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CGE Presentation 26 May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "CGE Presentation 26 May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 CGE Presentation May 2010

2 Budget for Financial Year 2010/2011
Index Mandate Strategic Plans/ POA 2010/2011 Turn Around Strategy Budget for Financial Year 2010/2011

3 Our mandate The Commission on Gender Equality was created in terms of Section 187 of the Constitution of SA, to strengthen and deepen constitutional democracy in South Africa. The Commission on Gender Equality Act 39 of 1996 charges the CGE with a mandate to promote respect for protection, development and attainment of gender equality. Vision A society free from all forms of gender oppression and inequality Mission Promotion, Protection, Monitoring and Evaluation of gender equality in South Africa

4 How should we execute this mandate?
Monitor Investigate Research Educate Lobby Advise and report issues concerning gender equality

5 Thematic areas Gender and Poverty Gender based violence
Gender, democracy and Good Governance Gender, Culture, Religion and Traditional Practices Gender, HIV and AIDS National Gender Machinery

6 What are the strategic goals for 2008-2013
GENDER AND POVERTY In partnership with various stakeholders, monitors the standards of living and quality of life of South African women, including female-headed households. In order to promote job creation, economic opportunities and to balance dependence on social grants, the CGE uses access to land, water, sanitation, transport infrastructure as key points. The CGE monitors, researches and educates around government strategies and programmes, particularly at local levels, specifically aimed at poverty eradication. The CGE makes annual submissions with recommendations to parliament and key departments in this regard

Co-operating with strategic partners, work towards the creation of a violence free society by significantly reducing gender-based violence

In partnership with civil society and through improved frameworks and systems for monitoring, evaluation and reporting, the CGE becomes the national authority on compliance with the gender equality legislative and policy framework, gender mainstreaming and good practice

The CGE evaluates the role which South African cultures, religion and traditions play in contributing towards gender inequality, work towards rectifying these inequalities and puts in place mechanisms for ongoing monitoring of gender transformation

Noting that the South African government is a signatory to the 2001 UN Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and has pledged to create multi-sectoral strategies to reduce women’s and girl’s vulnerabilities to the pandemic, the CGE is to monitor and make recommendations on the gendered responsive nature of the existing HIV/AIDS legislation and programmes in terms of prevention, care treatment and support

The NGM consists of an integrated framework and set institutional structures established to monitor, promote and mainstream gender equality in policies, programmes of governments (at all levels) and the National Assembly The main thrust of the CGE’s is manifold: 1. It has to work as part of the NGM 2. It must monitor the implementation, development and efficacy of the NGM at all levels 3. CGE must use its mandate to remove blockages to effective establishment and implementation of the NGM 4. CGE must draw attention to the links between the national legal instruments and policies and the international conventions to which South Africa is party to

12 What are the strategic objectives ?
Theme: Gender and Poverty Objectives: 1.The CGE in collaboration with strategic partners continues to develop a clear conceptual framework for its gender equality and poverty focus-defining possible entries and monitoring points of government poverty reduction policies, strategies, and programmes to assess the gendered impact of poverty on the quality of life of women including female-headed households, bearing in mind the effects of various programmes on global climate change and biodiversity. The CGE will also develop gender sensitive tools of assessment 2.Using the outcome of objective 1, encourage the development and implementation of pilot gender equality and poverty programmes at improving access to key focal points in two provinces, monitoring the achievements of such pilots, and encouraging replication of successful aspects in other provinces 3. The CGE takes advantage of opportunities to collaborate with National Treasury and Stats SA on their longitudinal research processes, with review to ensuring that such studies take into account the impact of poverty on the quality of life of women, including female-headed households. The outcomes of theses studies are used as a basis for developing appropriate strategic responses to poverty linked to gender equality

13 Continue Theme: Gender-based violence Objectives:
Ensure that the national legislative and policy frameworks comply with all international gender-based violence instruments/protocols to which the South African government is a signatory Monitor enforcement of legislation seeking to address gender-based violence and improvement of effectiveness of service delivery

14 Cont. Theme: Democracy and Good Governance Objectives:
Ensure that all national and provincial legislation has been assessed from a gender equality perspective, that implementation of legislation for promoting and protecting gender equality is tracked and monitored, and that women have made qualitative inputs in such processes The CGE devises a strategy and puts in place (internal) to increasingly monitor and track compliance with gender equality legislative and policy framework by national provincial and local government Actively engage the judiciary and legal sector to promote gender equality and improve the status of women in the judicial system Drawing on EE information from the Dept. of Labour, the CGE uses its full powers to review the policies and practices in business in the private sector, tertiary institutions and statutory bodies in order to ensure compliance with gender equality legislative and policy framework Effective engagement with the media and advertising agencies with a view to enabling these institutions to become more gender sensitive and increase women’s representations with business and institutions The CGE and its strategic and civil society partners hold political parties representations accountable to their manifest promises and challenge political parties to adopt a policy of 50/50 representation of women in politics, including leadership positions, to ensure greater representation and effective participation of women.

