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Teachers’ Association Contract

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1 Teachers’ Association Contract
July 2017 – July 2020

2 Article III, Section F (page 4) Reaching Agreement
Instead of handing out hard copies of the final signed agreement, it will be posted on the BOCES employee portal

3 Mentor Program Summary
Increase in pay by $100 each year Stipend paid quarterly Receive pay for going to New Staff Orientation Collegial Partner Program is voluntary

4 Article IV Section E (page 6) Mentor Program
Maintain language in numbers 1-3 The BOCES and the Association agree that any Association member selected as a mentor will receive a fixed annual lump sum stipend as outlined below. The stipend will not be added to the Association member’s base salary and will not be included to calculate annual salary increases. The stipend will be paid quarterly during the work year. Mentors will attend all required training sessions and will receive in-service education credits as defined in Section XVII Section D of this agreement. Mentors will attend New Staff Orientation and will receive pay based on their per diem rate. No mentor will be provided an additional preparation period to engage in mentoring activities. Collegial Partner Program Collegial partners are a voluntary position that only tenured or permanently appointed unit members may fulfill. There will be no penalty for unit members who choose not to be a collegial partner. Position Stipend Stipend Stipend Mentor  $1,100 $1,200  $1,300

5 Work Day Summary Change in amount of staff meetings and the length
Redefined professional time between individual and team planning May ask for additional time if you need to complete Medicaid paperwork Travel time does not count in lunch or professional time

6 Article VII, Section A (page 12-13) Work Day
2 meetings per month for up to 2 hours (Faculty Staff Meetings) 1 meeting per month for no more than 2 hours OR 2 meetings per month for no more than 1 hour each 70 minutes daily or 350 minutes weekly (Professional Time) 225 minutes per week will be dedicated for individual planning, required paperwork and individual professional duties. This time will be provided in increments of no less than 30 consecutive minutes No more than 125 minutes per week may be dedicated for team planning and team professional duties. Exceptions may be made where supervisors determine student needs are urgent For unit members who are required to complete Medicaid paperwork as part of their job responsibilities, additional professional time may be granted by the Program Administrator based on workload requirements

7 Article VII, Section A (page 12-13) Work Day continued….
Schedules are developed between supervisor and unit member Travel time will not be included in contractual duty free 30 minute lunch period or professional time

8 Work Year Summary Change in CTE calendar
Increase in pay for relocating classroom or release time given

9 Article VII Section B (page 14-15) Work Year
Re-numbers and added a few items in this section Added: For the school years, for unit members employed by the Career and Technical Education Department (CTE), the work year will commence the week prior to the regular work year start date as stated in Article VII, Section B. There will be three (3) consecutive working days, not including the Friday before Labor Day, which will be dedicated to Professional Development activities only and cannot be used for classroom relocation purposes and must be consecutive. Personal days are not available for use those three days.

10 Article VII Section B (page 14-15) Work Year continued…
Moved Section from page 39 Relocating unit members will receive release time from their responsibilities or a stipend as outlined below for the unit member to pack or unpack classroom supplies, materials and equipment moved to a different location or different level or program. The release time option must be approved by the program supervisor. School Year Stipend Per Day $86 $88

11 APPR Summary Language clean up
Addition of 3012(d) language – referenced separate booklet for guidelines Probationary Period – followed law and took out number of years needed

12 Article IX, Section A & B (page 17 – 19) APPR
APPR Review Committee to review process for unit members not under 3012-d Added statement for unit members under 3012-d to follow their procedure in a separate plan book Probationary Period – took out number of years as the law just changed time period

13 Fair Dismissal Summary
Hired before July 1, 2017 – fair dismissal without just cause

14 Article X Section A (page 20) Fair Dismissal Procedures
Education Law Sections 3012, 3014 and 3031 shall govern the process by which probationary teachers will be afforded fair dismissal. Education Law Sections 3012, 3014 and 3031 shall govern the process by which teachers shall be granted or denied tenure in the year a tenure determination is to be made. Applicable only to teachers Board appointed prior to July 1, 2017 – No teacher employed over two years and one day will be disciplined, or reduced in rank or denied any professional advantage without just cause. Dismissal and/or discipline of classified unit members will be governed by Civil Service Law.

15 Health Insurance Summary
No change in base plan BCBS Value Plan BCBS Select Plan – buy up 90/10 & 80/20 continue Addition of HDHP plan with HSA Cadillac Tax for Select Plan

16 Article XVI Section D (page 32) Health Insurance
Unit members may choose to enroll in the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) plan offered by the Rochester Area Health Plan (RASHP). The BOCES shall contribute 95% of the premium and the unit member 5% of the premium. For unit members who enroll in the HDHP plan, the BOCES will deposit money into a Health Savings Account (HSA) as follows: BOCES HSA contribution amounts will be made monthly based on unit member’s plan enrollment date ($50/month for single plan, $100/month for family/no spouse/2person plan). Effective date BOCES Contribution for Single Plan BOCES Contribution for family/no spouse/2 person January 1, 2018 $600 $1200 January 1, 2019 January 1, 2020

17 Article XVI Section D (page 32) Health Insurance continued…
For more information about the HDHP you may visit

18 Article XVI Section D (page 32) Health Insurance continued…
If the Select plan becomes subject to the “Cadillac Tax”, the unit member shall be responsible for the cost of the tax. The BOCES will individually notify in writing any unit member enrolled in the Select Plan and subject to the tax. This notification will take place so that the unit member can utilize the open enrollment period that takes place prior to when and if the Select Plan becomes subject to the Cadillac Tax. The President of the Association will be provided with a list of all members enrolled in the Select Plan and who are notified by the BOCES regarding the “Cadillac Tax”.

