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Camera Position – Mere inches

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1 Camera Position – Mere inches
. Camera Position – Mere inches 9 slides Copyright © 2003 – 2009 Kenji Tachibana

2 Camera Position: Mere inches
Position Makes a Difference: The exact position of the camera lens can make a difference. Initially, the two images will look like the same image taken from the same position. Look closer at the ceiling tile lines. Notice that their relationship to the sign are different. Right one is shot from a lower angle. Notice also that each of these images are much bigger than your LCD image. And yet, the difference is hard to see.

3 Camera Position: Mere inches
Larger Image: See the difference Notice how much more detail can be seen when the image is larger. You can’t make your LCD image larger but you can start to look at the original scene with much more attention to detail.

4 Camera Position: Mere inches
Almost Readable: Now the word Intimate is starting to show in the second image.

5 Camera Position: Mere inches
Lab Work: Photoshop Notice that the word Intimate can now be seen a little better

6 Camera Position: Mere inches
Before After The After camera position allows the viewer to read the word ‘intimate’ while maintaining the look and feel of the scene lighting. The differences are delicate and I want you to be able to discerns that level of difference in the real world…

7 Camera Position: Mere inches
Shooting Metal: Using hard light This was a found shot opportunity in a restaurant. Only a slight change in camera position was all it took to make the two shots. Nothing else changed. Notice that the bottom example looks much more silver like…

8 Camera Position: Mere inches
Camera Position: It matters I hope you’ve seen enough to convince you that bracketing the camera position is vital to telling your story exactly the way you want it to come out. And without changing the lighting, the look & feel of the lighting can be changed by shifting the camera position by mere inches. Using hard light can make your camera position choice even more tricky.

9 Last Reminder: Camera Position
Take time to study the scene before picking up the camera. The camera is only a tool to capture what you see with your eyes. Move your head or yourself around to see how the lighting might be changing on your subject. What is the lighting doing to your focal point? Make sure to choose the shooting angle that tells your story the best…

10 x End

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