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Topic 1 The advertising context

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1 Topic 1 The advertising context
Reading: Thorson & Duffy (2012), ch 1

2 Marketing Communications
‘The means by which a supplier of goods, services, values and/or ideas represents themselves to their target audience with the goal of stimulating dialogue leading to better commercial or other relationships.’ (Egan, 2007)

3 Marketing Communications
Personal Selling Public Relations Sponsorship Direct Marketing Sales Promotions Advertising

4 Defining advertising “Advertising is a paid, mediated form of communication from an identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take some action now or in the future.” (Richards & Curran, 2002, cited in Thorson & Duffy, 2012:2)

5 Persuade


7 Inform

8 Remind

9 Differentiate

10 Provide verbal descriptions

11 Enhance image

12 Limitations of advertising
Great advertising won’t sell a bad product Expensive Wastage One-way Impersonal 12

13 The advertising context
What’s happening in society, the economy, the legislative framework, politics, technology, the ‘green’ environment that might influence advertising?

14 The advertising context
Devices as media channels – internet, mobile, e-readers Social networks Mass media fragmentation Mass market fragmentation Economic activity Branding and loyalty Regulation

15 Impact of external factors on marketing communications (adapted from Yeshin 2006)
Information overload Changes in family composition The ageing population The green imperative Corporate Social Responsibility Changing media/growth of narrow casting Growth of global marketing Retailer power

16 Assessing the elements of the promotional mix (incorporating Fill, 2002)
Level of customisation/audience specialisation/personalisation and interaction Ability to reach large audience Level of credibility Expense - absolute and per contact Wastage Size of investment Ability to evaluate effectiveness of campaign Level of flexibility as circumstances change Speed of message delivery

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