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DISCUSS regression and correlation

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1 DISCUSS regression and correlation
Nuffield Free-Standing Mathematics Activity DISCUSS regression and correlation CC Rudolf Stricker

2 DISCUSS regression and correlation
Height Age of plant Plant heights How does the height of a plant depend on its age? How does the value of a car depend on its age? Price Age of car Depreciation in value of cars This activity is about finding relationships between variables and measuring their strength.

3 DISCUSS regression and correlation
Use the following online tutorial to learn about regression and correlation: The student sheets tell you which parts to do and which to leave out.

4 DISCUSS regression and correlation
Reflect on your work Explain what is meant by ‘regression’ and ‘correlation’. What is the difference between interpolation and extrapolation? If you find that r = 1, what can you say about the relationship between the variables? What if r = –1? What might a value of r near to zero indicate? Correlation does not imply causation. Explain what this means. Suggest a real-life example.

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