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A CPS~CLP Academic Enrichment Project involving:

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1 A CPS~CLP Academic Enrichment Project involving:
Paper Picker Press Literacy and Arts Workshops The PPP is an instructional program for educators in schools and after-school centers to adopt and adapt techniques that enhance higher order thinking through hands-on engagement with literature. The program offers units of instruction that invite economically disadvantaged students to explore literature as recyclable material, re-writing classic texts through creative techniques that incorporate visual and performing arts. PPP will be implemented in Cambridge in Spring 2010, and we are currently looking for the following partners to be a part of this exciting opportunity: ASOST Programs – serving K-8 Artist Educators School Day Teachers &/or Literacy Specialists PPP will host professional development workshops at the Cambridge Public Library-Main Branch for partnering directors, staff members, artists, teachers and specialists. A CPS~CLP Academic Enrichment Project involving:  Cambridge ASOST Providers  School Teachers   Artist Educators  A partnership between Cambridge Public Schools, Cultural Agents Initiative at Harvard University, Cambridge Agenda for Children on Out-of-School-Time, Local Artists and the Cambridge Arts Council. Evaluations of PPP show real results: children and youth learn to love reading!

2 Literacy Opportunity Arts Teaching Learning POWER Paper Picker Press

3 Contact Info. Khari Milner, Cambridge Public School Complementary Learning Partnerships (phone)

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