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“A Time for Action”, General Conference 2000

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2 “A Time for Action”, General Conference 2000
A mission initiative of General Conference in 1992 began a journey that is now the United Methodist Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministries.

3 “A Time for Action”, General Conference 2000
“Beginning with John Wesley, Methodism has a long history of commitment to its connection with the forgotten communities of our world. The United Methodist Church’s connection with Deaf, late-deafened, hard of hearing, deaf-blind people is a history of forgotten stories and forgotten people.

4 Structure A steering committee was established with an assigned staff member of the General Board of Global Ministries: Noemi Fuentes was our organizing staff member, followed by Dr. Cherian Thomas, and Niels French. Patricia Magyar now serves as our liaison.

5 Structure Ten Members shall make up the Committee as follows:

6 Structure two Deaf (capital D=culturally Deaf) two late-deafened
two hard of hearing one deaf-blind ….as well as………

7 Structure one deaf institutional ministry professional
two clergy with experience in ministry with people who are Deaf, late-deafened, hard of hearing, deaf-blind

8 Structure The Committee strives to be inclusive with regard to gender
ethnicity jurisdiction different sign language & hearing abilities and various levels of deaf-blindness

9 Committee Makeup Committee members are from :
North Central Jurisdiction North Eastern Jurisdiction South Central Jurisdiction Southeastern Jurisdiction Western Jurisdiction


11 President:. Michelle Martin Vice President:. Sam Carpenter Secretary:
President: Michelle Martin Vice President: Sam Carpenter Secretary: Elke Sharma

12 Focus in first quadrennium:
Presentation & advocacy skills awareness workshops at boards & agencies Becoming resources for the General Church, Annual Conferences, faith communities, and local churches Grants and loan of equipment Creating action plans and legislation for Annual & General Conferences Global Deaf Ministries (mission)

13 General Conference 2004 Voted to continue the work of the Committee into the current quadrennium Supported its work with financial backing and assigned staff from Board of Global Ministries, Health and Welfare section. Continues to expect great things from this Committee in years to come.

14 Focus in 2005-2008: Develop Web Presence Leader Resources
Initiated Leader Resources Developed 2 hour workshop Made equipment available on loan Petition to General Conference 2008 add staff person in Hard of Hearing ministry. (Did not pass.)

15 Focus in current quadrennium:
Development of deaf pastors & Youth Certified lay pastor process Communication Promotion of Advance Global Mission Haiti Other ongoing work in 13 countries

16 Grants Subcommittee Decides criteria for grant giving based on models from the Board of Global Ministries Receives grant applications for projects and scholarships Reports findings to whole Committee for voting Disburses approved grants Keeps a record of grant recipients

17 Accountability The Committee is accountable to
UMCOR Health of the General Board of Global Ministries sharing yearly progress reports and evaluation. As an Advance, we also report to the Advance review committee.

18 Advance Special “Ministry with Deaf People” Advance # 982562-7
provides opportunities for empowering Deaf, late-deafened, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind people

19 Advance Special Projects include seed money for new ministries
global outreach curriculum development internships Deaf and deaf-blind camps communication access scholarships

20 Advance Special How to Give:
send a check to your local church with Advance ID # on the memo line local church will send it to your Annual Conference treasurer to use credit card call That’s

21 Advance Special See Advance brochure to find out about
how to give to the Advance how to apply for funding your project or scholarship needs qualifying persons, programs

22 Advance Special Application forms are distributed through
general mailings for the Advance available from any committee member or the Health and Welfare office of General Board of Global Ministries Forms may be submitted by letter, fax, or .

23 Contact Us Consultant to the Committee Board of Global Ministries
Wineva Hankamer Board of Global Ministries Health & Welfare Staff Patricia Magyar Website:

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