19 Article XVI Section D (page 32) Health Insurance continued
Cadillac Tax - 40% excise tax on employer plans exceeding $10,200 in premiums per year for individuals and $27,500 for families. The tax is scheduled to take effect in 2020

20 Teacher Salary Schedule Summary
Minimum of what professionals can be hired at for a salary

21 Article XVII Section A (page 35) Teacher Salary Schedule
I II III IV V Initial/Transitional BS BS + 30 MS/BS + 40 MS + 30 $40,751 $42,154 $43,565 $44,296 $45,708 $41,403 $42,828 $44,262 $45,005 $46,439 $42,065 $43,513 $44,970 $45,725 $47,182

22 Article XVII Section B (page 36) Salary & Reimbursements
School Year Salary Increase 3.2%

23 CTE Industry Certification Fees & Licensing Summary
Continuation of BOCES paying for CTE certifications Addition of BOCES paying for OT, PT, Speech Pathologists, RNs, and Nurse Practitioners

24 Article XVII Section C (page 37) CTE Industry Certification Fees & Licensing
The BOCES will reimburse the cost of the licensing fee for the following unit members whose positions require special licensure. The reimbursement will commence in the school year below and will continue in each subsequent school year thereafter. Reimbursement fees will be paid upon the BOCES receipt of a copy of fee payment receipt and a copy of required license/certificate from the unit member. 2017 – 2018 School Year OT/PT Speech and Language Pathologists Registered Nurses/ Nurse Practitioners

25 In-Service Education Credit Summary
Increase in pay

26 Article XVII Section D (page 37) In-Service Education Credit
Unit members will be paid as outlined below. Payment will be made only when prior approval has been granted by the District Superintendent or his/her designee. For in-service training scheduled during the workday, unit members will be released and no remuneration will be provided. School Year Rate $22.00/Hour $23.00/Hour $24.00/Hour

27 Leadership Stipends Summary
Process for Department Leaders (formerly known as Department Chairs) and Curriculum Leaders being selected and stipend payment Increase in Department Leaders stipends No increase in Curriculum Leaders as of right now

28 Article XVII Section D (page 38) Leadership Stipends
Positions: Vacancies for all leadership positions will be posted. The leadership positions are: Department Leaders and Curriculum Leaders. See Appendix D for Department Leader duties & responsibilities. Selection: The selection of Department Leaders will be made by the Program Administrator from a list of no more than three (3) candidates submitted by the respective departments. In the event the department does not submit at least two (2) candidates, the Program Administrator may exercise his/her discretion to select the Department Leader. There will be no penalty for unit members who choose not to be a Department Leader or Curriculum Leader. Term Length: The length of term for Department Leaders will be two (2) years. For Curriculum Leaders the term will be three (3) years. Continued appointment for each year of the term subject to annual evaluation and re-appointment by the Program Administrator. Stipends: Stipends will be paid as outlined in the chart below and paid quarterly during the school year. Added Appendix D with position duties and responsibilities listed

29 Article XVII Section D (page 38) Leadership Stipends continued…
Position Stipend Stipend Stipend Department Leaders (11) 7 department members or less = $1,500 7 department members or less = $1,600 7 department members or less = $1,700 8 department members or more = $2,000 8 department members or more = $2,100 8 department members or more = $2,200 Curriculum Leaders (5) $1,153

30 Extra-Curricular Activities Summary
Increase in pay in the current stipends we have Addition of a few activities Curriculum Night Transition Night Technology Loan Program Activities are voluntary except for one (1) Open House must be attended per school year

31 Article XVII Section E (page 38-39) Extra-Curricular Activities
All extra-curricular positions shall be voluntary. Unit members will apply each year and be annually appointed by the BOCES. Unit members are required to attend one (1) Open House each year outside of the contractual work day. All other events which are not remunerated in the chart below are voluntary if they take place outside of the contractual work day. The following stipends will be paid for extra-curricular activities upon completion of responsibilities as outlined in the chart below. Unit members must submit a claim form to receive stipend.

32 Article XVII Section E (page 38-39) Extra-Curricular Activities continued..
Position Number Of People Paid Payment Type Stipend Stipend Stipend Special Education Special Education Dinner Dance Chairperson 1 Per Event $187 $191 $195 Special Education Dinner Dance Chaperones 4 $53 $54 $55 Special Education Moving on Ceremony Coordinator $267 $272 $277 Transition Night 8 $40 WEMOCO Annual Board Dinner 2 $107 $109 $111 Skills USA Advisor Per Year $1,530 $1,560 $1,591 National Technical Honor Society Advisor $500 $550 $600 Curriculum Night 35 Other Assistive Technology Loan Program Coordinator $1,000 $1,050 $1,100

33 Curriculum Summary Increase in pay

34 Article XVII Section G (page 40) Curriculum
In the event a unit member agrees to write new or revised curriculum or course(s) of study, outside the regular work day as defined in Article VII, Section A, the unit member shall be compensated at the rate outlined below for each additional hour worked. School Year Rate $20.00/Hour $21.00/Hour $22.00/Hour

35 Service Increment Summary
Increase in pay-out Addition of the pay-out going into a 403(b)

36 Article XVII Section H (page 40) Service Increment
Number 1: Maintain current Language Number 2: The service increment paid by the BOCES shall be $40 per day for sick days accumulated up to a maximum of 210 days at the time of retirement. The BOCES will make payment for unused sick days upon retirement in the form of a non-discretionary employer contribution into the employee’s Section 403-b account within sixty (60) calendar days of retirement date. If this section is utilized, the unit member cannot participate in Article XVII, Section J.

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