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Wrap up – Themes/Symbols/Big Ideas

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Presentation on theme: "Wrap up – Themes/Symbols/Big Ideas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wrap up – Themes/Symbols/Big Ideas
To Kill a Mockingbird Wrap up – Themes/Symbols/Big Ideas

2 For each symbol think of when it occurs and what it symbolizes
Oak Tree Scout’s Overalls Boo’s blanket Miss Maudie’s cakes Mrs. Dubose’s camellias Comics

3 Think of theme statements to go with these topics
Courage Hypocrisy Prejudice Moral education Social inequality Understanding Dignity

4 Mood Think about the different sections or events of the novel: where did Lee establish these moods? Creepy Warm Humourous Indignant (anger over unfair treatment)

5 Double Plot Lines Boo Radley Plot Tom Robinson Plot
Climax – Boo kills Bob to save the children Resolution – Scout stands in Boo’s shoes Tom Robinson Plot Climax – Jury convicts Tom Robinson Resolution – Tom and Bob are both killed

6 Characters – Flat, Round; Static, Dynamic
For each character type think of some examples Flat – one sided (usually either positive or negative) Round – reader sees multiple personality traits (both positive and negative) Static – a character who does not change or grow Dynamic – a character who experiences profound change in personality or perspective

7 Character Foils A character foil is a character whose behaviour and qualities set off those of another figure Examine these relationships and think about what they are meant to teach Calpurnia vs. Aunt Alexandra Scout vs. Walter Cunningham Jr. The Cunninghams vs. the Ewells Miss Maudie vs. Miss Grace Merriweather Calpurnia vs. Lula

8 Remember to think about Figurative Language
Imagery Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Alliteration

9 Historical Context Use of the N word Civil Rights movement
North/South US influence Scottsboro Boys Lynch mobs

10 Social Commentary How do these people or groups teach the reader about hypocrisy Miss Caroline Miss Gates The Women’s Missionary Circle

11 Humour How does irony add to humour? Think about:
Scout’s perception vs. reality Miss Dubose has a gun under her blanket Atticus can’t do anything Calpurnia tries to make her life difficult

12 Bias/Perspective Think about how the story is told – how does Scout’s perspective shape the story – what is made more palatable? Where can you see the author (Harper Lee’s) bias?

13 Fiction vs. Memoir This book is FICTION! Although many parallels can be drawn between the author’s life and the character including: Dill Harris/Truman Capote Scout’s Dad vs. Lee’s Dad The two trials Maycomb

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