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Published byAlyson Benson Modified over 6 years ago
On behalf of the CERN Collimation Team and FLUKA team…
2nd EuCARD-2 ColMat-HDED Annual Meeting GSI Darmstadt (Germany), December 4-5, 2014 Preliminary DRAFT Updated failure scenarios and damage limit of TCTs and status of SixTrack simulations Elena Quaranta On behalf of the CERN Collimation Team and FLUKA team…
Motivation of the study Eucard2 WP11 – Task 11.4
Outline Motivation of the study Eucard2 WP11 – Task 11.4 Updated failure scenarios and damage limit of TCTs Status of SixTrack simulations with advanced collimators Summary and Outlook WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Motivation of the study
The LHC upgrade challenge
Increase luminosity Increase stored beam energy up to 700 MJ HL-LHC LHC (design) ≈ factor 5 than present value! LHC (run 1) Increase beam energy up to 7 TeV NEVER reached so far in accelerator rings! WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Why collimation upgrade?
The collimation system plays a crucial role to achieve the future LHC challanges: Cleaning performance determine the maximum beam intensity Collimators define the machine impedance at high energy The collimation hierarchy determines β* reach The upgrade of the collimation system is integral part of the design study for HL-LHC. β* reach is the minimum β reached at the IP WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Each collimator plays its role
Collimators installed in IR7 (betatron cleaning) and IR3 (momentum cleaning) Tertiary collimators (TCTs) installed around the experiments to protect magnets and detectors Beam dump protection devices in IR6 – should intercept beam in case of fast dump failures More than 100 collimators organized in a multi-stage system WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Hierarchy is important
Collimation system designed for: Cleaning: protect cold aperture from unavoidable beam losses as particles drift out from the core of the beam (SLOW losses). Hierarchy in IR7 and IR3 determines cleaning performance. Protection: If losses are too high, BLMs trigger a beam dump before a quench of the SC magnets occurs. If single- turn failure (asynchronous dump), BLMs too slow (FAST losses). Rely on robustness of collimators and correct hierarchy to avoid damage. Hierarchy with respect to IR6 is crucial. Nominal collimator settings at 7 TeV R. Assmann WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Collimator materials and upgrade
Primary and Secondary collimators made of Carbon-Fiber-Carbon composite (CFC) High robustness to beam impact BUT high impedance (main contribution from TCSGs) Tertiary collimators and Absorbers made of heavy tungsten allow (Inermet180) High particle absorption efficiency BUT low robustness Looking towards a collimator upgrade Collimation upgrade studies to improve impedance and robustness: New material and new designs for secondary collimator jaws Compatibility with failure scenarios and improved robustness at critical locations (TCT by factor higher) Guarantee present or higher level of halo cleaning R. Assmann WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Studies and programs ongoing
CERN LHC Collimation project: Overall responsibility of LHC collimation, including operation, performance monitoring and optimization, remote handling, improvements of present system, … FP7 HiLumi WP5: Design of collimation in the interaction regions, upgrade for cleaning. FP7 EuCARD2 W11: New materials and new collimator design concepts. Strong and long-standing external collaborations: US-LARP, Kurchatov, Fermilab (energy deposition),... WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
WP11 objectives WP11: Collimator MATerials – High Density Energy Deposition Task 11.1: Coordination and Communication Task 11.2: Material testing for fast energy density deposition and high irradiation doses Task 11.3: Material mechanical modelling Task 11.4: Material specification Simulation results used to iterate on material specifications Use simulation codes to evaluate potential advantages and disadvantages of materials studied in 11.2 and 11.3 WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Updated failure scenarios and damage thresholds of TCT
How to calculate damage limits for fast dump failures?