15 Cont Theme: Gender, Culture, Religion and Traditional practices
Objectives: Develop innovative campaigns in conjunction with civil society partners and where appropriate, government, to raise awareness among women and traditional leaders about the mandate of the CGE, women’s rights and gender equality. Where applicable, adopt a targeted approach in terms of rural and/or informal settlements with CGE taking up legal test to further raise awareness To engage the religious sector, civil society organisations, traditional leaders and traditional healers to develop a strategy to change gender perceptions, increase women’s representation and become more gender sensitive implementing their respective mandates The CGE, following the creation of a conducive environment as envisaged in objectives 1 and 2 to develop instruments and monitoring mechanisms for reviewing among other gender policies and practices, women’s participation and representation and changes in institutional and changes in institutional culture, attitudes and perceptions in faith-based traditional and cultural institutions

16 Cont. Theme: Gender and HIV/AIDS Objectives:
CGE assesses in policy and implementation terms the extent to which the Broad Framework for HIV/AIDS and STI Strategic plan for South Africa reduces women’s and girl child’s vulnerability to HIV/AIDS The CGE develops a strategy for ensuring that work undertaken by theme committees and programmes at both national and provincial levels have been reviewed from an HIV/AIDS gendered perspective

17 Cont. Theme :National Gender Machinery (NGM) Objectives:
1.To improve the efficacy and impact of the national gender machinery and deliver gender equality 2. The CGE monitors establishments, implementation and efficacy of the NGM at all levels 3. To actively assess compliance with international protocols, conventions and treaties

18 What is expected from Research, Legal, PEI?
To deliver on the mandate as outlined in the Constitution and the CGE Act To deliver on the strategic focus in the stratplan by ensuring the programmatic activities are aligned to the goals and objectives of the stratplan To produce quality, analytical reports on a monthly and quarterly basis To provide plenary with comprehensive analytical reports on programmatic work that speak to the strategic goals and objectives Efficiency and accountability Impact assessment on delivery of workplans and operational plans(POA’s)

19 Case Study: Theme 6 NGM Project : CEDAW & Beijing Purpose:
To produce a CGE report on the status of the implementation of Cedaw in South Africa To engage parliament on the CGE findings and recommendations The project is still in a final phase, CGE staff have been trained, the details on how the collection and verification of data and ultimately producing a report to be tabled in Parliament and UN.

20 POA 2010/2011 Theme1 Poverty: Monitor Government progress on MDG,
Hearings on Gender & Energy, Maternity benefits project Theme 2 GBV: Red Card campaign against Human Trafficking, Review of recommendations by UN Special Rapportuer VAW 1996, Theme 3 DG&G: Monitoring Local Government Elections, Gender Barometer, Engage with EEC on gender transformation in the private sector; engage with media on discrimination and portrayal of gender equality in the media; review of legislation

21 POA 2010/2011 Theme 4 CR&T: Conference on CR&T, Conduct study on Ukuthwala Theme 5 HIV and AIDS: Monitor National Strategic plan on HIV and AIDS Theme 6 NGM: CEDAW, Beijing, Review SA Reservations in terms of African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights of Women in Africa, Collaboration with C9’s

22 Turn Around Strategy The purpose is to provide the Portfolio Committee with the following: An insight into the challenges prevailing in the CGE 2) The Course of action we would be pursuing to deal with these challenges 3) To solicit inputs aimed at refining the aforementioned course of action 4) The Financial Turn Around Strategy will strengthen & support the CGE’s performance

23 Turn Around Strategy Over the past few years, the AG has provided audit opinions on CGE’s conducting of financial affairs. These opinions have been predominantly negative as a result of shortcomings in the following areas: Control environment Control activities Risk management Information and communication Monitoring

24 Turn Around Strategy Control environment Organisational structure
Management and staff authority and responsibility HR policies Integrity and ethical values not developed or understood Accounting officer not exercising oversight responsibility Lack of competent staff Control Activities Inadequate segregation of duties to prevent fraud and misappropriation Poor controls which compromise the integrity of the information systems Poor authorisation procedures Failure to achieve financial reporting objectives Control activities not selected to mitigate risks Policies and procedures related to financial reporting not well established

25 Turn Around Strategy Information and Communication
Unavailability of information to implement internal controls Pertinent information not identified and captured in an appropriate manner and within requisite time frames Communications not enabling the support and execution of internal controls Monitoring Ongoing monitoring and supervision not undertaken No reviews by internal audit or audit committee Internal control deficiency not identified and communicated Corrective actions not taken

26 Turn Around Strategy Scope of Project Clean CGE Audit
Project clean audit endeavours to move the organisation from having received a disclaimer to having an unqualified audit in future by addressing: Control activities Risk management Information and communication Monitoring The three key activities which are being pursued cover the following 3 focus areas: Finance Human Resource Governance and Business Process Improvement

27 Turn Around Strategy Finance Leases Fixed asset count
Liabilities - Payroll Liabilities - sundry trade and staff creditors Current asset Petty cash Cash and bank Income expenditure Audit office and reporting Internal controls

