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Kris Vasudevan and David W. Eaton Department of Geoscience

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1 Heartland Area Redwater Project: Seismic Hazard Assessment Preliminary report
Kris Vasudevan and David W. Eaton Department of Geoscience University of Calgary 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

2 Outline Project summary - objectives - PSHA current practice
- knowledge gaps Next steps - lessons learned from Chile - recommendations - refined project objectives 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

3 Project Objectives Review previous probabilistic studies of seismic hazards Review geological studies of structures near Redwater Assess parameters required to improve seismic hazard analysis 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

4 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
PSHA current practice 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

5 PSHA for dams in Alberta
Martens and Atkinson, 2008 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

6 Knowledge Gaps / Inputs Needed
Subsurface fragility: PGA damage threshold for CCS reservoir, seal design life of the facility extrapolation from surface to depth west coast megathrust earthquake, including triggered seismicity improved seismicity models for Alberta, including induced seismicity seismogenic potential of the Snowbird Tectonic Zone 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

7 Lessons from the Chile earthquake
Argentina 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

8 Recommendations A 5-year investigation of regional seismicity characteristics in Alberta using data from new seismograph stations that have recently been installed by the UofC and UofA [Alberta Geological Survey] 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

9 Recommendations 2) creation and maintenance of a seismicity catalogue including focal mechanisms, to provide new data on regional stress regime; [Earthquakes Canada, Alberta Geological Survey, Carbon Management Canada] Ristau et al. 2006 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

10 Recommendations 3) a case study of the STZ where precise hypocentre locations can be compared with existing 3-D seismic data to pinpoint potential seismogenic structures; [proposed for HARP] Husen et al., 2004 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

11 Proposed detailed case study of STZ
Precise hypocentres using temporary seismograph network (5 stations) around the Strachan cluster Along magnetic strike with Redwater Feasible within available time frame, due to higher microseismic activity Interpret using 3-D seismic data STZ 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

12 Recommendations 4) computation of forward and inverse 3-D numerical ground-motion modeling on a basin-wide scale; [Carbon Management Canada] 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

13 Recommendations [mu-SIC]
5) geomechanical analysis to obtain better constraints on PGA threshold parameters for damage; [mu-SIC] 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

14 Recommendations 6) collaboration with public-policy agencies and organizations to determine functional storage life parameters needed for probabilistic analysis, and to ensure dissemination and implementation of results of this work [CMC and Earthquakes Canada] 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

15 Current best practice: Uniform Hazard Spectra
Probability of exceedance: 2% in 50 years Firm soil (NBC soil class C) Source: Earthquakes Canada 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

16 Refined Project Objectives
Case study of the STZ [HARP] Best practice site evaluation: Develop site-specific uniform hazard spectra [CMC phase I] Monitor CO2 injections for induced microseismicity [HARP / CMC phase II] 2010/03/29 ARC Energy

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