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Independent Practice Station:

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1 Independent Practice Station:
Math Groups and Stations for Math Workshop Learning Goal: I will understand the structure and rules of Math Workshop. Rotation #1: Teacher Station: Type the names of your lowest group here. Put a  next to the name of your group leader to distinguish them from the other students in the group. Fluency Station: Type the names of your highest group here. Put a  next to the group leader’s name. Independent Practice Station: Type the names of your middle group (or high/middle group) here. Put a  next to the group leader’s name. Problem Solving Station: Type the names of your middle group (or low/middle group) here. Put a  next to the group’s leader.

2 Problem Solving Station:
Math Groups and Stations for Math Workshop Learning Goal: I will understand the structure and rules of Math Workshop. Rotation #2: Teacher Station: Fluency Station Independent Practice Station: Problem Solving Station:

3 Math Workshop Rotation #3:
Math Groups and Stations for Math Workshop Learning Goal: I will understand the structure and rules of Math Workshop. Rotation #3: Teacher Station: Fluency Station: Independent Practice Station: Problem Solving Station:

4 Math Workshop Rotation #4:
Math Groups and Stations for Math Workshop Learning Goal: I will understand the structure and rules of Math Workshop. Rotation #4: Teacher Station: Fluency Station: Independent Practice Station: Problem Solving Station:

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