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Social Skills Training

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1 Social Skills Training
Group Therapy: Social Skills Training

2 Grouping Member Typical Referral Profile:
ADHD: inattention, impulsivity creates for poor social skills acquisition Autism: high functioning/Asperger’s d/o Undersocialized Students Both Genders

3 What Skills? Inhibiting Behaviors: STOP/THINK/CHOOSE
Socially Adaptive Skills: Starting, Joining Conversation; Taking Turns, Compromising, Managing Anger, Teasing, Dealing with rejection/loss, coping w/ conflict

4 Group Composition Ideal size: 4-7
Students with similar socialization needs Complementary strengths (extroverted students w/ bright students) Similar age – developmental level about same

5 The First Session State the purpose of the group
Go over rules and consequences of group Confidentiality: do not discuss group work outside Supportive Feedback in group Participation is a requirement of group membership Discussion of interests/Getting to know each other End with game/snack

6 Initial Phase Build Awareness: Identify target stills
Identify and underscore importance of skills Have Students to a self-assessment See handout: complete form and go over with group

7 Middle Phase Social Skills Interventions: Building Self-Awareness:
Example: Managing Anger Exercise Class exercise Role Play Practice Example: How to End a Conversation Exercise

8 Intern Presentation: Mindfulness Training with Children
Focus on building Emotional Regulation Anxiety reduction Conflict management Improve self-confident/self-mastery Intern Presentation: Mindfulness Training with Children

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