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How Do You Get Your Green Sheet

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Presentation on theme: "How Do You Get Your Green Sheet"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do You Get Your Green Sheet
Fall 2007 How Do You Get Your Green Sheet John Falby Senior Lecturer MV3923 Spring AY2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

2 The Goal: Obtain the Green Sheet
Fall 2007 The Goal: Obtain the Green Sheet Means that your thesis is completed and accepted by the thesis processor for publication Means that you will get your MS degree Assuming you have met the course, GPA and MOVES requirements Program Officer & Academic Associate track this Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

3 MOVES Requirements Approved Matrix in Python Signed Thesis Proposal
Fall 2007 MOVES Requirements Approved Matrix in Python By end of 3rd quarter Signed Thesis Proposal By end of 4th quarter Thesis presentation in graduating quarter Normally given to Focus Group or Brown Bag Signed thesis Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

4 MOVES Requirements Maintain up-to-date "MOVES MS Degree Tracking Form"
Fall 2007 MOVES Requirements Maintain up-to-date "MOVES MS Degree Tracking Form" Program Officer & Academic Associate use to help track your progress in degree program Other requirements may be promulgated, and may include Provide presentation materials Provide a copy of software you developed Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

5 Other NPS Requirement Did your thesis involve human subjects?
Fall 2007 Other NPS Requirement Did your thesis involve human subjects? Ensure all required documentation has been completed BEFORE EACH human subject/volunteer participates Participant Consent Forms Minimal Risk Consent Statements Privacy Act Statements The above must be turned in before you leave NPS Penalties for not following can be severe, including you not getting your degree Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

6 Can I Finish My Thesis After I Leave NPS?
Fall 2007 Can I Finish My Thesis After I Leave NPS? Yes, but Majority of those who leave without a completed thesis NEVER finish it This means they do not get the MS degree OK, what about an extension? Yes, you can get up to three one-year extensions from your original graduation date However, if you get an extension and don’t finish your degree in the approved extension period, you can never get a degree from NPS So have a plan to enable you to finish your thesis before graduation Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

7 Your Time At NPS Year One
Fall 2007 Your Time At NPS Year One Get the basics Learn about: MOVES as a discipline Enabling technologies Areas of research Develop your course matrix Complete a thesis proposal Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

8 Your Time At NPS Year Two
Fall 2007 Your Time At NPS Year Two Upper division courses Interact with faculty, students, staff In a Focus area (even if not related to thesis) In MOVES at large Brief your thesis plan Do your thesis research Write your thesis Brief results of your thesis research Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

9 Quarter One: Attend MV-2921
Fall 2007 Quarter One: Attend MV-2921 Introduction to MOVES Survey of the major areas in MOVES Answers the question: What is this thing called MOVES anyway? Presentations, one on each of the MOVES Curriculum Blocks Why is the area important to MOVES? Courses in the block Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

10 End of Quarter One Turn in short paper describing
Fall 2007 End of Quarter One Turn in short paper describing One or more possible thesis topics/areas you would choose if you had to pick a topic today What three blocks interest you and why Do not have to take those blocks nor do a thesis in those area(s) We want to get you thinking We want to see what areas are currently of interest We expect that things are likely to change Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

11 Quarter Two: Attend MV-3922
Fall 2007 Quarter Two: Attend MV-3922 Introduction to Virtual Environment Technology An introduction to the technology used in virtual environments and discusses applications which use Virtual Environments An introduction to the items likely to be used in the MOVES master’s degree program Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

12 Quarter Three: Attend MV-3923
Fall 2007 Quarter Three: Attend MV-3923 Faculty and staff present Current research Possible thesis topics Exposes you to What is being done in MOVES today Some of the people who are in MOVES and what they are doing Possible topics for your thesis Possible assets to tap later Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

13 By End of Quarter Three Pick three Curriculum Blocks
Fall 2007 By End of Quarter Three Pick three Curriculum Blocks See MOVES web page for your Masters Program found off page Complete course matrix through quarter eight Do not sign up for a course in a quarter it is not being offered See MOVES web page for your Masters Program for the listing of when MV courses are planned to be offered MOVES course offerings listed out at least one year into the future For other courses, see in Python when they have been historically offered Program Officer and Academic Associate approve it See them if you have questions or need help constructing your matrix Sometimes courses are canceled (e.g. low enrollment), so you may need to update your matrix later, and they can help then as well Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

14 By End of Quarter Four Submit a Thesis Proposal Approval required by
Fall 2007 By End of Quarter Four Submit a Thesis Proposal Approval required by Primary Advisor MOVES Academic Associate MOVES Program Chair MOVES Program Officer Maintained by the Program Officer's office Goal: be able to give at least one full year to thesis research and writing your thesis Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

15 Fall 2007 Deliverable for MV3923 A copy of your thesis proposal (not the original) Do not need all signatures, but must have the following signatures You, and if a joint thesis, the other student(s) Your co-advisor (if none, then the second reader) Your primary advisor Majority of students get an Incomplete - this is OK, but: Turn in by end of 4th quarter - instructor requests grade be changed to Pass - no negative impact on your transcript Do not turn in by end of 4th quarter - Registrar changes grade to Fail Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

16 Advisor, Co-Advisor, and Second Reader
Fall 2007 Advisor, Co-Advisor, and Second Reader Must have a (primary) advisor MOVES faculty member with Ph.D. Must have co-advisor or second reader Must be a faculty member, whether in MOVES or not, and need not be on tenure track What is difference between them? Exceptions If primary advisor does not have a Ph.D., must have a co-advisor with a Ph.D. If primary advisor not in MOVES, then co-advisor must be in MOVES Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

