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Presentation on theme: "ROBERT LOWSON EEA COORDINATOR GMES BUREAU."— Presentation transcript:


2 A Bigger picture Expectations Environmental pressures
New approaches to regulation Global commitments and issues Technologies Access (Aarhus…) Streamlining (WISE...) Organisational change (Group of 4) Prioritisation New tools and rules (incl GMES and INSPIRE) SEIS framework

3 SEIS – an overarching framework
Improve availability and quality of information needed to design and implement Community environment policy Reduce administrative burden on Member States and EU institutions & modernise reporting Foster the development of information services and applications that all of us can use and profit from.

4 Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Action Plan 2004-2008
Drivers of SEIS 6th Community Environment Action Programme, Content Streamlining Access Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Action Plan Establishment EEA and Eionet Council Regulation, 1990 Directive on Reuse of Public Sector Information, 2003 SEIS Standardized Environmental Reporting Directive, 1991 Directive INSPIRE, 2007 Directive on Public Access to Environmental Information, 2003 Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, 1998

5 GMES – what? User-driven, global, integrated
Space systems In – situ systems Services Data integration and information management

6 A Twin Approach Fast Track Services – building on past projects – operational deliverables by 2008 Sustainable future – big challenges – Commission Communications in 2008

7 GMES Challenges From research projects and development towards pre-operational, then operationa,l status Observation continuity and operational capacities, development of new capacities if needed Coordination and harmonisation of existing Capacities Identifying and prioritising user needs Identifying concrete contributions to GEOSS and other international collaborations

8 In – situ challenges Space Segment
– ESA experienced, fully engaged, a clear community Non – space - hundreds of actors - different systems, sometimes not coordinated - multi - purpose

9 Proposed way forward for in-situ
Fast tracks to pursue their in situ needs “Bottom – up” asessment of capacities In – situ working group to advise on these and on long – term sustainable arrangements

10 2007/8 – important steps Target for operational GMES services
Commission communication on GMES Commission communication on SEIS FP7 space projects launched, further programme development SEIS implementation projects INSPIRE implementation continues

11 Drivers of INSPIRE Explain what is spatial information Needs
Better information needed to support policies Improvement of existing information flows Differentiation across regions to be considered Revision of approach to reporting and monitoring, moving to concept of sharing of information Situation in Europe Data policy restrictions pricing, copyright, access rights, licensing policy Lack of co-ordination across boarders and between levels of government Lack of standards incompatible information and information systems Existing data not re-usable fragmentation of information, redundancy, inability to integrate Explain what is spatial information

12 INSPIRE Scope Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority operating down to the lowest level of government when laws or regulations require their collection or dissemination INSPIRE covers 34 Spatial Data Themes laid down in 3 Annexes – (required to successfully build environmental information systems)

13 INSPIRE Directive General rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies This infrastructure shall build upon infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States. INSPIRE does not require collection of new spatial data – electronic format INSPIRE does not affect Intellectual Property Rights

14 INSPIRE Directive Components
Metadata Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Network services (discovery, view, download, transform, invoke) Data and Service sharing (policy) Coordination and measures for Monitoring & Reporting INSPIRE is a Framework Directive Detailed technical provisions in Implementing Rules (IR)

15 Challenges for member states
Promoting communication and coherence Sustainable funding, capacity and organisation Prioritisation International aspects Identifying collaboration tools Using SEIS implementation as a test bed



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