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Carnival of the Animals

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1 Carnival of the Animals

2 Learning Activities Upcoming activities will assist the students of becoming a better musician. Audiation is a big part of The Gordon Institute of Music Learning. Listening, reading and reciting from memory are examples of audiation.

3 Swan? How do they move? (youtube video)
What sound do they make? (youtube video)

4 Listening Youtube videos to listen to.
After they listen to it once they can describe to you how they feel. Interpretive dance while singing. YAAAAY!!!

5 Recorders!! Play the root of each chord change.
Add in the melody for the students to hear as they play the chord roots.

6 Notation Younger grades can write out the chord roots.
Older grades can write out melody by singing it, playing it on the recorder or trying to find the pitch on the piano.

7 GROUP WORK!!! SO EXCITED!!!!! Separate students into groups of about 3 or 4 in each group. While the music is playing in the background have the students sing along and show them their interpretive dance as a group making sure EVERY STUDENT has their chance to SHINE!

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