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The FARNET Support Unit. Who we are, what we do and how we do it

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Presentation on theme: "The FARNET Support Unit. Who we are, what we do and how we do it"— Presentation transcript:

1 The FARNET Support Unit. Who we are, what we do and how we do it
Urszula Budzich-Szukala Latvia, 5-6 November 2009

2 Who is FARNET. Role of the Support Unit What does the Support Unit do?
Content Who is FARNET. Role of the Support Unit What does the Support Unit do? Why FARNET must be different Our priorities and approach The Support Unit Team Key aims and questions FARNET Template presentation

3 Who is FARNET. The role of the Support Unit
All those actors engaged in the sustainable development of fisheries areas such as: Administrations and institutions involved in the management and implementation of Axis 4; Including EU National networks; Including regional and EU Stakeholder organisations at European level or with strong links to European level; Groups; Various bodies and actors on the ground concerned with sustainable development of fisheries areas. ROLE OF FARNET Support Unit. :“The provision of technical assistance, animation, coordination, information and capitalising on experiences”.

4 Why FARNET must be different
CONTEXT Depth of crisis affecting fishing Relatively small size of fishing communities Diversity of territorial contexts (decline + growth) PROGRAMME First large scale application of integrated territorial strategies in fisheries areas. Enormous differences in the size of budgets and groups Huge differences in levels of experience Lack of national networks and TA systems Strategies towards experienced groups and networks (LEADER) POLICY Relative isolation of many fishing communities from decision making Opportunities for testing and becoming the local arm of broader policies like Integrated Maritime Policy Urgency

5 How we work Listening. Analysis of state of play, needs analysis, partnership with National Networks Direct hands-on support to groups and administrations Focusing cooperation and good practice on methodological needs at first Linked chains of activities directed at agreed thematic and territorial priorities Territorial and thematic teams, or task forces take responsibility. Decentralised capacity building. Working with networks, promoting communities of practice and other self-help learning systems Pay attention to transfer not just identification of good practice Broader capitalisation and communication

6 Three key priorities





11 FARNET Support Unit Team
10 Permanent staff in Brussels 21 geographical experts throughout main marine basins Balance of territorial and sectoral skills + languages Geographical and thematic task forces

12 FARNET Support Unit Team Organisation

13 Key aims and questions to MA and groups
What is the state of play of implementation. What are the main obstacles and areas in which help is needed? What types of support is most appropriate in different contexts and stages of implementation Who should do what – FSU, NNW, Ministry…? How can we communicate and coordinate? Contact points. Geographical experts. NNW Calendar of meetings The next support itineraries National fiches and focus groups Pooling information on the web. Procedures for GP and cooperation

14 Thank you for your attention!
FARNET Support Unit 36-38 rue Saint Laurent B Bruxelles FARNET Template presentation

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