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The legislation of European Union Tourism Policy and Hospitality / Accomodation Sector of North Cyprus Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmet ESENYEL GAU SHTM Director.

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Presentation on theme: "The legislation of European Union Tourism Policy and Hospitality / Accomodation Sector of North Cyprus Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmet ESENYEL GAU SHTM Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 The legislation of European Union Tourism Policy and Hospitality / Accomodation Sector of North Cyprus Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmet ESENYEL GAU SHTM Director Vice President for AMFORT

2 Introduction North Cyprus’ tourism potential, which are being an unsoiled destination and having natural and historical beauties are not strong advantages under the umbrella of European Union. In case of political and international agreement between two parts; while South Cyprus is having advantages as a member of European Union, and having no political and economic obligation, North Cyprus will have difficulties for tourism policy implementation. EU tourism policy is based on carrying the quality of tourism industry at the highest level and the aim is to turn all the EU destinations to the world most developed tourism phenomenon. Therefore, HOTREC is compatible with EU and this system is analyzed and it is found that the implementations of this system is applicable for North Cyprus and Turkey.

3 What is HOTREC? HOTREC is the primary association of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes in Europe, It corporates with Universities and provide activities like trainee procurement and increase job volume in Tourism industry and its purpose to growth the European economy. Continually monitor all EU policies that have an impact on the hospitality industry and bring the sector’s interest and develop legislations such as: consumer relations, taxation, health, food, sustainability, social relations, copyright, categorization, online marketing, standards, domestic market and competition.

4 North Cyprus and Turkey under the umbrella of HOTREC
In 2011 (May), Luxemburg, Turkey and Cyprus were incorporated into HOTREC. As Luxemburg and Cyprus are EU member countries, they have not faced any difficulty, however Turkey as a destination has gained the acceptance via TUROB and TUROFED at the status of observer. In 2012, the president of hoteliers association, Mr. Loizides, calculated how to overcome with economic crises with EU supported funds. In 2013 & 2014, all of the EU counties were called to direct the operations of Tour operators to support Cyprus to discover natural and historical beauties of the island. Due to precautions taken; in was very successful year for Cyprus in terms tourism. In 2016, 4 million Russian tourists are expected to visit Cyprus estimated to bring about 9to 10 billion Euros

5 Marketing Strategies of HOTREC in South Cyprus
CTO ( Cyprus Tourism Organization) firstly started with the rehabilitation of the coastline of Limassol and Natural and historical Baf region. Increasing the interest of tourists by turning the bankruptcy of Cyprus Airlines to an advantage, and by finding new charter routes and using online marketing and e-commerce. To able to extend the tourism season, they minimized the taxations of airport and landing fees to support the newly operating airline companies. The main aim is to achieve the maximum income by attract tourists during the winter seasons as well. The tax deductions was 15 € per person and staring from this year it is 25 €. Which mean each tourists will bring additional income for tour operators.

6 Marketing Strategies of HOTREC in South Cyprus
The Golf Hotels’ project (which was banned because of water scarcity in the island) is taken into intensive program for supporting tourism during January and March. The website of CTO; All the details of Rules and regulation, legislations and intensives concerning Hospitality Industry, Hotel classification criteria, The directions for accommodation properties without license. Limitations, The directions for Apart Hotels, Criteria for establishments without starts.

7 Tourism Industry Under the umbrella of United Cyprus
Starting from today, the legislations of HOTREC should be examined and by the experts, a special unit should be formed and competent persons should be employed under the ministry of Tourism, and EU legislation should be bring the adoptable stage in North Cyprus. The rule of food, the criteria of hygiene and the rule of HACCP which are being ignored in the most of the hotels in North Cyprus, should be in the standards of HOTREC. The criteria of healthy eating should be publicize in all the menus, All the menus should include calorie calculations, fat and carbohydrate values of all the food and beverages in the menu. The rights of consumers will be formed for not to be misused by hoteliers, tour and travel companies.

8 Tourism Industry Under the umbrella of United Cyprus
Quality of service would be possible only with the quality workforce: More attention/importance will be given to certified and educated workforce in tourism and hospitality industry, because EU policies are concerning continuum and stability of workforce

9 Thank you for Listening

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