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Distance Education Captioning & Transcription Grant Update (DECT)

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2 Distance Education Captioning & Transcription Grant Update (DECT)
Online Teaching Conference San Diego June 2010 James Glapa-Grossklag, Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning College of the Canyons Project Director, DECT

3 Today’s Topics What is the DECT grant? Why do you need it?
What is eligible for funding? How can you get the money? Questions, Suggestions

4 What is the DECT Grant?

5 What is the DECT Grant? A commitment to support all students
A recognition that distance education is the fastest growing sector A means for you to support faculty innovation and expand student success

6 Why do CCCs need this funding?




10 What is eligible for funding?
1. Distance education classes at CCCs 2. Live / synchronous for distance education 3. Delayed / asynchronous for distance education 4. For-credit and non-credit courses (not community education, community extension)

11 What are the funding processes?
Payment Method A You choose a vendor that is not pre-approved You apply Vendor does the work You pay DECT reimburses you

12 What are the funding processes?
Payment Method B You choose from pre-approved vendors You apply Vendor does the work DECT pays the vendor directly

13 What vendors can you use with Payment Method B (direct payment)?
Delayed / Asynchronous Captioning and Transcription Automatic Sync Technologies (AST) Contact:  Kara Stark, x777 Caption Colorado Contact: Randy Holyfield, , People Support Rapidtext, Inc. Contact: Kathy Furlan, (949) , (800) x47124 Real Time Remote / Live Webcast Captioning Quick Caption, Inc. Contact: Antha Ward, Caption Colorado Contact: Randy Holyfield, , People Support Rapidtext, Inc. Contact: Kathy Furlan, (949) , (800) x47124

14 What else? With your application, submit a quote from vendor
Application is at: Submit end-of-term report on retention and success rates

15 and the support of its DSPS staff
For More Information James Glapa-Grossklag Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning College of the Canyons Project Director, DECT T Jill T. Roberson DECT Program Assistant T F DECT gratefully acknowledges the funding of the California Community Colleges’ Chancellor’s Office and the support of its DSPS staff


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