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America Moves to the City

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1 America Moves to the City 1865-1900
Mr. Walters Chapter 25


3 The Urban Frontier From 1870 to 1900, the American population doubled, and the population in the cities tripled. Cities grew up and out. Trollies and other ways of commuting allows cities to grow Electricity, indoor plumbing, and telephones made city life more alluring. Early “Skyscraper”

4 City Life Tenements cram immigrants into cities.
To escape, the wealthy of the city-dwellers fled to suburbs. New problems emerge: Air Water Trash Sewage Overall heath-disease “Dumbbell Tenement”


6 The new immigration Old Immigrants: N. Europeans
New Immigrants: SE Europeans They are not like us See cartoon on page 608

7 Reactions to the New Immigration
The federal government did little to help immigrants assimilate newcomers. Political Bosses are only refuge. Preaching the ‘Social Gospel” What American means How to speak English How to function in society Two kinds of Natvism: -To Hell with them -Lets mold them

8 Settlement Houses Jane Addams Hull House in Chicago

9 Churches Confront the Urban Challenge
Old style of Churches became extension of Wealthy Industrialists. Reformers look to Church as a tool to rally city dwellers/ immigrants. Enemy of Fundamentalists These liberal Protestants change the book on preaching. Great Awakening part 3? Dwight Lyman Moody

10 Darwinism Disrupts the Churches

11 Booker T. Washington v. W.E.B Du Bois
Blacks should use practical means to achieve economic independence. Do not demand equality Build up yourself to be successful SOUTH Blacks MUST have racial; equality Saw Washington just as a white racist Helped to form NAACP NORTH

12 Newspaper growth Pulitzer and Hearst
Social doings captivate illiterate SELL MORE PAPERS Yellow Journalism is born Sensationalism, falsehoods

13 The New Morality Victoria Woodhull proclaimed free love, and together with her sister, Tennessee Claflin, wrote Woodhull and Claflin’s Weekly. The “new morality” reflected sexual freedom in the increase of birth control, divorces, and frank discussion of sexual topics. See Divorce Rates Pg 624 Ms. Woodhull

14 Feminist Activism Feminists also rallied toward suffrage, forming the National American Woman Suffrage Association in 1890. Early rumblings of the Progressive Movement Ms. Stanton

15 Temperance and Prohibition
Concern over the popularity (and dangers) of alcohol was also present, marked by the formation of the National Prohibition Party in 1869. WCTU Leaders included Frances E. Willard and Carrie A. Nation who literally wielded a hatchet and hacked up bars. The Anti-Saloon League was also formed in 1893.

16 Carrie Nation

17 Social Progress The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was formed in 1866 to discourage the mistreatment of livestock. The American Red Cross, formed by Clara Barton, a Civil War nurse, was formed in 1881.

18 Amusements

19 National Pastime Baseball emerged as America’s national pastime.
Wrestling and Boxing gained popularity and respectability. In 1891, James Naismith invented basketball.

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