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The federation of Australia

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1 The federation of Australia
By Hannah The federation of Australia

2 Why and how did Australia become a nation?
Australia became a nation on the 1st January Australia became a nation for many reasons : The armed forces were too small to defend each state. The train line ended at the border of each state. People realised that Australia would be stronger as one nation instead of six small colonies. Henry Parkes pushed the idea because he wanted to be Australia's leader. The leaders of Australia wanted to become their own identity away from Great Britain. Trading was too hard and expensive.

3 How did Australian society change during this period of time?
Australian society changed in a few ways throughout the period of Such as: Fashion Architecture Hairstyles

4 Who were the people who came to Australia?
Altogether there 3,773,801 people, 1,977,928 men and 1,795,873 women counted in Australia during % counted in Australia were born in Australia and 22.8% stated that they were born overseas. In 1901, the three main countries of birth for those born overseas were: United Kingdom Other European Countries Asia Countries

5 Outline a significant individual or group’s contribution to Australian society during this time.
Edmund Barton Edmund Barton was born January 18th 1849 and died January 7th , Edmund had six children and one wife Jane Mason Ross. Sir Edmund John Barton is Australia’s first prime minister and I believe he contributed greatly to Australia. Being the first of any country is always the hardest because you have to settle and try make your country happy and set the foundations in place. If it hadn’t of been for Edmund Barton Australia wouldn’t be the way it is now.

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