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1 The full, original PPT can be downloaded here:
Revising and Editing Steve Graham and Bruce Sadler This PPT was downloaded from The Utah Education Network Website ( ) and modified to include only the slides pertaining to revising and editing. The full, original PPT can be downloaded here:

2 REVISION “Teachers have the greatest opportunity to teach students about good writing when students evaluate and change what they have already written.” -Charles A. MacArthur

3 REVISION VS. EDITING Revising is changing to make your writing better.
Editing is correcting errors such as spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes.

4 REVISION re=again vision = to see to see your work again

5 REVISION *Revision can happen during writing and after completing a draft. * Teachers find it difficult to get students to go beyond editing for errors. *Ideas learned during revision should carry over to other pieces of writing.

6 When you Revise You can ADD*SUBTRACT*MOVE*CHANGE

7 Questions you can ask when revising?
Does everything make sense? Have I expressed myself well? Have I chosen the best words? Do I have enough interesting and important details? Have I reached my goal for this genre?

8 Research on Revision The next few slides contain findings from existing research on several instructional approaches or methods. Why is this important? We can learn from research and apply the best methods in our classrooms!

9 TEACHER FEEDBACK -Most common is for teacher to provide feedback and to ask students to revise. -Written feedback not very effective. -More effective to conference with students about their writing. Research on REVISION INSTRUCTION

10 Critical Reading -Students who critically read a piece and can identify comprehension problems in writing become better at revising. Research on REVISION INSTRUCTION

11 Word Processing -Using a word processor by itself doesn’t improve revision Research on REVISION INSTRUCTION

12 Strategy Instruction -Teaching students how to self-evaluate using specific criteria. -Giving students steps to use in revising specific genre of writing -Instruction in revision can lead to improved revision and quality of writing Research on REVISION INSTRUCTION

13 PEER REVISION -Peer feedback can be more frequent and immediate than a teacher can provide. -Students need training in order to make peer revision effective. -Peer revision should be integrated into writing instruction and evaluation. -Students learn from giving AND receiving feedback. Research on REVISION INSTRUCTION

14 Example Peer Revision Strategy
1. Listen while the author reads the paper. 2. Tell what the paper was about and what you liked about it. 3. Read the story (or listen to it again) and ask the evaluation questions. (Insert specific questions here) 4. Discuss the evaluation and ways to make the paper better. 5. Author makes changes.

15 How do we get kids to go beyond the editing errors?
How can we get students to go beyond the first draft? How do we get kids to go beyond the editing errors? Turn and Talk

16 Charles A. MacArthur says,
“ It is easy and time-efficient to give students the opportunity to apply evaluation rubrics to papers written by unknown peers, and it helps them to improve their own papers. This experience could be an effective way to train students for actual peer review.”







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