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Why do you think you should learn another language?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do you think you should learn another language?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Why do you think you should learn another language?

3 It’s a multilingual world- not everyone speaks English
It’s a multilingual world- not everyone speaks English. 94% of the world does NOT speak English as their first language. 75% of the world does not speak English at all. There are over 300 languages spoken in London alone Approximately 110 million people speak French as a first language and about 190 million speak it as a second language!

4 Dark Blue: Mother tongue Light Blue: Spoken as a second language
Blue: Official language Green: minority language


6 A few thoughts from other people
Do you agree with what they’re saying? Can you see this apply to you? Videos (3min30-4min25) Key stage 2 children showing how languages could be useful on the Year 6 school trip

7 What to do now? Practise makes perfect
Always make the most of any given situation: visiting a foreign country, or meeting people who speak different languages Join clubs/visit websites Watch foreign films (with subtitles!)


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