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ETA and Green Jobs January 7, 2009 1

2 Pause for Logistics Safety First! Share your ideas and questions
Locate your nearest fire exit. Share your ideas and questions Type your questions or comments into the chat box. If you would like to ask a question over the conference line, please indicate so in the chat box.

3 Green Things?

4 Green Things?

5 Quick Activity (2 minutes)
Write down your definition of green jobs How will or does green impact your everyday work?

6 ETA & Green Jobs Presenters: Gay Gilbert, Administrator, OWI
Jen Troke, Industry Lead Supervisor, BRG January 7, 2009

7 Today’s Agenda Setting the Stage Review of ETA Actions To Date
Proposed ETA Framework for Action Proposed Organizational Approach Next Steps Moving Forward

8 “green jobs” in Context
Green jobs are defined as “a family supporting, career track job that directly contributes to preserving or enhancing environmental quality.” -- Van Jones, The Green Collar Economy Some jobs are greener than others. Estimates of new green jobs range from 4 to 40 million and may be direct, indirect, or tangential.

9 Obama’s Green Agenda Invest in a clean energy economy and create 5 million new green jobs over next decade Create new job training programs for clean technologies Boost the renewable energy sector and create new jobs

10 A Work in Progress Green Jobs Working Group in place since Spring, 2008 – now ETA-wide Extensive research & collection of relevant reports Collaboration with State LMI Directors on defining and making projections related to green jobs Development of a proposed ETA Framework for Action in support of green jobs

11 Green Jobs Act Analysis (pending appropriations)
Four different grants National Energy Training Partnership Grants State Labor Market Research & Labor Exchange Grants State Energy Training Partnership Grants Pathways Out of Poverty Demonstration Grants Analysis of time to grant award: 7 – 9 months from effective date of legislation National Energy Training Partnership Grants – grants to non-profit partnerships with equal participation from industry and labor plus others – for training programs leading to economic self sufficiency for participants in renewable energy industries. State Labor Market Research, Information, and Labor Exchange Research Program – grants to W-P state agencies, using state merit staff to identify job openings in renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, administration of skill and aptitude testing and assessment of workers, and counseling, case management, and referral of qualified job seekers to renewable energy and energy efficiency openings and training programs. 3. State Energy Training Partnership Program – competitive grants to states to administer renewable energy and energy efficiency workforce development programs – states to compete to non-profit partnerships with equal participation from industry and labor plus others with priority given to states with pro-active energy friendly policies. 4. Pathways Out of Poverty Demonstration Program – competitive grants to partnerships including community-based organizations, education institutions with expertise in serving low-income adults or youth, public or private employers from “green” industry sectors develop target program s to benefit low income workers, unemployed adults or youth, high school dropouts, or other underserved sectors in high poverty areas.

12 Green Collaboration December 2008 convening of Federal partners, industry representatives, and other stakeholder groups Development of inventory of “green jobs” work by participants and recommend future convenings Shared development of Green Jobs Web site with EPA Participation in Commerce’s Subcommittee on Sustainable Manufacturing Technical assistance to the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Policy Committee on identifying green occupations Participants in December convening included: Federal Partners (Energy, EPA, HUD, Education, BLS, Job Corps, NIST, and NSF) Industry Representatives (NAM, American Wind Energy Association,Nuclear Energy Institute, North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners, NCFAM, US Green Building Council, etc.) Educators – community colleges Workforce System Partners WIRED regions Other Stakeholders – AFL-CIO, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

13 Renewable Energy Investments
$7.8 million in High Growth Job Training Initiative grants $4.5 million in first 3 rounds of Community-Based Job Training Grants 12 WIRED grants focusing on Alternative Energy and Bio-Fuels


15 Big Picture Drivers Save the Planet: Environmental Reform
Economic Recovery & Job Creation Economic Competitiveness Energy Independence, Efficiency, and Security New Legislation/$$$$$$$ Eco-Equality/Environmental Justice

16 A Sector Approach: A Place to Start
Industries in transformation Some emerging sectors within sectors and new occupations Chart shows high level sectors – will be doing more drilling down Changing skills and competencies: new technologies, new processes, new materials ETA has a head start having worked in many of the sectors

17 ETA’s Work: The Same, But Greener
Connecting our Investments and Programs to Green Workforce Information Education and Training Models Strategic Partnerships Supporting the Workforce Investment System

18 Organizing for Action Everyone’s job will be green
An inclusive process Work in different venues: In cross functional teams Within programs and offices With Federal, state, and local partners In strategic partnerships

19 Insert chart for Organizing

20 Green Workgroup Broad cross-office ETA representation
Membership could change Primary role is to coordinate and facilitate communication Will be functional only as long as we need it BRG convener/staff to the Workgroup

21 ETA Next Steps Monitor stimulus package for funding associated with green jobs Workgroup Strategy Session to Plan Implementation of the Framework for Action BRG beginning specific sector work Green Jobs as a Reemployment Strategy at ETA’s Reemployment Summit, January 27-29, 2009 Connect to the Obama Transition Team to align ETA’s work on green jobs with the new Administration’s agenda

22 Thank you! Please Submit Your Evaluation Forms
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