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Recycled Water Project – Sharon Heights GCC

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1 Recycled Water Project – Sharon Heights GCC
8/25/2014 Recycled Water Project – Sharon Heights GCC Pre-SOQ Meeting March 16, 2016

2 Topics Overview of the Recycled Water Project – Sharon Heights GCC
Project Description Anticipated Costs and Benefits of Project Timeline and Current Status

3 Project Overview West Bay maintains 200+ miles of sewer mains
8/25/2014 Project Overview West Bay maintains 200+ miles of sewer mains West Bay conveys 3.5 MGD to Silicon Valley Clean Water Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club (SHGCC) is a partner with West Bay on the project and is formalizing a contract. Contract will require SHGCC membership approval. SHGCC: non-potable water demand of 152 AFY The West Bay Recycled Water Project – Sharon Heights GCC, will meet the 152 AFY demand, and potentially be expanded to meet other user demands in the future

4 8/25/2014 Project Description Phase I (Alternative I) – Supply up to 152 AFY to SHGCC Wastewater conveyance and pump station Satellite treatment facility at SHGCC and pump station Solids discharge pipeline Recycled Water (RW) conveyance pipeline on SHGCC Phase I (Alternative II) – Supply up to 84 AFY to SLAC RW conveyance pipeline Phase II (Alternative III) – Supply up to 44 AFY (two business parks and HOA)

5 8/25/2014 Project Overview PS WTP 6” RW Delivery to SLAC

6 Project Description 0.5 MGD Wastewater treatment plant
Wastewater pump station and conveyance pipeline Solids disposal pipeline RW pump station Recycled water pipeline

7 Project Description 280 Junipero Serra Freeway 8/25/2014
RW Delivery to SLAC RW Pump Station Waste Solids to Sewer Forcemain from PS Treatment Facility 280 Junipero Serra Freeway

8 Proposed Influent Pump Station Configuration
New Sewer Existing Sewer Above-grade Electrical Equipment Below-grade Pump Station Below-grade Valve Box Forcemain to Treatment Facility Existing Sewer New Sewer

9 Project Benefits and Costs
Alternative I – SHGCC only 152 AFY of recycled water Total Capital Cost: $15.6 M Annual O&M Costs: $233,000 Unit Cost, Annualized: $6,100/AF

10 Project Benefits Create a new non-potable water supply
Increase water reliability in drought conditions Decrease usage of potable water for non-potable uses Help City meet 20 by 2020 water conservation goals

11 Project Status Market survey completed August 2014
Facilities Plan completed August 2015 CEQA – MND adopted December 2015 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Application Completed December 2015 Qualify for 1% loan & up to $6M grant Funding agreement with SWRCB by March 2016

12 Timeline Phase I (Alternative I):
Design-Build-Operate Initial phases 2016: Planning and Coordination, Acquisition and Management, Predesign, Design Review, Permitting Project Construction: late Phase II (Alternative II) Construction: 2018+ Phase II (Alternative III) Construction: 2019+

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