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Portfolio in nursing education

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1 Portfolio in nursing education
Drs. Maarten Kaaijk Hanze University of Applied Sciences

2 Curriculum development in historical (didactical) perspective
From a medical oriented programme to a nursing oriented programme From a traditional teacher centered education approach to a student centered approach From separated subjects to integrated themes and modules From separated themes to competences (subject integration) From competences to professional tasks (products and services) From professional tasks to learning outcomes Workshop learning styles October

3 Curriculum development based on nursing principles
Lengthen arm theory; Nursing proces; Nursing theories; Nursing diagnoses; Dutch nursing profile based on nursing roles; Ecletive approach……… Canmeds roles in combination with nursing diagnoses Workshop learning styles October

4 Some history The gap between theory and practice
Nursing needs a holistic appraoch Seeking for a bridge Workshop learning styles October

5 How to go on Partly we find a way to overcome the gap between practice and theory partly (we thought) by using the nursing competences But still: Find the body of knowledge and performing in nursing Workshop learning styles October

6 Competences and portfolio
Workshop learning styles October

7 What is a portfolio The portfolio is advocated as an assessment tool, capable of demonstrating high quality care and profes- sional competence by offering evidence from a variety of sources: practice, the literature, study and research (Klenowski, 2002; Pearce, 2003). An effective portfolio is a visual representation of the individual, their experience, strengths, abilities and skills. Workshop learning styles October

8 An effective portfolio is a visual representation of the individual, their experience, strengths, abilities and skills. Workshop learning styles October

9 The portfolio can provide a practitioner with evidence of: reflection on academic and clinical experiences, continuing profes- sional development and lifelong learning, decisions about the quality of work, effective critical thinking skills, reflection on professional and personal growth, responsibility for learning and development of the skills necessary of a critical reflective practitioner (Klenowski, 2002; Pearce, 2003) Teacher/ idesign education Background psychiatric fielf/ afterwards became teacher Speciality communication Member commicion of assessments(examination) monitor and check the assessments, we are experts..we support collegeas bij making questions for exams Last year certificate Basci qulification of assessment certificate to show the experience te people have, without the certificate you are not allowed to assessment Speciality motivational interv Workshop learning styles October

10 The portfolio as an assessment tool, as suggested by some authors, is valuable as a means of assessment, enabling students to provide evidence of achievement of competencies (Pearce, 2003; Brown et al., 1996). Workshop learning styles October

11 Currently in England qualified nurse’s can expect to demonstrate competencies, key skills and personal development in order to progress in a career framework tightly linked to pay and progression (DoH, 1999a; UKCC, 1999; DoH, 2003). Workshop learning styles October

12 What is known about this item statements
Current commpetence assessment methods measure only a quater of nurses competences levels when they focus on skills and not knowledge. Portfolio assessment allows nurses to reflect on academic and clinical experiences (Tracey McCready, 2007) Workshop learning styles October

13 Portfolio assessment key elments
Student having autonomy over the items to be included Self-directed learning Evidence reflection Workshop learning styles October

14 Portfolio assessment Written document by the student
Tri-partite assessment: practice mentor, teacher and the student Workshop learning styles October

15 Portfolio and assessment
Qualitative approach: Subjective nature of the document Subjectivity of assessors Reliability and validity: Inter-rater reliabilty Workshop learning styles October

16 Composition of a portfolio The way Groningen did
Chararacteristics of nursing education in Groningen. Nursing content based on 6 roles and 12 kern competences Workshop learning styles October

17 Characteristics nursing education
Broad professionalization; (Multi disciplinary) integration; (Scientific) application; Transfer and broad deployability; Action creativity and complexity; Work in a problem-oriented way; Think and act in a methodical and reflective way; Socio-communicative ability; Basic qualification for management positions. Workshop learning styles October

18 Caregiver Director Designer Coach Professional
Critical reasoning, scientific practice, cultural sensitivity and content-related leadership have been integrated in the professional tasks Workshop learning styles October

19 Composition of the portfolio
Workshop learning styles October

20 Johan ! Workshop learning styles October

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