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PitchGreen participants will be automatically entered into the

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1 PitchGreen participants will be automatically entered into the
Future Agro Challenge (FAC) the world championship for innovators, visionaries and leaders to change our everyday life through farm, food and lifestyle. Complete the attached slides and them to

2 Main Categories Agtech Agriculture Production & Processing
Nutrition & Health Agriculture Biotech Biofuels Evergreen Practices Robotics & Precision Agriculture Agro Logistics Farmer Incomes Education Agrotourism Safety & Health Packaging

3 Company Name & Key People
What is the name of your business? Include any logos and slogans. Cite the qualifications of the management team and other key personnel. Be sure to not only mention the founding entrepreneurs, but also active investors, key employees, company directors key advisors and/or an advisory board. If you have not yet hired your team, include the key attributes and skill sets that are required for the position(s) you will be filling for key posts.

4 Value Proposition State the opportunity you have identified in the marketplace and how you are qualified to meet it. State your value proposition - What makes your business unique? Why people will choose your business over your competitor? Cite your mission statement, if you have developed one. How does your business benefit mankind?

5 Business Model Business Model is one part product and one part infrastructure, so provide a quick overview of the key logistical and operational aspects of the business In as concise a way as possible, describe the product and/or service to be offered. If hardware, how does it operate? If software, what technology stack will you use? Include unique aspects of the product (if applicable), its use and appeal, and what stage of the product life cycle you are in. How will you complete the project? What are the potential risks and how do you mitigate them?

6 Market Potential What problem does your product solve?
Overview of the current market and competition – note time spent researching what products and/or services are currently being offered and by whom. Define what niche areas you may be focusing on. Description of target customer What is their demographic description? Where will you reach this prospective customer (from what location will you conduct your business)? Is this business scalable? How will you manage long term growth? (Mention your sales and distribution model) How will you get your first customer as well as the 10,000th customer. Mention your PR strategy.

7 Innovation and Technology
How will your business strive to be innovative in its approach to the marketplace? Is there any breakthrough thinking or design element? How will you implement environmentally friendly business practices? How will you execute your technological component?

8 Resource Requirements
List your start-up costs including: licenses and permits, outfitting your physical space, business vehicle, tools and equipment, sufficient inventory, and shipping and duty, requirements for a MVP (minimum viable product). How much money have you invested or have you raised towards starting/developing your business? What are your assumptions to support your projected sales (i.e. you will sell 10 widgets a day, 5 days a week at $5 a widget for a total weekly income of $250) What is your breakeven point (Breakeven point = fixed costs/ (unit selling price – variable costs)?

9 Social Factors Does your idea have potential to create jobs?
What type of impact will it have on the local community? What do you do when everyone has one of your products/services? What is the projected lifetime value of a customer? What is the typical sales cycle between initial customer contact and closing of a sale? What early traction has the company already gotten? How can it be accelerated? What are key features you plan to add in the future? What are your major product milestones?

10 Conclusion and Call-to-action
Wrap up your Pitch with a strong statement and call-to-action. Be sure to ask the judges/investors to kindly consider supporting your venture.

11 Additional Information
The winner of Pitch Green will win a chance to pitch in the global finals of the Future Agro Challenge held in Istanbul Turkey – you must be able to travel. The winner will get a chance to participate in and attend the Global Agripreneurs Summit in Istanbul Turkey. A portion of the cash winnings are to go towards purchasing your airfare and room and Board in Turkey.

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