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Published byLeonard Robbins Modified over 6 years ago
FP7-HiLumi LHC Design Study Summary and Feedback
Isabel Bejar Alonso on hehalf of Lucio Rossi – CERN Project Coordinator
HiLumi LHC has been part of a wider effort called HL-LHC project : 6 WPs covered by FP7 (key ones)
EUSC 12th July 2016
15 beneficiaries Huddersfield Univ. (UK) joined in 2013 compensating the quit of CNRS Orsay KEK has partecipated as beneficiary without EC money (and no formal financial reporting) EUSC 12th July 2016
5 Associated (US Labs did not sign)
However USA provided critical contribution to WP3 (IR quads) and WP4 (CC) and important ones to WP2 (Accelerator studies) and WP5 (Collimator) EUSC 12th July 2016
Budget FP7 HiLumi : mostly personnel (1570 person-months)!
CERN waives all technical works: LHC is core program. Only kept the CERN cost for managem. Only EU research area Waiving effect 50% 85% of CERN gen. mngt EUSC 12th July 2016
Goal of High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) as fixed in November 2010
From FP7 HiLumi LHC Design Study application The main objective of HiLumi LHC Design Study is to determine a hardware configuration and a set of beam parameters that will allow the LHC to reach the following targets: A peak luminosity of Lpeak = 5×1034 cm-2s-1 with levelling, allowing: An integrated luminosity of 250 fb-1 per year, enabling the goal of Lint = 3000 fb-1 twelve years after the upgrade. This luminosity is more than ten times the luminosity reach of the first 10 years of the LHC lifetime. EUSC 12th July 2016
WP1 General coordination and general aspects
(safety, QA, infrastructure, liaison Injector & LHC Detectors) WP2 Acc. Physics WP4 Crab Cavity WP3 IR Magnets WP6 Cold Powering WP5 IR Collimation EUSC 12th July 2016
HiLumi LHC: project Milestones - 1
Jul-10 Mandate to L. Rossi by D.A.T. to set up FP7-Design Study Nov-10 Application FP7-HiLumi LHC Design Study Dec-10 Institution of the HL-LHC as a (design study) project by D.A.T. Mar-11 Approval FP7-HiLumi LHC Design Study Apr-11 CERN internal kick-off meeting of HiLumi Nov-11 Start of FP7 DS and 1st General CERN Jul-12 Document CERN-ATS describing HL-LHC for EU strategy Decision MQXF (IT quad) aperture 150 mm Nov-12 2nd General Frascati May-13 HL-LHC 1st Priority in EU strategy Brussels) International Review on Collimation Jun-13 Partial insertion of HL-LHC budget in the MTP Oct-13 RLIUP (Review of LHC and Inj Upgrade Plans by CMAC) First HL-LHC detector ECFA workshop Nov-13 HL-LHC Project kick-off and 3rd General Daresbury “Europe’s top priority should be the exploitation of the full potential of the LHC, including the high-luminosity upgrade of the machine and detectors with a view to collecting ten times more data than in the initial design, by around This upgrade programme will also provide further exciting opportunities for the study of flavour physics and the quark-gluon plasma.” EUSC 12th July 2016
HiLumi LHC: project Milestones - 2
May-14 International Review on (w/LARP) Jun-14 MTP CERN insert 90% HL-LHC budget Oct-14 International Review on MQXF Nb3Sn CERN (w/ LARP) Nov-14 4th General KEK Preliminary Design Report (PDR) Dec-14 International Reviews on MQXF (w/LARP) and MBH CERN Mar-15 Cost & Schedule CERN by CMAC (endorsing budget&time) Jun-15 Decision for C.E. "Underground" option Þ new schedule (Vibrations) Sep-15 MTP CERN incorporate revised HL-LHC in its budget (full CtC) Oct-15 5th General Meeting marking end FP7-HiLumi LHC DS – TDR_v0 EUSC 12th July 2016
FP7 HiLumi: we have met all our obligations
EUSC 12th July 2016
Impressive numbers (and quality!)
EUSC 12th July 2016
Money distributed. EUSC 12th July 2016
General feeback The bureaucracy for HiLumi has been reasonable
Milestone and Deliverable were too long but this is “our” fault. The number of MS/Dlv could have been slightly less. Many of them were timely and useful. For a number of EU Institutes FP7/HiLumi has been a trigger for further HL-LHC collaborations: UK Univ. , STFC, C.I. - INFN (It) - CEA (Fr) HiLumi triggered other collaborations: CIEMAT (ES), Uppsala (SE), … FP7-Hilumi governance made partners feel “on board” rather than outsider (rare in accelerator projects) Design Study under the EU cap are good when they really fit the CERN program. In this way they do not divert CERN resources and associate external resources to CERN project, with beneficial effects. HiLumi DS has become a real CONSTURCTION project, endorsed by the EU strategy update and then fully approved by CERN! EUSC 12th July 2016
Collaboration for HiLumi: the long way
FP7 EuCARD HiField Dip LARP generic FP6 CARE Nb3Sn DOE Nb3Sn R&D HiField quads Demo FP7 sLHC PP sLHC INJ implem. FP7 DS Hi-Lumi LHC Construction M Injector upgrade HL-LHC commissioning 2000 2005 2010 2015 2023 The HL-LHC project formally is the focal point of 20 years of converging International Collaboration CERN-KEK R&D CERN-KEK D1 design EUSC 12th July 2016
Publications and outreach
Outreach talks and events n. 85! – total audience 14,000 people (average of 270/event) EUSC 12th July 2016
HiLumi book – Open Access
EUSC 12th July 2016
HiLumi LHC goes to Industry, 26 June ‘15: 143 attendants
25 June: Visits on site 26 June morning: Presentations (two auditoria) 26 June afternoon: ILO and Business-to-Business EUSC 12th July 2016
The main technical deliverables: PDR and TDR-V0
Delivered to FP7 on 30 Nov 2014 TDR-v0 delivered to EU in November 2015 TDR_v0.1 : completed (minor modifications wrt v0) EUSC 12th July 2016
Most significant accomplishment: The DS became a fully financed project: HL-LHC
Following success of C&SR: CERN management inserted HL-LHC CtC in the MTP with profile till 2026 (LTP): MTP and strategy approved by Sept Council. CERN personnel: 1600 FTE-y No overheads, no contingency EUSC 12th July 2016
LHC/HL-LHC perfomance plan devised via the FP7-HiLumi DS: now is CERN plan
EUSC 12th July 2016
1st High Luminosity Collaboration Board
EUSC 12th July 2016
2nd Joint Annual Meeting
EUSC 12th July 2016
3rd Joint Annual Meeting
11-15 November 2013, Daresbury Lab, UK 175 participants, incl. 92 CERN registrants EUSC 12th July 2016
4th Annual Meeting: KEK–Tsukuba 2014
EUSC 12th July 2016
FP7-HiLumi LHC –26-30 October 2015 @ CERN : 5th Annual Meeting (project end)
EUSC 12th July 2016
But the the love story between LHC upgrade and EC is not finished…
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