17 Quarter Four: Attend MV-4924 Focus Group
Fall 2007 Quarter Four: Attend MV-4924 Focus Group Currently have three Agents & Combat Modeling Human Factors and Training Web-based simulation (SAVAGE) Interact with a subset of MOVES sharing common interests Does not have to be a focus area of your thesis research Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

18 Quarters One through Four
Fall 2007 Quarters One through Four Get out and see what is going on in MOVES outside of classes Brown bag and focus groups Labs Scheduled demos OR Research Seminar Web pages Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

19 Visit Labs Talk to students ahead of you Visit during scheduled demos
Fall 2007 Visit Labs Talk to students ahead of you Visit during scheduled demos Find out What’s going on What resources are available Be a subject in an experiment Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

20 Year Two Conduct Thesis research
Fall 2007 Year Two Conduct Thesis research Attend Brown Bag and Focus Group each quarter Complete upper level courses Write thesis Get thesis signed Get thesis approved by Thesis Processor Get your Green Sheet Get ready to move Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

21 All Quarters: Attend MV-4924 Brown Bag Seminar
Fall 2007 All Quarters: Attend MV-4924 Brown Bag Seminar Presentations from faculty, research staff , students and invited speakers Interact with MOVES at large Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

22 Quarter Five: Read, Read, Read
Fall 2007 Quarter Five: Read, Read, Read Background/Literature Search Advisors give pointers to literature Dudley Knox Library: 2004 Federal Library/ Information Center of the Year - Use it! Workshops, research assistance, subject specialists, real-time "Ask a Librarian", etc. CiteSeer at Things you read may reference other material you want to read Keep notes, copies in a notebook Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

23 Quarter Five: Get Involved
Fall 2007 Quarter Five: Get Involved Arrange to give a presentation of your Thesis plan to your Focus Group Get some constructive feedback EARLY Learn from other people's experiences Establish times/days for periodic meetings with thesis advisor(s) As able, do demos, attend demos, be in experiments, help run experiments Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

24 Quarter Five: Thesis Process Familiarization
Fall 2007 Quarter Five: Thesis Process Familiarization NPS Research Thesis Process General Workshop on thesis process Students must attend in graduating quarter Consider attending earlier Reviews the overall process Lets you know what to expect Template Workshop Attend early so can be using the template throughout Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

25 Quarter Five: Write Draft of First Part of Thesis
Fall 2007 Quarter Five: Write Draft of First Part of Thesis Cover through Chapter 2 plus references Format: see NPS Research site, Typing Your Thesis Have one of the Thesis Processors check it for format See Outlook Address Book for , phone, and location Have advisor read it Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

26 Quarter Five: Why Start Writing So Early?
Fall 2007 Quarter Five: Why Start Writing So Early? Correct format problems early Chapter One Includes one or more of: Introduction, Overview, Motivation, Purpose, Goals Includes Organization of Thesis (Chapter Summary) This is your “contract” with thesis advisor(s) Chapter Two, Background And Problem Statement, shows you have The background required to do the thesis research A clear direction Keep on top of thesis vice under it Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

27 Quarter Five through Eight: Do the Research
Fall 2007 Quarter Five through Eight: Do the Research When possible, leverage papers and projects for classes to support thesis May be able to: Have student(s) you’re following as resource Recruit student(s) to follow you Get a demo of your work as soon as possible and show it off often No such thing as bad feedback Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

28 Quarter Five through Eight: Do the Research
Fall 2007 Quarter Five through Eight: Do the Research If experiment involved in your thesis Don't short-change any step (design, development, pilot study, feedback, redesign) Get going earlier than later If involves human subjects, your advisor must submit request to NPS Institutional Review Board (IRB) - See Bill Becker Approval process takes some time Advisor, not you, will be the one making IRB request Write chapters of thesis as you go Advisor can review as you go Get feedback earlier rather than later Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

29 Quarter Eight: Finish The Thesis
Fall 2007 Quarter Eight: Finish The Thesis Attend the General Workshop if have not done so previously Plan to finish writing early Avoid the bow wave for You You will have other things going on Advisor(s), second reader Travel, leave, research, other students, class Thesis Processor Only so many hours in a day, so many appointments Time to adjust to bumps Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

30 Quarter Eight: Finish The Thesis
Fall 2007 Quarter Eight: Finish The Thesis Complete all thesis and submission requirements NPS requirements On Research web site Reviewed in General Workshop MOVES requirements Brief results of thesis research to Focus Group or Brown Bag Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

31 Resources MOVES Curriculum NPS Library off main NPS page CiteSeer
Fall 2007 Resources MOVES Curriculum Program office signs you up for required courses See under Education NPS Library off main NPS page BOSUN Electronic journals Visit the library They are very helpful Have classes to help you make use of library resources CiteSeer Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

32 Resources Dean of Research Slaying the Dragon
Fall 2007 Resources Dean of Research Thesis workshops beginning of every quarter Research -> Research and Sponsored Programs Office -> Thesis Process Slaying the Dragon Old link, may break anytime Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

33 The World Is A Better Place After You Have Your Green Sheet
Fall 2007 The World Is A Better Place After You Have Your Green Sheet Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

34 Fall 2007 Questions ? Spring 2007 How To Get Your Green Sheet

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