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Presentation on theme: "“INNOVATION FORUM—A STRATEGIC PLANNING MODEL”"— Presentation transcript:


2 What IF? What IF? There was an office located on your campus that welcomed anyone in to share ideas for student success? What IF? This office took these ideas and turned them into initiatives? What IF? This office processed and prioritized request by the greatest value to the institution? What IF? This process considered total cost, and not just first cost? What IF? This process not only did all of this, but also encouraged individuals to bring forth their innovative ideas. Their own What IF’s? What IF? This office was called your Innovation Forum?


4 Institutional Planning Process
Define Institutional Planning Process. The next slide

5 Institutional Planning Process
Define Idea Department Owner Approval Begin Evaluation (DREAM Score) Non-Biased Committee Review Determine Cost per Student Determine Community Impact Final Review and Approval

6 Define the Idea What would you like to do?
Why you feel your initiative would support student success? Where should it happen? When should it be implemented? Elevator Speech This becomes the business plan for all new projects and academic programs

7 Department Owner Approval
Primary Filter Immediate Go No Go District Go Go through the Model Go Filters - anything that will directly affect safety or urgent maintenance No Go Filters - anything that is unlawful District Go- is this something that can happen district wide? Go through Model and allow the vetting based on what’s important to our institution.

8 We use this to determine how well an Initiative fits the Colleges Goals, Mission, and Vision.

9 Not at all: Component* is not impacted by the initiative
Goal Score Weight Weighted score Diversity 30% Relevance 10% Engagement 20% Access Metrics Total weighted score: Central: Component* is the or an impetus for the initiative; component is of the greatest importance in initiative implementation; principal or essential to the initiative’s purpose Direct: Component* is a result of implementing the initiative; component is affected by the initiative without intervening factors or intermediaries. Indirect: Component* is a secondary, ancillary, unintended or incidental result of implementing the initiative; component is not directly caused by or resulting from implementation. Not at all: Component* is not impacted by the initiative Diversity – Increase our Diversity Goals Relevance - Increase students employability Engagement – Increase the students ability to engage with the faculty, the College, or the subject matter Access – Adding students to the degree, the program, or a university transfer program Metrics – improves continues enrollment or degree or course completion ***Pass out literature*** Audience will be paired into groups of five to completed a dream score – much like a nonbiased committee.

The Non-bias committee is a group of unbiased individuals who are responsible for vetting any and all subjective data involved in the creation of ideas to improve student success at Tarrant County college. The committee: The committee consists of five members and is made up of individuals from TCCD staff, administration, faculty, student, and community.

TOTAL COST OF INITIATIVE HOW MANY STUDENTS ARE AFFECTED BY INNOVATION – Project the number of students yearly to 2020 for renovation and 2030 for new buildings, if required. TOTAL COST OF INITIATIVE - including personnel requirements, IT needs, marketing, facility requests.

12 Community Impact Impact of TCC Tuition dollars through additional participation Impact of additional staff salaries or organizational structure changes Effect on student job placement rates and their annual salaries Flow of Tuition dollars to four-year institutions as a result of additional transfers Pass out a CELT Summary here to show audience what this looks like.

13 Plot and Prioritize All initiatives are plotted and prioritized. All initiatives must receive a Dream Score between 1-3, Cost per Student of $3,000 or less, and community impact dollars before being presented to CELT.

14 Why are Innovation Forums beneficial
to the college? They Increased Participation at all levels They Encourages New and Innovative Ideas They Clarify Total Project Cost They Plot and Prioritize within fund availability They Align The Master Plans Encourages participation at all levels of the College from grounds keepers to senior administrators Reduces the ability of supervisor to stifle new ideas Allows the College to understand the total potential cost of any new project or academic program It allows the College to prioritize the projects to fit within the funds available It aligns the Academic and Facilities Master Plans

15 Proven Results Initiatives Evaluated – 239
Initiatives Presented For Approval in 2016– 47 Total Cost Of Initiatives Processed in $114,732,601 Total Of Students Impacted In One Year - 1,611,705 Total Cost Of Initiatives Processed- $88,281689 Total Number Of Initiatives Approved And Funded -43

16 Examples of Approved and Funded Initiatives
Youth Education Town Center of Excellence of Energy Technology Early College High Schools Supplemental Instruction Riverside Multipurpose


Executive Director of Institutional and Strategic Development Real Estate and Facilities Development Tarrant County College District| Office: DMOC 1125B 1500 Houston Street| Fort Worth, Texas |Off Chad Crocker Director of Facilities Operations Tarrant County College District 828 W. Harwood Road |Hurst, Texas 76054| Off


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