So far: Shock waves formation and propagation (Autodyn) 1 single bunch impact TCT as “isolated” system parallel impacting beam Energy deposition in TCT (FLUKA) Now… Present damage estimates for Beam Dump Failure: 5e9 protons (Plastic damage) 2e10 protons (Fragment ejection) 1e11 protons (“5th axis” – catastrophic case) To more details, see A. Bertarelli-MPP workshop 2013 Shock waves formation and propagation (Autodyn) Energy deposition in TCT (FLUKA) Particle tracking (SixTrack) In the past: limit based on FLUKA simulations… All LHC ring Many bunches All collimation system 1 dump kicker pre-firing Realistic particle tracking Which the advantages in adding one more step in the simulation chain? To get VERY REALISTIC PARTICLE DISTRIBUTION AT TCT! WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
SixTrack simulation setup
Single dump kicker magnet pre-firing (Time profiles provided by B. Goddard) Energy: 7 TeV Gaussian beam (beam emittance=3.5 μm) Separate simulations for each bunch in the train (25ns spacing), different kicks. Perfect machine (only “error” due to IR1/5 TCTs setting: put further in as they should be to simulate beam losses in these collimators after dump failure) Collimator settings: 2 σ retraction between primary and secondary collimators Different optics used: Nominal 7 TeV (β*=55cm): B1 and B2 HL-LHC (β*=15cm): B2 ATS 2015 (β*=55cm): B2 WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Simulated failure scenarios
Scan over TCT settings for different machine optics Compare with previous damage estimates Select few relevant cases for further studies with higher statistics, trying to have cases with significantly different number of impacts TCT setting < “dump protection” TCT setting >≈ “dump protection” TCT sees also primary beam. TCT sees only particles scattered out by dump protection collimators. WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Summary of simulation results
Average impact coordinate of each simulated bunch on the TCT in different scenarios. Similar to what we expect for the LHC restart in 2015 Please pay attention to the different scale!! WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Impact parameter distribution Nominal 7 TeV optics B2 (IR1/5 TCT @ 10
Only secondary halo particles are intercepted by the TCT. Primary halo particles Secondary halo particles CollUSM
From SixTrack to FLUKA Nominal 7 TeV optics B2 (IR1/5 TCT @ 10.5σ)
Impact distribution (SixTrack) Courtesy E. Skordis Distance from center of collimator [cm] Energy density [GeV/p/cm3] Energy deposition map (FLUKA) Courtesy E. Skordis WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Energy deposition in TCT
Status of the study DONE! Particle tracking (SixTrack) Provide impact particle coordinates for different scenarios (input for FLUKA) ON GOING! Provide energy density maps (input for AUTODYN) Energy deposition in TCT (FLUKA) ON GOING! Hydrodynamic simulations to estimate new thresholds of damage for tertiary collimators Shock waves formation and propagation (Autodyn) WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Sixtrack simulations with advanced collimators
Introduction MoGr CuCD
Novel advanced composites under development for the next generation of collimators to address impedance issue shown by CFC secondary collimators during run. MoGr CuCD Molybdenum-Graphite-based composite Copper-Diamond composite The effect of the advanced collimators on the LHC beam cleaning has to be studied: SixTrack material database updated to model new composites. Particle tracking simulations of collimation efficiency with advanced collimators Importanza di questi studi: Come cleaning non cambierà molto (e lo sappiamo già) ma ci servono come feedback per aggiornare collimator design e come input per dpa calculation WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Updated SixTrack material database
2 materials added so far: MoGr, CuCD “Atomic” properties and reference cross sections at 450 GeV calculated averaging the property (pi) of the i-th component on its weight percentage (wti%) in the composite: Material Properties MoGR CuCD Composition (wt%) 20% Mo2C 80% C (graph. + carbon fibers) 62% Cu 37.5% diamonds 0.5% B ρ [g/cm3] 2.65 5.4 Z 7.384 11.78 A [g/mol] 14.809 24.142 X0 [cm] 13.878 4.801 Nuclear radius [fm] 2.947 3.468 Mean Ex. Energy [eV] 92.22 147.15 σpNtot [barn] 0.4762 0.6572 σpNinel [barn] 0.3088 0.4158 σruth [10-2barn] 0.012 0.027 pi from Particle Data Group database Note: values in the table to compare with models and database used for FLUKA simulations. Important support will be provided by A. Mereghetti, who will join the Collimation team in early 2015. WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
A closer look inside the code (I)