28 Turn Around Strategy Human Resource Employee personal records
Payroll and related records Performance Management system Recruitment for critical positions Job evaluation and Organisational structure Governance and business process Improvements Supply chain management Budget control Compliance to treasury regulations Month end policies Document management Capacity building within the Finance department

29 Turn Around Strategy Anticipated Outcomes
The following are anticipated outcomes: 1) Movement from disclaimer to qualified audit in year one. 2) Movement from qualified audit to unqualified audit in year two. 3) Sustaining of unqualified audit opinion in year three. 4) Improved Organisational Performance

30 Funding

31 Funding Sources National Treasury allocations approved at R51,949 million in 2010/11 from R49,112 in 2009/10 – An increase of 6% = Inflation adj. only Savings and efficiency gains through economic management of resources Focus on core, thus releasing funds from non-core activities e.g. Train the Trainer in stead of direct grass roots implementation(Workshops) Donor Funding options to be explored to fund non-prioritized activities (Optional in 2010/11POA )

32 Composition of the Expenditure Budget – 2010/2011
Compensation of Employees Other operating Expenditure ( Cost of Goods & Services) Program ( Service Delivery) expenditure Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) OPEX CAPEX

2009/2010 ‘000 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 Approved budget Year On Year Growth 49,112 51,949 5,8% 55,150 6,2% 57,930 5,0% 60,826 The annual average growth in the budget of the CGE is 5,4 per cent

34 Budget per Main Programme

2009/2010 2010/2011 20011/2012 2012/2013 Compensation of employees 29,361 35,177 37,360 39,228 Goods and Services 13,365 10,398 11,040 11,592 Programmatic Expenditure 4,400 4,810 5,100 5,378 Capital payments 1,986 1,564 1,650 1,733 Total 49,112 51,949 55,150 57,930 MTEF BUDGET ALLOCATIONS


Expenditure Trends MTEFMTEF BUDGET ALLOCATIONS BUDGET ALLOCATIONS MTEF BUDGET ALLOCATIONS Actual Projected 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Actual expenditure 49,495 51,166 48,500 51,949 Budget allocation 39,700 46,193 49,112 Surplus/(Deficit) 9,795 4,973 -612 - % deviation 25% 11% -1% 0% The surplus/deficit excludes the effects interest income and interest charge, which are negligible for the CGE

Operating Expenditure per Cost Centre per Economic Classification Sum of Budget 2010 Economic Classification Department Goods & Services Compensation of Employees Grand Total CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 1,815,700 1,414,135 3,229,835 CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER 48,200 156,185 204,385 COMMISSIONERS 1,234,800 8,219,867 9,454,667 COMMUNICATIONS 245,800 519,674 765,474 EASTERN CAPE 254,200 1,687,883 1,942,083 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 3,162,500 3,019,265 6,181,765 FREE STATE 189,700 1,667,123 1,856,823 GAUTENG 230,300 1,646,065 1,876,365 HUMAN RESOURCES 434,500 1,006,906 1,441,406 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,170,400 694,811 1,865,211 KWAZULU NATAL 196,600 1,685,037 1,881,637 LEGAL 175,700 2,524,460 2,700,160 LIMPOPO 178,900 1,642,144 1,821,044 MPUMALANGA 185,600 1,662,538 1,848,138 NORTH WEST 187,000 1,618,895 1,805,895 NORTHERN CAPE 170,600 1,634,864 1,805,464 PUBLIC EDUCATION & INFORMATION 103,000 993,387 1,096,387 RESEARCH 110,800 1,749,429 1,860,229 WESTERN CAPE 304,200 1,634,005 1,938,205 POA 4,808,500 15,207,000 35,176,673 50,383,673 % Contribution by economic classification 30% 70%

Operating Expenditure per Program Sum of Budget 2010 Expense Group Cls COMMISSIONERS: GOVERNANCE & SUPPORT CORPORATE SUPPORT PROGRAMMES Grand Total Bank Charges 21,400 Compensation of Employees 8,219,867 6,810,976 20,145,830 35,176,673 Computer Servicing, Internet & Website 916,900 120,800 1,037,700 Courier Services 5,000 107,000 68,000 180,000 Office Cleaning, Maintenance, Plants & Security - 537,100 255,600 792,700 Office Consumables 400 19,600 9,700 29,700 Plan of Action 4,808,500 Printing & Stationery 45,000 218,300 325,100 588,400 Professional Services 3,754,600 Telecommunication Expenses 157,200 1,098,500 1,061,100 2,316,800 Travel, Accomodation and Related Expenditure 1,027,200 350,000 300,000 1,677,200 9,454,667 13,834,376 27,094,630 50,383,673 Relative % contribution 19% 27% 54%

40 The full budget for Compensation of Employees (COE) =R35,2 m to cater for a staff compliment of 105, of which R20m is attributable to Core program work of the CGE Office overheads stands at R10,4 m ( of which major contributors are: Travel & Accommodation, Telecommunication, Professional services, etc) The fixed portion of POA is set at R4,8m excluding COE on program staff Capital Expenditure of R1,6m is made available Total expenditure budget = R51,95m thus R nil surplus/deficit

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