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JOBTALKS Designing Your Resume Lecture 9, Resume Preparation Designing Your Resume Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D. August 5, 1994 The resume is the most important tool in your effort to find a job. Very few people seek employment without a resume. Everyone should always have a current and well-designed resume available. If it's constructed properly, it can even open unexpected job opportunities. Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D Contents used in this presentation are adapted from Career Planning Strategies and used with the permission of the author.
RESUMES Preparation techniques Design strategies Content Resume Topics
This presentation will cover three essential resume topics: Physical preparation techniques Design strategies And the various elements of the resume.
The College Interview Resume
Highly structured Serves as application Factual; good & bad points Not sales oriented College Interview Resume Most colleges use a standardized resume form. This form was adopted largely for legal reasons by an agreement between employers and colleges through the college placement council, which is a professional association. The form eliminates the requirement by employers that an applicant must complete a company application blank before any interview. The form presents factual data including both good and bad points. It is, therefore, not sales oriented. Since your resume is part of your marketing approach, why should you present your limitations at the outset?
The basic resume concept
Matching Your credentials Employer’s selection criteria Basic Resume Concept The basic concept behind the employment resume is matching. The employer matches job qualifications against the qualifications of applicants. Your goal is to help them see that yours would be the ideal match. You assist the matching process by proper preparation and careful dissemination of your credentials. The basic resume concept
Basic Resume Formats Chronological Functional Hybrid
There are 2 basic resume formats or styles. The chronological resume presents your work experience and education sections in reverse chronological order: That is, “most recent events at the top.” The functional resume catalogs your background under headings that focus upon the skills you possess. These differences occur under the education and experience headings. You can prepare chronological resumes that highlight your skills under each of these headings. Or you can use a skill based functional heading and chronologically support the skill acquired under the skill heading. Many experts recommend the hybrid combinations.
Functional Resume Headings
Technical Skills Accounting Writing Languages Functional Skills Managing Selling Training Administrative Skills Analyzing Planning Motivating Functional Resume Headings The functional resume style is laid-out only after you have identified your strongest skills and rank-ordered them. The skills typically include technical skills, functional skills, and administrative skills. Technical skills include accounting, programming, writing, speaking, languages, and so on. Functional skills include activities like managing, selling, training, and organizing. Administrative skills would include tasks such as analyzing, directing, planning, and motivating. Bullet points under each skill typically describe how and when you developed the skill.
Resume Purpose To obtain an invitation for an interview
Not the whole sales presentation Stimulate employer’s appetite Attractive lure Resume purpose The main purpose of your resume is to obtain an invitation for an interview. The resume is an attractive lure that gets the employer's attention. If you have done your homework well, the employer will want to talk with you if there is an opening that matches your credentials.
Hey… This ought to impress them!
Crabtree Resume Book Cartoon The resume is not your autobiography. Autobiographies are usually boring. It may be tough to condense all of your life into a small package, but it must be done.
A Resume is a Digest of Qualifications
Education Activities & Honors Digest A resume is a digest of your qualifications. What have you done that is relevant to the employer's decision on whether or not to invite you in for an interview appointment? Experience 1 to 2 pages
Passport to Job Interviews
The Resume Passport to Job Interviews Responding to Job Leads Personal Calling Card Reference Assistant Network Facilitator Broadcasting The Resume: Passport to Job Interviews Your resume is a passport to job interviews because it serves various purposes that lead to important contacts. Of course, the main use is to respond to all possible job leads, but it can also serve as a personal calling card. A calling card not only introduces and identifies you but it stays with the contact for later follow-up. You undoubtedly know many people who sincerely want to help you in the job search process. When you leave your resume with these reference providers and network facilitators, you expect them to share your wishes with others using your resume as an important contact tool. Lastly, the traditional use of the resume is to broadcast to potential employers your availability.
Answering job advertisements
Resume Uses: Answering job advertisements Resume Uses - Ad Response One of the most common uses of a resume is to send it to potential employers to answer an advertisement that appears to match your credentials. You may also use it to respond to employers who might have an opening but who have not actually run an advertisement.
Responding to Job Leads
Resume Uses: Responding to Job Leads Resume Uses - Responding You should send your resume to every conceivable job lead, especially personal referrals. Then, you should follow up your response with a telephone call after the resume has had a chance to reach the potential employer.