block data scdata … data irmat/9/ Reference data at pRef=450Gev data (mname(i),i=1,nrmat)/ 'Be', 'Al', 'Cu’, 'W', 'Pb', 'C', 'C2’, 'MoGr', 'CuCD'/ data (anuc(i),i=6,nrmat)/ 12.01d0, 12.01d0, 14.81d0, 24.14d0/ data (zatom(i),i=6,nrmat)/ 6d0, 6d0, 7.38d0, 11.8d0/ data (rho(i),i=6,nrmat)/ 1.67d0, 4.52d0, 2.65d0, 5.4d0/ data (radl(i),i=6,nrmat)/ d0, 0.094d0, d0, d0/ data (emr(i),i=6,nrmat)/ 0.25d0, 0.25d0, 0.295d0, 0.347d0/ data (exenergy(i),i=6,nrmat)/ 78e-9, 78.0e-9, 92.22e-9, e-9/ Atomic properties WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
A closer look inside the code (II)
… ! All cross-sections are in barns, nuclear values from RPP at 20geV ! Coulomb is integerated above t=tLcut[Gev2] (+-1% out Gauss mcs) ! ! in Cs and CsRef, 1st index: Cross-sections for processes, 2nd index: Material ! 0:Total ! 1:absorption ! 2:nuclear elastic ! 3:pp or pn elastic ! 4:Single Diffractive pp or pn ! 5:Coulomb for t above mcs data csref(0,8),csref(1,8),csref(5,8)/0.476d0, 0.309d0, 0.012d-2/ data csref(0,9),csref(1,9),csref(5,9)/0.657d0, 0.416d0, 0.027d-2/ Total Inelastic Rutherford scattering Changes done in other parts of the code accordingly WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
SixTrack simulation setup
Energy: 7 TeV Beam 1 only Statistics: 6.4 x 106 SixTrack particles Nominal 7 TeV optics and post LS1 layout Collimator settings at 7 TeV [σ] IR7 TCP 6 TCSG 7 TCL 10 IR6 7.5 TCDQ 8 IR3 15 18 20 IR1/5 TCT 8.3 IR2/8 25 Simulated scenarios: Reference case: no advanced collimator. TCPs and TCSGs made of CFC Case 1: all TCSGs replaced by advanced collimators Case 2: only TCSGs in IR7 replaced Case 3: TCSGs in IR7 + TCP.C6L7.B1 replaced Case 4: TCSG in IR7 (only in cell 5, upstream and downstream of IR) + TCP.C6L7.B1 replaced Note: Cases 1 to 4 simulated replacing CFC with MoGr, then same cases with CuCD. Case 1 not shown: very similar results than Case 2. WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Beam loss distribution: MoGr
Reference Case 2 Preliminary results Case 3 Case 4 WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Beam loss distribution: CuCD
Reference Case 2 Preliminary results Case 3 Case 4 WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Comments on simulation results
Not significant difference in cleaning performance observed between reference case and new simulations with advanced collimators (AS EXPECTED) No worsening of cleaning inefficiency to remark. Some improvements are instead visible. Case 2 shows the best results for MoGR: Losses reduced by a factor ≈ 3 in TCSGs in IR6 Losses reduced by a factor ≈ 2 in TCSGs and TCLs in IR7 and TCTs in IP1 No losses in warm and cold magnets in IR3 Case 4 shows the best results for CuCD: Losses reduced by a factor ≈ 4 in TCSGs in IR6 Losses reduced by a factor ≈ 3 in TCSGs in IR7 and TCTs in IP1 No losses in warm and cold magnets in IR3 an cold magnets IR6 WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Summary and Outlook Importance of collimation in the LHC upgrade has been remarked Fast failure scenarios have been reviewed and updated with more realistic condition to use in the simulations Impact coordinates for several studied cases now available for energy deposition and hydrodynamics studies SixTrack collimator material database has been updated with two novel composites: MoGr and CuCD First results from simulation with new advanced collimators in line with what we expected in terms of cleaning, which appears even slightly improved More materials will be included soon in the collimator database Compare properties of new material added in SixTrack with FLUKA models (mainly for reference cross-sections): planned in the next months. WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
Thank you for your attention
Backup slides WP11 annual meeting – GSI, Dec 4th 2014
β* reach in IP5 for B1 β* reach in IP5 for different possible optics in the scenario post LS1: Courtesy of D. Mirarchi
Summary of collimator settings
Simulated scenarios (E=7 TeV) Collimator half gap Nominal optics HL-LHC optics B2 ATS B2 nom. B1 nom. B2 HL-LHC 1 HL-LHC 2 HL-LHC 3 IR7 TCPs 5.7 TCSGs 7.7 TCLs 10.5 IR6 TCSG.4R6 8.5 TCDQAs 9.0 IR3 15.0 18.0 20.0 IR1/5 TCTs 7.9 IR2/8 30 Expected integrated losses on TCT.4R5 (B2) Expected integrated losses on TCT.4L1 (B1) Nom. B2 only secondary halo 180 degree (good) phase advance between dump kicker and IR6 protection 3e9 “real protons” (1.7e11p per bunch) Safe! 2e9 “real protons” (2.2e11p per bunch) Safe! 2e10 “real protons” (2.2e11p per bunch) fragment ejection! 2e11 “real protons” (2.2e11p per bunch) > 5th axis limit!! 8e9 “real protons” (1.7e11p per bunch very optimistic!!) plastic deformation! 9e8 “real protons” (1.7e11p per bunch) Safe! A priori, only secondary halo for this case Beam 2 is the most critical one! CollUSM
Impact parameter distribution HL-LHC optics B2 (IR1/5 TCT @ 7.9 σ)
Primary halo particles Secondary halo particles CollUSM
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