers

27 Long term impacts of AR E. New American gov’t was an inspiration to French F. It inspired independence events in 19th century Latin America and other movements around the world G. Any other long term effects of the American Revolution?

28 Bell Work 1. What are the first 10 amendments of the U.S. Constitution called? 2. What are these 10 amendment for? What are they supposed to do?

29 Quiz Directions … 1. Take out a lined sheet of paper
2. Put your heading 3. Title it: American Revolution Quiz 4. Copy your responses on your sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE QUIZ! 5. When you’re done raise your hand so I can come and pick it up. 6. Please work on something else quietly while you wait.

30 Turn in the following assignments
1. Philosophers notes (the handout you filled out during the presentations) 2. Declaration of Independence handout 3. Bill of Rights Comparison Chart 4. Bell Work (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)- 3 total *Make sure your name and period are on all your papers before turning them in!

31 Bell Work 1. The Glorious and American Revolutions are considered to have been “successful.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain your response how were these successful or unsuccessful?

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