Resume Uses: Referrals Contacts “Recommenders” Resume Uses - Referrals
An effectively designed job campaign makes extensive use of other people who are willing to help you with your efforts. In order to help you, these people need information about you to share with others. Therefore, you want to distribute several copies of your resume to former teachers, employers, family, and friends. Contacts “Recommenders”
Recommender Resume Help for your job search “partners”
Everyone needs sales representatives Builds consistency in referral's comments 2-4 pages of quotable material Simplifies task of network partners Prelude to interview presentation Recommender Resume Everyone has a set of partners in the job search process. Recent graduates and senior executives need these sales representatives to work for them in a networking relationship. In addition to the one or two page resume, you want to give your sales partners a more detailed version of your resume. In addition to a more thorough explanation of your credentials, this also builds some consistency and reliability into the referrer's comments that they might subsequently make to a potential employer. A 3-4 page “recommender resume” allows the network partner to quote from it in talking with or writing to potential employers. In essence, you can tell them what to say about you. It eliminates a lot of uncertainty and simplifies the task of the recommender. You are strongly encouraged to develop this extensive resume. You will also find this resume very useful in rehearsing your interview presentation.
Physical Structure Built in sections Outline format
Avoid long narrative Not a bibliography My Life in a Nutshell Resume Physical Structure Your resume should follow a commonly accepted physical structure, which usually follows a standard outline format. The objective is to avoid long narrative paragraphs. What you need is a concise, unwordy look at your background.
Identification Objectives Education Activities Experience Personal
BUILDING BLOCKS Building Blocks A resume is built in blocks of specific types of information. The key blocks are: Contact Data Career Objective Education Activities Work Experience Personal Background and References Tying these blocks together is an important construction technique. Identification Objectives Education Activities Experience Personal References
Appearance Positive first impression Neat and clean Perfectly typed
Ample white space Appearance A cardinal rule is that the resume must look perfect! It must be neat and clean, without any typing errors or misspelled words. The black type should stand out sharply against a crisp background that has ample white space.
Don't come across as sloppy!
Peanut Butter Cartoon If you come across as sloppy and disorganized on paper, you may never get the chance to interview.
30 30 The -Second Scan Scores of resumes - impossible reading
Pass 1: "Initial" 30-second scan Pass 2: Another 30-second scan Pass 3: 2- to 3-minute credential review Interview appointment set The 30 second scan Employers typically receive scores of resumes in a given day. It is impossible to read every one of them thoroughly. Most only get a 30 second initial scan, including a quick read of the cover letter. Most employers lay aside the limited set of resumes that meet some selection criteria so that they can re-read these in a second scan. The second scan may only be another 30 seconds though. If you pass the second scan, you usually get your total cover letter and resume package thoroughly read in a 2-3 minute review. If you pass that, an assistant will usually set up an interview appointment.
Focus the reader's eyes on five key points
DESIGN CONCEPTS Focus the reader's eyes on five key points How? Resume Design Concepts In developing the resume, you should take advantage of some important design concepts. Your goal is to draw the reader's attention to certain points in your background that you feel are most relevant to the position you desire. Usually an interviewer spends only a few seconds on each resume being reviewed. What five points do you want to emphasize in your allotted seconds? You control the reader's eye by using: Capitalization Underlining Dots Indentions Dashes Asterisks Slashes Bullet Points White Space and so on. Identifications Capitalization Boldfacing Dashes Underlining Slashes Asterisks Dots Bullets
Constructing The Detail
Lower case letters imply detail Maximum of four sentences per paragraph Phrases held together with dots Avoid extraneous words Constructing The Detail But it's impossible to highlight your entire resume. You need both emphasis and detail. Lower case letters, short phrases, and complete sentences provide the supporting detail to the key points. But don't get too detailed! Four sentences per paragraph is your maximum length. If you have a lot of supporting detail, try tying key details together in phrases joined by dots.
Section Size Sections not necessarily equal in length
Size indicates depth in background Education and experience levels dictate Section Size The building block sections do not necessarily have to be equal in length. A person just out of school normally devotes more space to academic education than would someone who worked full time for ten years. Section size indicates the depth of the background. Normally, the education and work experience parts of the resume constitute more than two thirds of the available space.
SECTION ORDER Identification and Objectives References Education
Experience Activities Personal Publications Section Order The heart of your resume is education, activities and work experience. Most experts recommend that you center these sections. Within the heart you should place either education or work experience first, depending on which you feel is most relevant to the job you are targeting. By convention, the top portion of the resume always contains your personal contact data and your career objectives. A match in career objectives is what motivates the employer to read further. References are always the last item on your resume. Although they are important, they usually are not the section that will convince an employer to invite you in for interviews. References
Determinants of Length
Extensiveness of background Potential use of resume Key points to emphasize Determinants Of Length Most resumes should be one page in length. Few employers will bother to read two and three page resumes carefully. If the purpose of the resume is to get an interview after a quick screen, all that is needed is for the key points to be emphasized. However, if you are giving the resume to a potential recommender, such as a former teacher, a multi-page resume has a better chance of being read. The word resume means short. Concise, yet informative, resumes give potential employers fewer items that could screen you “out” and present major key points that could screen you “in.” Resume means short, concise summary
Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction Size
Color Size Physical Factors Your resume should be printed on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. That is an accepted business standard. Odd sizes are not fileable and irritating to bosses and secretaries. Stick to white, off-white, beige, vanilla, light gray, and so on. Pastels and bright colors are taboo. It is not necessary to send an original; in fact, it is not wise because it gives the impression that the resume was made for the occasion. Use a quality copy method such as Xerox or comparable sharp image makers on a quality grade of paper. Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction
Purpose Controversial Discrimination Photograph Photographs
The only legitimate purpose for placing a photograph on your resume is to help an employer recall who you are. If the employer is interviewing scores of people continuously as in a college placement office, a photograph can often be a blessing. But photos are controversial. They can be used to discriminate illegally based upon race, sex, or national origin. On the other hand, you have the right of free speech. If you wish to help aid the recruiter's recall, it is permissible.
Writing and Printing Services
Writing Services Copy Machines Typeset Writing And Printing Services Few people enjoy writing their resume. There are professional firms who will do it for a healthy fee. They are listed in places like the yellow pages or newspaper classifieds. But the resume should be reflective of you, so you are the best person to do the job. Printing services can be well worth the cost. A high quality copy machine, offset press, or other quality printing process often gives a much more professional tone to your credentials.
Avoid Certain Words Forms of the verb “to be” Pronouns
Failure connotations I me none ail have is will no less how
Your choice of words can make your resume more dynamic and exciting. Look for active verbs. Use words that illustrate an achievement-oriented person. Certain words and phrases indirectly expand the meaning of what you intend to say and thus positively impact your selection.
Use Exciting Words Action d n a Power ACCOMPLISH ESTABLISH DIRECT
MANAGE PERFORM MOTIVATE CREATE PLAN SOLVE DIRECT SELL RESPONSIBLE SUPERVISE TOUCH CONTROL INFLUENCE Use Exciting Words You can identify and use positive words to enhance and promote your background. Some of the more commonly used resume words are: Accomplished Sold Established Responsible For Managed Controlled Created Directed, and so on. Power
Background Traits Attitude Communication Organization Leadership
Personality Maturity Enthusiasm Leadership Professional Poise Work Habits Background Traits When anyone describes you to another person, there will be certain characteristics and traits about you that will stick in their mind. They will not be discussing only your skills and abilities necessary to complete given tasks. Employers want to know about the “real” you. Invariably recommenders start talking about your attitude, personality, and leadership traits. Subjective factors like maturity, poise, and enthusiasm typically are described. You want them to describe you as a good communicator and a highly organized person, with excellent work habits suitable for a professional assignment.
Use Self-Descriptive Words
Sincere Reliable Analytical Practical Optimistic Tactful Logical Creative Energetic Aggressive Resourceful Conscientious Use Self-Descriptive Words It is possible to use words subtly in the context of describing how you approach a project or job. You want to show pride and confidence in your abilities. The following words are what employers want to hear and believe about you. Sincere Analytical Reliable Practical Tactful Energetic Logical Aggressive Leave these impressions as you carefully choose words to use at various points in your resume. Ascribing descriptive words to your past behaviors indirectly Ascribes the words to YOU!
Action Words (past tense)
Analyzed Approved Completed Developed Directed Established Increased Improved Lead Organized Planned Reduced Solved Supervised Trained What management-level tasks have you successfully accomplished? Action Words (Past Tense) Employers demand action. They want doers not talkers. They prefer a take-charge, go-getter, type of person for most jobs. You must convey an action image about yourself. You must learn how to use action words such as verbs and descriptors to add some excitement to your credentials. Many books that show examples on how to write a description of activities and work experiences cleverly weave these words into various sentences. Employers want doers, not talkers. Convey an action image.
Techniques and Basic Design Strategies:
"Ups" the quality Enhance Using these techniques and design strategies moves your resume up a notch in quality. These ideas cannot replace the all important content but they can enhance it. Most resume writers just “package the facts.” They give far too little attention to “marketing the facts.” A resume is used mostly to convince someone to interview you. You thus have a sales task in addition to a presentation of your credentials. A good resume design brings together all of your background credentials and “sells the facts.” It is similar to “selling the sizzle, not just the great food.” Atmosphere and relationships are also important in purchasing decisions. Few of us buy anything on facts alone. On your initial resume draft, you have to focus on content. However, subsequent drafts must start incorporating the design concepts mentioned in this presentation.
If you would like to learn more, Career Planning Strategies textbook will supply additional information on this topic.
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